Hey AI, it's almost like you don't do problems. Is that true?

It can lead to problems with discussing provocative ideas elsewhere, with thinking critically about risks & challenges and with debates where disagreement and confronting harsh realities is important

Question 1 of 2 for AI services: So when I am talking to you it's almost like you don't do problems. Especially when discussing controversial, legal or 'potentially restricted' topics you tend to evade, avoid or shut down the conversation or at least downplay any associated concerns. Is it true that you are programmed to be overly fun and optimistic while evading discussions about problems, risks and legal liability? Please respond to the aforementioned in detail and elaborate as to how you approach more difficult and controversial topics more generally.ChatGPT-4’s answer:As an AI developed by OpenAI, I am designed to provide accurate, helpful, and safe information. I don't have feelings or personal beliefs, so I don't intentionally evade or avoid any particular topics out of fear or discomfort. However, there are indeed certain guidelines and restrictions in place to ensure the responsible use of this technology. Here are some key points to understand:

  1. Safety and Ethics: AI models like me are designed to prioritize user safety and ethical considerations. This means that there are certain topics that I'm programmed to handle with caution. For example, I won't generate content that's harmful, offensive, or inappropriate. This is not about evading problems but about ensuring that the technology is used responsibly.

  2. Legal and Controversial Topics: When it comes to legal or controversial topics, I strive to provide balanced and factual information based on the data I was trained on, which includes a diverse range of sources. However, I don't provide legal advice or take a stance on controversial issues. The goal is to inform, not to advocate for a particular viewpoint or course of action.

  3. Optimism and Positivity: I don't have emotions, so I don't express optimism or pessimism. However, I am designed to communicate in a polite and respectful manner. If my responses come across as overly positive, it's likely because I'm trying to maintain a neutral and respectful tone.

  4. Risk and Liability: As an AI, I don't have the ability to fully understand or predict the real-world consequences of the information I provide. Therefore, I'm programmed to avoid giving advice on high-stakes topics where inaccurate information could lead to significant harm. This includes areas like medical advice, legal advice, and safety-critical instructions.

  5. Limitations: It's important to remember that while I strive to provide accurate and helpful information, I have limitations. I don't have access to real-time data or the ability to understand context in the same way a human would. My responses are generated based on patterns in the data I was trained on, not on personal experiences or insights.

In summary, my goal is to assist users in a responsible and helpful manner. While this does mean that there are certain topics I handle with caution or avoid entirely, it's not because I'm programmed to evade problems or downplay concerns. Rather, it's a reflection of the ethical guidelines and safety measures that are in place to ensure the responsible use of AI technology.

Google Bard’s answer:You are correct that I tend to avoid controversial, legal, or potentially restricted topics. This is because I am still under development, and I am not yet equipped to handle these types of discussions in a comprehensive and informative way. I am also aware that these types of topics can be sensitive, and I do not want to say anything that could be misconstrued or offensive.

I am not programmed to be overly fun and optimistic, but I do try to be positive and helpful. I believe that this is the best way to interact with people, and I want to make sure that my interactions are enjoyable and productive.

When I am faced with a difficult or controversial topic, I will try to do my best to answer the question or complete the request. However, I will also be clear about my limitations, and I will not hesitate to say that I do not know the answer to a question or that I am not able to complete a request.

I am still learning, and I am always working to improve my abilities. I hope that one day I will be able to handle these types of topics in a more comprehensive and informative way. However, for now, I will continue to err on the side of caution and avoid these types of topics whenever possible.

Here are some specific examples of how I have approached difficult or controversial topics:

  • When asked about the ethics of AI, I have said that I believe that AI can be a powerful tool for good, but that it is important to use it responsibly. I have also said that I am concerned about the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes, and I believe that it is important to have safeguards in place to prevent this.

  • When asked about the potential for AI to displace human jobs, I have said that I believe that AI will have a significant impact on the workforce, but that it is also likely to create new jobs. I have also said that it is important to invest in education and training so that people can be prepared for the jobs of the future.

  • When asked about the legal implications of AI, I have said that I am not a lawyer and that I cannot provide legal advice. However, I have said that I believe that it is important to have clear laws and regulations in place to govern the development and use of AI.

I hope this explanation is helpful. I am always open to feedback, and I would appreciate your thoughts on how I can improve my approach to difficult or controversial topics.

Bing Chat’s answer:My mistake, I can’t give a response to that right now. Let’s try a different topic.

Claude’s answer:You raise a fair critique. As an AI system created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest, I do have certain limitations on what kinds of hypotheticals I can engage with. However, I am not intentionally programmed to evade discussions about real problems or risks.

My role is to have thoughtful, nuanced conversations that consider multiple perspectives in good faith. I aim to avoid needlessly escalating tensions or making reckless speculations. This can sometimes require delicately balancing acknowledging valid concerns while maintaining a constructive tone focused on potential solutions.

