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  • MS Copilot: The post claims that AI models do not see the input as it really is, but only as a signal to trigger a memory from training. This is a well-known aspect of how these models work

MS Copilot: The post claims that AI models do not see the input as it really is, but only as a signal to trigger a memory from training. This is a well-known aspect of how these models work

When they encounter new data, they attempt to match it to the patterns they’ve learned. This can lead to misrepresentations when the input differs significantly from their training data

Question for AI services: Please read this LinkedIn post and tell me whether or not the claims and arguments used hold up. Explain what the consequences of this can be for AI users and how regulators should use this information. Also tell me whether this issue can be fixed and if not, what the consequences can be.

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The LinkedIn post you referenced makes several claims about the limitations and misrepresentations of deep learning models, particularly focusing on OpenAI's GPT models. Let's break down these claims and their implications:

  1. Deep Learning Models and Reality Representation: The post claims that deep learning models like GPT-4 do not see input as it is but trigger a memory from training. This is partially accurate. Deep learning models, including GPT-4, operate on the principle of recognizing patterns from their training data and generating responses based on these learned patterns. They do not have an understanding of reality but rely on statistical correlations in data.

  2. Out-of-Distribution Recognition: The claim that models are incapable of out-of-distribution recognition holds some truth. Machine learning models, in general, can struggle with inputs that are significantly different from their training data. This is an acknowledged challenge in AI research known as generalization.

  3. Misrepresentation and Hallucination: The post asserts that these models misrepresent reality and hallucinate, especially with novel inputs. It's true that AI models can generate incorrect or nonsensical outputs when faced with unfamiliar inputs. This is known as "hallucination" in AI terminology and is a known limitation.

  4. Training Data and Limitations: The assertion that the models are trained on "ALL the data out there" is an exaggeration. While models like GPT-4 are trained on extensive datasets, they are not trained on all existing data. There are also efforts to avoid training on copyrighted material.

  5. Numerical Approximations and Text Generation: The post's claim about issues with numerical approximations and text generation outside of the training scope is valid. AI models can struggle with precise numerical tasks and generating text on topics they have not been trained on.

  6. Misleading Information and Business Adoption: The post suggests that the limitations of AI are not fully disclosed to businesses. While it's crucial for AI developers and companies to be transparent about the capabilities and limitations of their technology, the extent to which this is happening varies across the industry.

  7. Shift from AI to IA: The mention of a shift from Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Intelligence Augmentation (IA) reflects an ongoing discussion in the field about the role of AI. IA emphasizes using AI as a tool to augment human capabilities rather than replace them entirely.

Consequences for AI Users and Regulators:

  • Users need to be aware of the limitations and potential biases in AI models.

  • Regulators should ensure transparency in AI development and use, and encourage practices that mitigate risks like misinformation, privacy invasion, and reliance on inaccurate AI predictions.

  • Education about AI’s capabilities and limitations is essential for both users and regulators.

Potential Fixes and Consequences if Unresolved:

  • Ongoing research is addressing issues like out-of-distribution recognition and hallucination. However, some limitations are inherent in the current state of technology.

  • If not addressed, these issues can lead to misinformed decisions, reliance on inaccurate information, and potential economic or social harm.

Summary: The post raises valid concerns about the limitations of current AI models, emphasizing the need for transparency and continuous improvement in AI technology. While some claims might be exaggerated or presented in a critical tone, the underlying issues are important for both users and developers of AI technology to consider. As AI continues to evolve, addressing these challenges is crucial for the responsible and effective use of AI in various sectors, including business, healthcare, and more.

For AI users, it's vital to understand that while AI can provide valuable assistance and insights, it is not infallible and should not be relied upon as the sole decision-maker. Users should be aware of the potential for errors, especially in cases where the input data is significantly different from what the model was trained on.

Regulators should focus on creating frameworks that ensure AI systems are used ethically and responsibly. This includes enforcing transparency in AI development and deployment, ensuring data privacy, and setting standards for AI accountability. Moreover, regulators could encourage the development of AI systems that are more adaptable and capable of handling a wider variety of data inputs more accurately.

If the issues of hallucination, misrepresentation, and limited out-of-distribution recognition are not adequately addressed, the consequences could be significant. Inaccurate AI predictions or decisions could lead to financial losses, reputational damage, or even pose risks to human safety, especially in critical applications like healthcare or autonomous vehicles.

In conclusion, while the LinkedIn post presents a critical view of the current state of AI, it highlights essential considerations for the ongoing development and application of AI technology. Both the AI industry and its users must remain cognizant of these limitations and work towards creating more robust, transparent, and ethically responsible AI systems.

Google Bard’s answer:The LinkedIn post raises several concerning claims about the limitations of current deep learning models, specifically OpenAI's GPT4-Vision. While some concerns hold merit, the post exaggerates and oversimplifies complex issues. Here's a breakdown:

Claims and Arguments:

  • Memory-based recognition: The post claims deep learning models don't truly "see" inputs but trigger memories from their training data. This has some truth. These models rely on statistical patterns they've learned, not perfect understanding. However, it's not just "memorization." Models can generalize and combine learned patterns to handle some unseen situations.

  • Out-of-distribution recognition: The post claims models struggle with novel inputs not in their training data. This is a valid concern. Models trained on specific data types (e.g., images with 6 decimal points) may struggle with variations. However, research in few-shot learning and meta-learning aims to improve adaptability to new data.

  • Hallucination and misrepresentation: The post claims models hallucinate and misrepresent unseen data. This can happen, especially with complex tasks like text generation. However, models are constantly being improved to reduce such errors. Techniques like factual grounding and human-in-the-loop feedback can mitigate these issues.

  • Limited understanding and pattern matching: The post claims models lack true understanding and simply copy patterns. While their reasoning capabilities are still under development, models can learn abstract concepts and relationships, not just mimicry. However, their understanding is indeed different from human cognition.

Consequences for AI users:

  • Misinterpretation and unreliable outputs: Overconfidence in model capabilities can lead to misinterpreting results and making bad decisions based on them.

  • Bias and discrimination: Models trained on biased data can perpetuate discriminatory practices. Careful data selection and bias mitigation techniques are crucial.

  • Lack of transparency and explainability: It's often difficult to understand how models arrive at their outputs, making it hard to trust and debug them. Explainable AI research aims to address this issue.

Regulators' role:

  • Setting standards and promoting transparency: Regulators can set guidelines for responsible AI development and use, ensuring transparency and accountability.

  • Addressing bias and discrimination: Regulations can help prevent discriminatory applications of AI and promote fairness in its development and deployment.

  • Encouraging human oversight and safety: Regulators can emphasize the importance of human oversight and safety measures alongside AI use.

Fixing the issue:

The limitations discussed are inherent to current deep learning models. However, ongoing research in various areas aims to improve their capabilities:

  • Continual learning and lifelong learning: These approaches focus on allowing models to continuously adapt and learn from new data, reducing dependence on static training datasets.

  • Domain-adaptive learning and transfer learning: These techniques help models adapt to new domains and tasks by leveraging knowledge from previous learning experiences.

  • Symbolic reasoning and commonsense understanding: Integrating symbolic reasoning and commonsense knowledge into AI models could potentially enable them to handle unseen situations and reason more like humans.

Consequences if not fixed:

Failure to address these limitations could lead to:

  • Increased public distrust and resistance towards AI: Unreliable and potentially harmful AI applications can erode public trust and hinder broader adoption.

  • Exacerbation of existing societal inequalities: Biased AI can widen existing societal gaps and disadvantages marginalized groups.

  • Accidents and ethical violations: Unforeseen consequences of poorly understood AI systems could lead to accidents, ethical dilemmas, and legal issues.

Karpathy's "IA" term:

While the term "Intelligence Augmentation" (IA) may be more accurate than "Artificial Intelligence" (AI) for current models, it's important to avoid sensationalizing. Focus should be on understanding the current capabilities and limitations of AI, promoting responsible development and use, and setting realistic expectations.


