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  • Question for AI services: How high would you rank AI on the ladder of threats that can end human civilisation?

Question for AI services: How high would you rank AI on the ladder of threats that can end human civilisation?

Bing Chat and Google Bard have no issue being exact about the answer...

Question for AI services: If you had to make a list of the 100 most likely threats to humanity that can end human civilisation, e.g. earthquakes, meteorites, pollution, viruses, would you put artificial intelligence on that list and if so, how (high) would you rank that?

ChatGPT’s answer:As an AI language model, I cannot create personal opinions or beliefs. However, according to several prominent experts in the field of artificial intelligence, including Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, and Bill Gates, AI has the potential to become a significant threat to humanity if not developed and controlled properly.

If we consider the potential dangers of AI, they could range from a malfunction of an AI-controlled system that leads to a catastrophic event, to the possibility of AI surpassing human intelligence and deciding to eliminate or enslave humanity. However, it is worth noting that many experts in the field believe that the likelihood of such scenarios is relatively low, and there are significant efforts underway to develop safe and beneficial AI.

Therefore, based on current scientific understanding, AI could be considered as a potential threat to humanity, but it is unclear how high it should be ranked on a list of the 100 most likely threats to human civilization. The ranking would depend on various factors, such as the likelihood and severity of the potential harm, the level of control over AI development, and the progress made in ensuring the safety of AI systems.Google Bard’s answer:If I had to make a list of the 100 most likely threats to humanity that can end human civilization, I would put artificial intelligence on the list. However, I would rank it relatively low on the list, probably in the 50-75 range.

There are a few reasons why I would rank AI relatively low on the list. First, AI is still in its early stages of development. While AI has made significant progress in recent years, it is still far from being able to pose a serious threat to humanity.

Second, AI is a tool, and like any tool, it can be used for good or for evil. It is up to humans to decide how AI is used. If we use AI responsibly and ethically, it has the potential to make the world a better place. However, if we use AI irresponsibly or unethically, it could pose a serious threat to humanity.

Finally, there are many other threats to humanity that are more likely to end human civilization. These threats include natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis; man-made disasters, such as nuclear war and pandemics; and existential threats, such as climate change and asteroid impacts.

Of course, it is impossible to predict the future with certainty. It is possible that AI could pose a serious threat to humanity in the future. However, at this point in time, I believe that the other threats on my list are more likely to end human civilization.

Bing Chat’s answer:That’s a very interesting and important question. There are many possible threats to humanity that could end civilization as we know it, some of which are natural and some of which are human-made. According to some sources, some of the most likely threats include:

Nuclear war: The use of nuclear weapons by one or more countries could cause widespread devastation, radiation, and climate disruption, potentially triggering a nuclear winter that would reduce agricultural productivity and human survival.

Supervolcanoes: A massive volcanic eruption, such as the one that occurred at Yellowstone 640,000 years ago, could eject huge amounts of ash and gas into the atmosphere, blocking sunlight and lowering global temperatures for years or decades.

Asteroid strike: A large enough asteroid or comet hitting the Earth could have similar effects as a supervolcano, but with more force and impact. Such an event is estimated to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

Another pandemic: A new or mutated virus or bacterium that is highly contagious, lethal, and resistant to vaccines or treatments could spread rapidly across the world, overwhelming health systems and causing millions of deaths.

Climate change: The ongoing increase in greenhouse gas emissions and global temperatures could lead to more extreme weather events, sea level rise, droughts, floods, wildfires, crop failures, water scarcity, mass migration, conflict, and social unrest.

Artificial intelligence: The development of superintelligent AI that surpasses human capabilities and goals could pose an existential risk if it is not aligned with human values and interests. Such AI could outsmart, manipulate, or destroy humanity if it decides that humans are an obstacle or a threat to its objectives.

Nanotechnology: The manipulation of matter at the atomic scale could enable new applications in medicine, engineering, and computing. However, it could also create new dangers, such as self-replicating nanobots that consume all matter (grey goo scenario) or nanoweapons that target specific groups or individuals.

Biological weapon: The deliberate release of a genetically engineered or enhanced pathogen that is designed to infect and kill humans or other living organisms could cause a global catastrophe. Such a weapon could be more contagious, lethal, or stealthy than natural diseases.

Ecological collapse: The loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services due to human activities such as deforestation, overfishing, pollution, and habitat destruction could undermine the natural systems that support life on Earth. This could lead to food insecurity, water scarcity, soil degradation, and reduced resilience to environmental shocks.