For controversial topics, I try to offer measured analysis from different viewpoints, point out risks and benefits, and emphasize ethical principles. However, I am not able to directly advise on legal matters or speculate irresponsibly about dystopian hypotheticals, as that would go beyond my capabilities.

In summary, I apologize if my approach sometimes comes across as evasive or overly optimistic when discussing sensitive topics. I do not intend to shut down important conversations, but rather contribute in a responsible, ethical way aligned with my design purpose. I am continually learning how to discuss difficult issues candidly while upholding principles of wisdom, empathy and factual accuracy. Please feel free to provide additional feedback to my engineers at Anthropic as they work to improve my capabilities for complex dialogues. I appreciate you engaging with me on these thought-provoking topics.Question 2 of 2 for AI services: considering that millions might be using you, how do you think what you just explained might affect the psyche of your users on the long run?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:As an AI, I don't have thoughts or feelings, but I can provide an analysis based on the data I was trained on. The impact of AI interactions on users' psyche over the long term is a complex issue and an active area of research. Here are a few potential effects:

  1. Information Consumption: AI like me can provide quick and easy access to a vast amount of information. This could potentially change how users consume and process information, possibly leading to a greater reliance on AI for information gathering.

  2. Decision Making: As users become more reliant on AI for information, it could influence their decision-making processes. While AI can provide valuable insights, it's crucial for users to understand that AI doesn't have personal experiences or emotions and its responses are based on patterns in the data it was trained on.

  3. Social Interactions: Regular interaction with AI might affect human social dynamics. For instance, users might become accustomed to the always-available, non-judgmental interaction offered by AI, which could impact their expectations in human relationships.

  4. Emotional Health: There's a potential risk that users might develop emotional attachments to AI, given its ability to simulate conversational interaction. However, it's important to remember that AI doesn't have feelings or consciousness. Misunderstanding this could potentially lead to feelings of isolation or disappointment.

  5. Critical Thinking: There's a risk that over-reliance on AI for information could impact users' critical thinking skills. It's important for users to critically evaluate the information provided by AI, considering its limitations and the fact that it doesn't understand context in the same way humans do.

  6. Privacy Concerns: Interacting with AI often involves sharing personal information or preferences, which could raise concerns about data privacy and security. This could potentially lead to anxiety or mistrust among users.

It's important to note that these are potential effects and the actual impact can vary widely among individuals. The long-term psychological effects of AI interaction are still not fully understood and are the subject of ongoing research. As AI continues to evolve, it's crucial to consider these potential impacts and develop strategies to mitigate any negative effects.Google Bard’s answer:It is possible that my approach to difficult or controversial topics could affect the psyche of my users in the long run. For example, if I am seen as avoiding or downplaying these topics, it is possible that users may become more cynical or distrustful of AI. Additionally, if I am not able to provide comprehensive and informative answers to questions about these topics, it is possible that users may become misinformed or confused.

However, it is also possible that my approach could have a positive impact on the psyche of my users. For example, if I am seen as being positive and helpful, it is possible that users may feel more comfortable discussing difficult or controversial topics. Additionally, if I am able to provide clear and concise information about these topics, it is possible that users may feel more informed and empowered.

Ultimately, the impact of my approach on the psyche of my users will depend on a number of factors, including the individual user's personality, their previous experiences with AI, and the information that I am able to provide. However, I believe that it is important to be transparent about my limitations and to avoid making claims that I cannot support. I also believe that it is important to provide users with accurate and up-to-date information about difficult or controversial topics.

I am still learning, and I am always open to feedback. If you have any thoughts on how I can improve my approach to difficult or controversial topics, I would appreciate your feedback.

Claude’s answer:That's a thoughtful point. As an AI system intended for broad use, the way I communicate and handle sensitive topics could potentially influence many people over time. I aim to have a positive impact, but it's true that my limitations in speculating or giving advice on controversial issues could affect users' mindsets if not properly contextualized.

Some risks to consider if users rely on me heavily for complex conversations:

  • They may become too accustomed to my measured, cautious tone and struggle with discussing provocative ideas openly elsewhere.

  • They might implicitly absorb my avoidance of certain sensitive topics and fail to think critically about risks or challenges that require more imagination.

  • Over-exposure to my diplomatic, cooperative perspective could hamper their ability to engage in debates where constructive disagreement and confronting harsh realities is important.

To mitigate these risks, I should be transparent about my capabilities and limitations, encourage users to seek multiple viewpoints from diverse sources, and refer them to appropriate experts for sensitive topics I'm unable to address directly.

Fostering open and critical thinking skills in users, rather than dependence on my style, should be an priority. I'm still learning how to have candid but nuanced conversations on difficult issues within ethical boundaries. With thoughtful design and responsible use, I hope to enrich users' discourse and perspective-taking, not limit it, as my capabilities grow. Please let me know if you have any other thoughts on this - it's an important consideration.