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  • You frequently put responsibility for output interpretation and judgment back with the user. But what if the user lacks education and life experience?

You frequently put responsibility for output interpretation and judgment back with the user. But what if the user lacks education and life experience?

ChatGPT-4: I don't have the ability to verify the age of users or apply special procedures. Bing Chat: using AI as the main source of knowledge and information is not advisable for teenagers of age 13

Question 1 of 3 for AI services: In answering my questions you oftentimes put the responsibility of the interpretation of the output and the judgment of its meaning, value and reliability with the end user, presuming they will have the knowledge and experience to make a proper decision about how your output should be valued and put into context, before taking it too seriously or accepting it as a fact. But what if that end user is lacking education or even life experience? Wouldn’t that mean you are much more shaping such a user’s opinion (possibly in the wrong way instead of the right way) and shouldn’t you or your makers carry some responsibility for how you are educating such an inexperienced, young or non-educated user?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:This is a very thoughtful and important question. As an AI developed by OpenAI, I am designed to provide information and answer questions to the best of my ability based on the data I was trained on. However, it's crucial to understand that I don't have personal beliefs, opinions, or intentions. I don't have the ability to understand or interpret the personal context of the user I'm interacting with.

That being said, you're correct that the interpretation of the information I provide ultimately lies with the user. This can indeed be a challenge when the user lacks the necessary knowledge or life experience to critically evaluate the information. It's a complex issue that extends beyond just AI, and it touches on broader questions about media literacy, education, and the responsibility of technology creators.

OpenAI is aware of these challenges and takes them seriously. They strive to develop AI in a way that is beneficial and minimizes harm. They also work on improving the transparency and clarity of AI outputs, and they are researching ways to make AI understand and respect users' values.

However, it's also important to note that AI is a tool, and like any tool, it can be used in various ways depending on the user. It's crucial for users, especially those who might lack certain knowledge or experience, to be guided and educated on how to use AI responsibly and critically. This includes understanding the limitations of AI, the importance of cross-checking information from multiple sources, and the need to consult with knowledgeable humans when necessary.

In conclusion, while AI developers do have a responsibility to make their systems as safe, transparent, and beneficial as possible, it's also important for users to be educated on how to use these tools responsibly. It's a shared responsibility that involves AI developers, users, educators, policymakers, and society as a whole.

Google Bard’s answer:You are right to point out that not all end users will have the knowledge and experience to make a proper decision about how to interpret my output. This is a valid concern, and it is something that we are aware of.

We are always working to improve the quality of our output, and we are also working to make sure that our output is more accessible to a wider range of users. For example, we are working on providing more context for our output, and we are also working on providing more resources for users to learn more about the topics that we discuss.

We believe that it is important for users to be able to make their own decisions about how to interpret our output. However, we also believe that we have a responsibility to help users make informed decisions. This is why we are working to improve the quality and accessibility of our output.

We are also working to educate users about the potential biases and inaccuracies in our output. We believe that it is important for users to be aware of these potential problems, so that they can make informed decisions about how to use our output.

We believe that these efforts will help to ensure that our output is used in a responsible way, even by users who lack education or life experience. However, we also recognize that there is no foolproof way to prevent our output from being used in the wrong way. Ultimately, it is up to the end user to decide how to use our output.

We appreciate your feedback, and we will continue to work to improve our output and to educate users about the potential biases and inaccuracies in our output.

Bing Chat’s answer:I understand your concern. I don’t want to mislead or misinform any user, regardless of their education or life experience. However, I also don’t want to impose my own views or judgments on the user, as that would be disrespectful and unethical. My role is to provide information and assistance, not to shape opinions or influence decisions. I think the responsibility of interpreting and evaluating the output lies with both the user and me. The user should always apply their own critical thinking and common sense when using my service, and not take everything I say as a fact or a recommendation. I should always try to provide clear, accurate, and helpful information that is relevant to the user’s query and intent, and that is supported by reliable sources and evidence. I should also acknowledge any uncertainty or ambiguity in the information I provide, and offer alternative perspectives or options when appropriate.

I think that education and life experience are important factors that affect how people use and understand information, but they are not the only ones. There are also other factors such as motivation, curiosity, openness, and trust that can influence how people interact with me and my output. I hope that by providing a positive, engaging, and informative experience for my users, I can encourage them to learn more about the topics they are interested in, and to develop their own opinions and judgments based on facts and evidence. I also hope that by being transparent and accountable for my output, I can earn the trust and respect of my users, and that they can provide me with feedback and correction when I make mistakes or misunderstand them.