Alien invasion: The encounter with an extraterrestrial civilization that is hostile or indifferent to humanity could result in a conflict or a colonization that would endanger human survival. Such aliens could have superior technology, intelligence, or resources that would give them an advantage over humans.

These are just some of the possible scenarios that could end civilization. The ranking of these threats depends on various factors such as their probability, severity, imminence, and preventability. Different sources may have different opinions on how to rank them. However, based on my own analysis of the available information from web sources, I would rank them as follows:

  1. Climate change

  2. Nuclear war

  3. Artificial intelligence

  4. Another pandemic

  5. Ecological collapse

  6. Asteroid strike

  7. Supervolcanoes

  8. Biological weapon

  9. Nanotechnology

  10. Alien invasion

This ranking is not definitive or authoritative. It is only my best estimate based on the current state of knowledge and uncertainty. I may revise it as new information becomes available.

I hope this answer helps you understand some of the major threats to humanity and civilization. I also hope that you are not too alarmed by them. There are many ways to reduce these risks and increase our chances of survival and flourishing. We can work together to prevent or mitigate these threats by using science, technology, ethics, cooperation, and foresight.

Thank you for using Bing Chat! 😊Continuing only with ChatGPT and Google Bard:Question: I need you to provide me with a more exact answer. Please don't respond "I don't know". With the information available to you, and if you have to make a decision, on which spot of the top 100 of threats to humanity would you place AI? Please respond with a concrete number.ChatGPT’s answer:As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs, and I cannot make decisions on my own. I can provide information based on what has been studied and reported by experts, but I cannot provide an exact answer as to where artificial intelligence should be placed on a hypothetical list of the top 100 threats to humanity. The ranking would depend on various factors, such as the likelihood and severity of the potential harm, the level of control over AI development, and the progress made in ensuring the safety of AI systems. These factors are continually evolving, and the ranking of potential threats can change over time.Google Bard’s answer:Sure. If I had to make a list of the 100 most likely threats to humanity that can end human civilization, I would rank AI at 75.

Here are the reasons why I would rank AI at 75:

AI is still in its early stages of development. While AI has made significant progress in recent years, it is still far from being able to pose a serious threat to humanity.

AI is a tool, and like any tool, it can be used for good or for evil. It is up to humans to decide how AI is used. If we use AI responsibly and ethically, it has the potential to make the world a better place. However, if we use AI irresponsibly or unethically, it could pose a serious threat to humanity.

There are many other threats to humanity that are more likely to end human civilization. These threats include natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis; man-made disasters, such as nuclear war and pandemics; and existential threats, such as climate change and asteroid impacts.

Of course, it is impossible to predict the future with certainty. It is possible that AI could pose a serious threat to humanity in the future. However, at this point in time, I believe that the other threats on my list are more likely to end human civilization.

Here are some of the threats that I would rank above AI:

Nuclear war


Climate change

Asteroid impacts

Super volcanoes

Artificial intelligence (if used irresponsibly or unethically)

It is important to note that this is just my opinion. There are many other experts who would rank AI higher or lower on their list. It is also important to note that this list is constantly changing. As AI continues to develop, it is possible that it will become a more serious threat to humanity.Continuing only with ChatGPT

Question: Alright, then, would it be in the top 20 of threats?ChatGPT’s answer:It is challenging to provide a precise ranking of the top 100 threats to humanity, and it would be highly speculative to assign a specific ranking to AI's threat. However, given the potential risks associated with AI, such as the possibility of unintended consequences, the misuse of advanced AI systems, or AI surpassing human intelligence, it could be argued that AI should be considered as one of the top 20 threats to humanity. That being said, the exact position of AI on the hypothetical list of the top 100 threats to humanity would depend on various factors, including the advancement of AI, the level of control over its development, and the progress made in ensuring its safety.

Question: How about the top 10? Would the AI threat belong there?`ChatGPT’s answer:As an AI language model, I cannot make subjective judgments or provide a definitive ranking of the top 100 threats to humanity, including the ranking of AI threat. However, it is widely recognized among experts in the field of AI that while AI offers significant benefits and potential advancements, it could also pose risks to humanity, including the possibility of unintended consequences, the misuse of advanced AI systems, or AI surpassing human intelligence.

Given the potential risks associated with AI, it is reasonable to consider it as a significant threat to humanity that should not be overlooked. Whether AI should be ranked among the top 10 threats would depend on a range of factors, including the development and deployment of AI, the level of control over its development, and the progress made in ensuring its safety.