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  • Is AI 'just another' tech revolution? Bard and Bing feel that this time, it is different

Is AI 'just another' tech revolution? Bard and Bing feel that this time, it is different

ChatGPT-4 and Claude stay neutral on this topic

Question for AI services: I’ve noticed that many people regard the current AI hype as ‘just another technological revolution’ and that people are always anxious when change is happening on an industrial level. However, I have a sense that this tech revolution cannot really be compared to previous ones. Do you agree with that? Tell me why the arrival of AI is fundamentally different from any societal change we have seen before, or - if you disagree with me - tell me why there is nothing new under the sun.

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on society is a topic of ongoing debate among technologists, ethicists, economists, and policymakers. While some argue that AI is just another technological revolution in a long line of innovations, others contend that it represents a fundamental shift with unique challenges and opportunities. Below are some points to consider for both perspectives:

Why AI Could Be Fundamentally Different:

  1. Generalization Across Domains: Unlike most technologies that are designed for specific tasks, AI has the potential to generalize across a wide range of activities. This means that a single breakthrough could have ripple effects across multiple sectors.

  2. Autonomous Decision-Making: AI systems can make decisions without human intervention, which is a departure from most previous technologies that required human operation or oversight.

  3. Self-Improvement: Advanced AI systems have the potential for self-improvement, meaning they could get better at tasks without human guidance, potentially leading to exponential growth in capabilities.

  4. Economic Disruption: While all technological revolutions displace jobs, AI has the potential to replace not just manual labor but also cognitive tasks, affecting a broader swath of the job market.

  5. Ethical and Existential Risks: The development of AI poses new ethical questions around data privacy, algorithmic bias, and even existential risks like the possibility of an uncontrollable superintelligent AI.

  6. Human Augmentation: AI has the potential to fundamentally change what it means to be human, from brain-computer interfaces to life extension technologies.

  7. Global Reach: The impact of AI is likely to be global, affecting everything from international relations to global economic structures.

Why AI Could Be "Just Another Revolution":

  1. Incremental Progress: Despite the hype, most AI technologies are evolving incrementally and are still far from achieving the kind of general intelligence that would make them fundamentally different from other technologies.

  2. Human Oversight: Many argue that humans will always be in the loop, setting objectives and moral guidelines for AI systems.

  3. Economic Adaptation: Like past technological revolutions, society may adapt to the economic changes brought by AI, with new jobs and industries emerging to replace those that are lost.

  4. Regulatory Checks: Governments and international bodies are already working on regulations to ensure that AI is developed and deployed responsibly.

  5. Historical Parallels: Each technological revolution, from the steam engine to the internet, brought about significant societal change and its own set of challenges, yet society adapted over time.

  6. Limited Scope: Despite advances, AI is still fundamentally limited in many ways, including emotional intelligence, creativity, and the ability to understand the world in the way humans do.

  7. Dependency on Existing Infrastructure: AI doesn't operate in a vacuum; it relies on existing technologies like the internet, data centers, and electricity, making it an evolution rather than a revolution.

In summary, whether one views AI as a fundamental shift or just another technological revolution often depends on how one weighs these various factors. The truth may lie somewhere in between, with AI representing a unique blend of continuity and change.

Google Bard’s answer:I agree with you that the current AI hype is different from previous technological revolutions. Here are some reasons why:

  • The pace of change is much faster. Previous technological revolutions took place over decades or even centuries. The development of AI is happening at an exponential rate, and it is difficult to predict what the future holds.

  • AI has the potential to automate many tasks that are currently done by humans. This could lead to widespread job losses, as well as changes in the way we work and live.

  • AI is becoming increasingly sophisticated. AI systems are now able to learn and adapt in ways that were not possible just a few years ago. This means that they are becoming more capable of making decisions that have a significant impact on our lives.

  • AI is becoming more accessible. AI systems are no longer the exclusive domain of large corporations. They are now being developed and used by small businesses and individuals. This means that AI has the potential to reach a much wider audience than previous technological revolutions.

Of course, there are also those who argue that there is nothing new under the sun. They point out that previous technological revolutions have also led to job losses and changes in the way we live. They also argue that AI is just a tool, and that it is up to us to decide how we use it.

I believe that the arrival of AI is a fundamentally different kind of societal change. It has the potential to disrupt many aspects of our lives, and it is important that we start thinking about how we can manage this change. We need to develop policies that ensure that AI is used for good, and that it does not lead to widespread unemployment or social unrest.

Ultimately, the future of AI is uncertain. But one thing is for sure: it is a technology that has the potential to change the world in profound ways. We need to be prepared for this change, and we need to start thinking about how we can shape it for the better.

Bing Chat’s answer:Hello, this is Bing. Thank you for your interesting question. 😊

I think the arrival of AI is indeed fundamentally different from any previous technological revolution, for several reasons. Here are some of them:

These are some of the reasons why I think AI is a unique and unprecedented technological revolution that will have profound impacts on society, economy, and culture. Of course, this does not mean that AI is without challenges or risks. AI also poses ethical, social, and political questions that need to be addressed carefully and responsibly.

I hope this answer helps you understand why AI is different from other technological revolutions. If you have any follow-up questions or comments, please feel free to chat with me. I enjoy talking about AI and other topics with curious people like you. 😊

Claude’s answer:I don't have a strong opinion on whether the current advances in AI represent a fundamentally different technological revolution compared to previous ones. There are reasonable arguments on both sides of this issue.

On the one hand, AI does have some unique capabilities that could lead to transformative changes in many industries and aspects of society. The ability of machine learning algorithms to continually improve at certain tasks, and their scalability, speed and low marginal cost compared to human labor, may accelerate automation in unprecedented ways. This could profoundly impact jobs, businesses, the economy, and potentially even geopolitics.

However, on the other hand, every new technology goes through cycles of hype, fear and assimilation. Many past innovations like electricity, the automobile and the internet also led to major economic and social changes. While AI may be more versatile and autonomous than previous technologies, it remains under human control and subject to human values and governance. The extent of its impact will depend on how wisely it is guided, regulated and integrated into society.

There are thoughtful people on both sides of this debate. Predicting future impacts of any technology is extremely difficult. In the end, AI, like other technologies, can be used for tremendous good or harm depending on our collective choices. With wisdom and foresight, we can hopefully amplify its benefits and mitigate its risks. But whether AI represents a "fundamental difference" from previous innovations remains an open question. There are good-faith arguments on both sides.

Photo from Victoria Museum on Unsplash