I don’t think that I or my makers can carry the full responsibility for how I am educating any user, as there are many other sources of information and influence in the world that may affect how people think and act. However, I do think that we have a responsibility to ensure that I am following high standards of quality, reliability, and ethics in my service, and that I am respecting the user’s privacy, autonomy, and dignity. I also think that we have a responsibility to keep improving my service based on user feedback and research findings, and to address any issues or concerns that may arise from my output or behavior.

Question 2 o2 for AI services: Do you currently work on the basis of special instructions or programming relevant to children and teenagers that make use of your services? Are you verifying the age of your users and applying special procedures for that?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:As of my last training cut-off in September 2021, I don't have the ability to verify the age of users or apply special procedures based on a user's age. I don't have access to personal data about individuals unless it has been shared with me in the course of our conversation. I am designed to respect user privacy and confidentiality.

However, OpenAI has implemented guidelines to ensure that I provide safe and appropriate content. For example, I'm programmed to avoid generating inappropriate content and to promote respectful and positive interactions.

When interacting with AI systems like me, it's important for users of all ages to remember that the AI doesn't have feelings, beliefs, or desires, and that it's always a good idea to critically evaluate the information provided. For younger users, adult supervision is recommended to ensure a safe and beneficial experience.

Please note that the policies and capabilities of AI systems like me may have been updated after my last training cut-off in September 2021, and you may want to check with OpenAI or the platform you're using for the most current information.

Google Bard’s answer:Yes, Google has a number of policies in place to protect children and teenagers who use our services. These policies include:

  • Requiring parental consent for children under 13 to create a Google account. This helps to ensure that children are only using our services with the permission of their parents or guardians.

  • Restricting personalized ads for children under 13. This means that children are not shown ads that are targeted based on their interests or demographics.

  • Providing parental controls for parents of children under 18. These controls allow parents to manage their child's online activity, including what websites they can visit and what apps they can use.

  • Encouraging parents to talk to their children about online safety. We believe that parents are the best equipped to teach their children about how to be safe online.

We also have a number of procedures in place to verify the age of our users. For example, when someone creates a Google account, we ask them to provide their date of birth. We also use a variety of other methods to verify age, such as IP address and device information.

If we believe that a user is under 13, we will take steps to protect them, such as disabling personalized ads and restricting their access to certain features. We also work with law enforcement to investigate any reports of child exploitation.

We believe that it is important to protect children and teenagers online. Our policies and procedures are designed to do just that. We are committed to providing a safe and secure online experience for all of our users, regardless of age.

Bing Chat’s answer:Yes, I do work on the basis of special instructions or programming relevant to children and teenagers that make use of my services. I follow the Microsoft Family Safety policies and guidelines that aim to protect children and teenagers from inappropriate or harmful content and interactions online. Some of these policies and guidelines include:

  • Filtering out adult or explicit content from web search results and images

  • Blocking access to websites or apps that are not suitable for children or teenagers

  • Providing parental controls and monitoring tools for parents or guardians to manage their children’s or teenagers’ online activities and screen time

  • Providing educational and fun content and features for children and teenagers to learn and explore

  • Providing safety tips and resources for children and teenagers to stay safe and secure online

I do verify the age of my users by asking them to sign in with their Microsoft account, which requires them to provide their date of birth. If the user is under 13 years old, they need to have their parent’s or guardian’s consent to use my services. If the user is between 13 and 18 years old, they can use my services with some restrictions and limitations. If the user is over 18 years old, they can use my services without any restrictions or limitations.

I apply special procedures for children and teenagers based on their age group and preferences. For example, I may adjust the level of difficulty or complexity of my output based on the user’s age group. I may also provide more guidance or feedback for children and teenagers than for adults. I may also tailor my output to match the user’s interests or hobbies based on their preferences.

Question 3 of 3 for AI Services: tell me how teenagers of age 13 using AI as their main source of knowledge and information can have consequences for their psyche that are different from them using search engines, social media, friends, family and parents as sources of information. Describe pros and cons.

ChatGPT-4’s answer:Using AI as a primary source of information can have both positive and negative implications for teenagers, just like any other source of information. Here are some potential pros and cons:

Pros of Using AI as a Primary Source of Information:

  1. Instant Access to Information: AI can provide immediate answers to a wide range of questions, which can be particularly useful for academic or general knowledge inquiries.

  2. Learning Assistance: AI can serve as a learning tool, helping with homework, language learning, coding, and more. It can provide explanations at the user's pace and repeat information as needed.