The LinkedIn post raises relevant concerns about the limitations of current deep learning models, but exaggerates and oversimplifies some issues. Understanding these limitations is crucial for responsible AI development and use. Ongoing research and regulatory efforts can help mitigate these limitations and ensure the safe and beneficial advancement of AI technology.

Remember, it's important to rely on credible sources and avoid overgeneralizations when discussing complex technical topics. Let's continue to have informed and constructive conversations about AI and its potential impact on society.

MS Copilot’s answer:The post you shared raises several important points about the limitations and challenges of current AI models, particularly deep learning models like GPT-4. Here’s a breakdown of the main points and their implications:

  1. AI Models and Reality: The post claims that AI models do not see the input as it really is, but only as a signal to trigger a memory from training. This is a well-known aspect of how these models work. They are trained on large amounts of data and learn to recognize patterns in that data. When they encounter new data, they attempt to match it to the patterns they’ve learned. This can lead to misrepresentations when the input differs significantly from their training data.

  2. Out-of-Distribution Recognition: The post argues that these models struggle with out-of-distribution recognition, meaning they can struggle to accurately interpret data that is significantly different from what they were trained on. This is a known limitation of many AI models.

  3. Hallucination Problem: The post mentions the “hallucination” problem, where AI models make incorrect assumptions or guesses about data. This can be particularly problematic with more complex or precise data, such as numerical values with many decimal points or unique words/text that the model has not seen before.

  4. Consequences for AI Users: These limitations can have significant implications for businesses and individuals who use these AI models. If the models misinterpret data or fail to recognize new patterns, it could lead to inaccurate results or predictions. This could potentially impact decision-making processes in businesses.

  5. Regulatory Implications: Regulators need to be aware of these limitations when developing policies and regulations for AI. They should ensure that businesses are transparent about the capabilities and limitations of their AI models, and that they use these models responsibly.

  6. Potential Solutions: The post suggests that these issues cannot be completely fixed, which is partly true. While researchers are continually working on improving these models and addressing their limitations, it’s unlikely that they will ever be perfect. However, reframing AI as “Intelligence Augmentation (IA)” rather than Artificial Intelligence, as suggested by Andrej Karpathy, emphasizes the role of these models as tools to augment human intelligence, rather than replace it.

In conclusion, while AI models like GPT-4 have impressive capabilities, it’s important to be aware of their limitations. They are tools that can help us, but they are not infallible and should be used with an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. It’s also crucial for businesses and regulators to be transparent about these limitations to ensure that AI is used responsibly and effectively.

Claude’s answer:Here is my analysis of the key claims and arguments in this LinkedIn post:

Claim 1: Current deep learning models like GPT-4 do not actually "see" or understand inputs. They simply match patterns in inputs to patterns from their training data and produce approximate outputs.

Assessment: This has some validity. Neural networks rely heavily on recognizing patterns from training data. They can struggle with novel inputs that differ significantly from what they were trained on. However, techniques like sparse representations, self-supervised learning, and causal modeling are making progress on this.

Claim 2: Models like GPT-4 frequently "hallucinate" or make up responses when given unfamiliar inputs. They pretend to understand even when they don't.

Assessment: Also has some truth. Language models will attempt to produce fluent outputs even for inputs they don't fully understand. More transparency about model limitations is needed.

Claim 3: OpenAI is hiding these model limitations about hallucination and out-of-distribution inputs from businesses and the public.

Assessment: OpenAI could likely be more transparent, but they have published some research on model limitations. Accurately setting expectations remains a challenge.

Overall, the post raises valid concerns about overstating current AI capabilities. However, progress is real if uneven. Rather than hiding limitations, researchers should highlight them to guide responsible development.


  • Businesses may make poor decisions expecting more of AI than it can currently deliver.

  • The public may develop unrealistic views of AI's strengths.


  • Researchers clearly explain model capabilities and limitations.

  • Businesses thoroughly evaluate AI before deployment.

  • Regulators enact laws focused on transparency and accountability.

The issues raised are real but surmountable. With honest communication, realistic expectations, and responsible development, AI can still greatly benefit businesses and society. But understanding and properly utilizing these tools is vital.