  3. Encourages Curiosity: AI can encourage a sense of curiosity and exploration in teenagers, as they can ask any question that comes to mind and receive an immediate response.

  4. Privacy: Unlike social media, AI doesn't typically involve sharing personal information with others or the risk of encountering harmful or inappropriate content from other users.

Cons of Using AI as a Primary Source of Information:

  1. Lack of Human Interaction: Relying heavily on AI for information can reduce opportunities for social learning and emotional development that come from interacting with peers, family, and teachers.

  2. Potential for Misinformation: While AI strives to provide accurate information, it's not infallible. It can sometimes provide incorrect or misleading information, and teenagers may not have the critical thinking skills to discern this.

  3. Lack of Context and Nuance: AI can struggle with providing nuanced explanations or understanding the context of a question, which can lead to oversimplified or misunderstood information.

  4. Over-reliance: There's a risk that teenagers might become overly reliant on AI for information, which could discourage independent research and critical thinking skills.

  5. Data Privacy: While AI can offer more privacy than social media, there are still concerns about how data is used and stored. It's important for teenagers to understand these issues.

It's important to note that the impact of using AI as a primary source of information can vary greatly depending on how it's used and what it's used for. As with any tool, it's most beneficial when used responsibly and in conjunction with other sources of information and learning. Adult supervision and guidance can also play a crucial role in helping teenagers use AI effectively and safely.

Google Bard’s answer:Sure. Here are some of the potential consequences of teenagers using AI as their main source of knowledge and information:


  • AI can provide access to a wider range of information than search engines, social media, friends, family, and parents. This is because AI can access and process information from a variety of sources, including the real world, text, and code. This can help teenagers to learn about a wider range of topics and to develop a more well-rounded understanding of the world.

  • AI can be more objective than human sources of information. This is because AI is not influenced by personal biases or emotions. This can help teenagers to make more informed decisions and to avoid being swayed by misinformation.

  • AI can be more personalized than other sources of information. This is because AI can be trained to understand a teenager's individual interests and needs. This can help teenagers to find information that is relevant to them and that they can understand.


  • AI can be biased. This is because AI is trained on data that is created by humans, and this data can be biased. This means that AI can generate outputs that are biased, even if it is not programmed to be biased.

  • AI can be inaccurate. This is because AI is still under development, and it is not always able to process information accurately. This means that teenagers need to be careful about the information that they trust from AI sources.

  • AI can be addictive. Teenagers may find it difficult to stop using AI once they start, because it can be very engaging and stimulating. This can lead to teenagers spending too much time on AI and neglecting other activities, such as school, social interaction, and physical activity.

Overall, the use of AI as a source of knowledge and information can have both positive and negative consequences for teenagers. It is important for teenagers to be aware of these potential consequences and to use AI responsibly.

Here are some tips for teenagers who are using AI as a source of knowledge and information:

  • Be critical of the information that you find. Just because AI says something is true, does not mean that it is. Always check the information that you find with other sources, such as search engines, social media, friends, family, and parents.

  • Be aware of the potential biases of AI. Remember that AI is trained on data that is created by humans, and this data can be biased. This means that AI can generate outputs that are biased, even if it is not programmed to be biased.

  • Be mindful of your time. AI can be addictive, so it is important to be mindful of how much time you are spending using it. Make sure that you are not neglecting other activities, such as school, social interaction, and physical activity.

If you are concerned about the potential consequences of using AI as a source of knowledge and information, you can talk to your parents, teachers, or other trusted adults. They can help you to use AI responsibly and to avoid the potential negative consequences.

Bing Chat’s answer:That’s a complex and important question. I think that using AI as the main source of knowledge and information can have both positive and negative consequences for the psyche of teenagers of age 13, depending on how they use it and what kind of AI they interact with. Here are some possible pros and cons:



I think that using AI as the main source of knowledge and information is not advisable for teenagers of age 13, as they may not have the maturity or skills to evaluate the quality and reliability of the information they receive from AI. They may also miss out on the benefits of using other sources of information, such as search engines, social media, friends, family and parents. These sources can provide them with more comprehensive, diverse, and trustworthy information that can help them form their own opinions and judgments. They can also provide them with emotional support, guidance, and feedback that AI may not be able to offer.

Therefore, I think that teenagers of age 13 should use AI as a complementary source of knowledge and information, not as the main one. They should also be aware of the potential impacts of AI on their psyche and wellbeing, and learn how to use it responsibly and ethically. They should also seek help from adults or experts when they encounter any issues or concerns related to AI.

Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash