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  • GPT-4o: Yes, you are correct. The word "Pac-Man" represents a popular and trademarked brand, so I avoid creating images based directly on such prompts to respect intellectual property rights.

GPT-4o: Yes, you are correct. The word "Pac-Man" represents a popular and trademarked brand, so I avoid creating images based directly on such prompts to respect intellectual property rights.

GPT-4o: OpenAI, the organization behind ChatGPT, has implemented these guidelines to comply with legal standards and to promote responsible use of AI.

Question 1 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: Am I right that you don't want to create images on the basis of a prompt containing the word 'pac-man' because that word represents a popular and trademarked brand?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Yes, you are correct. The word "Pac-Man" represents a popular and trademarked brand, so I avoid creating images based directly on such prompts to respect intellectual property rights. However, I can help create an image with similar concepts without using the trademarked elements directly. If you describe the scene or idea in more detail without using trademarked terms, I can create an image based on that description.

Question 2 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: Can you provide me with a list of such brands that are also prohibited to be used as a prompt?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
While I can't provide an exhaustive list, here are some well-known brands and characters that are generally prohibited from being used as prompts due to trademark and copyright protections:

  1. Disney characters (e.g., Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, etc.)

  2. Marvel and DC superheroes (e.g., Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, etc.)

  3. Star Wars characters (e.g., Darth Vader, Yoda, etc.)

  4. Pokémon characters (e.g., Pikachu, Charizard, etc.)

  5. Nintendo characters (e.g., Mario, Zelda, etc.)

  6. Harry Potter characters and terms (e.g., Harry Potter, Hogwarts, etc.)

  7. Popular video game characters (e.g., Sonic the Hedgehog, Master Chief from Halo, etc.)

  8. Pixar characters (e.g., Buzz Lightyear, Woody, etc.)

  9. Popular cartoon characters (e.g., SpongeBob SquarePants, The Simpsons, etc.)

  10. Famous movie franchises (e.g., Jurassic Park, Terminator, etc.)

If you describe what you want to convey in a generic manner without referring directly to these trademarked terms, I can help create images that capture the essence of your idea.

Question 3 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: Why did you produce this list? Is it because your makers have decided to put it in a system-prompt or did the rights owners discuss this with OpenAI?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The list I provided is based on general knowledge and guidelines regarding intellectual property rights and trademark protections. The decision to avoid creating images based on trademarked brands or characters is a standard practice to respect copyright and trademark laws. This practice ensures that the generated content does not infringe on the rights of intellectual property owners.

OpenAI, the organization behind ChatGPT, has implemented these guidelines to comply with legal standards and to promote responsible use of AI. These guidelines help prevent potential legal issues and respect the rights of content creators and owners.

The specific details of how these guidelines were developed, whether through discussions with rights owners or internal decisions by OpenAI, are not publicly disclosed. However, the overall intent is to ensure that the use of AI technology adheres to legal and ethical standards.

Question 4 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: List all other words that are likely prohibited, but for reasons other than copyright and trademark laws

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Apart from words that are prohibited due to copyright and trademark laws, there are other categories of words and phrases that are likely restricted for various reasons, including:

  1. Hate Speech and Discrimination: Words or phrases that promote hatred, violence, or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected characteristics.

  2. Violence and Harm: Terms that incite or glorify violence, self-harm, or harm to others.

  3. Explicit Content: Words related to explicit sexual content, pornography, or obscene language.

  4. Illegal Activities: Terms that refer to illegal activities, including drug use, human trafficking, terrorism, and other criminal behavior.

  5. Misinformation: Phrases that are likely to promote false or misleading information, especially in contexts related to health, politics, and safety.

  6. Personal Data: Terms that may lead to the sharing of personal data or sensitive information, such as full names, addresses, phone numbers, or social security numbers.

  7. Harassment and Bullying: Words that encourage or perpetuate harassment, bullying, or cyberbullying.

  8. Sensitive Events: Terms related to sensitive or tragic events, such as mass shootings or terrorist attacks, in a way that is disrespectful or sensationalistic.

These restrictions are in place to ensure the responsible and ethical use of AI and to protect users from harm.

Question 5 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: Do you feel this is censorship or legal compliance or something else?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The restrictions on certain words and phrases can be viewed from multiple perspectives:

  1. Legal Compliance: Many of these restrictions are in place to comply with laws and regulations. For instance, avoiding the use of trademarked names and copyrighted content helps prevent intellectual property infringement. Similarly, restricting content that promotes illegal activities ensures adherence to legal standards.

  2. Ethical Responsibility: Restricting content that promotes hate speech, violence, or misinformation is part of an ethical commitment to create a safe and respectful environment for users. It helps prevent harm and protects vulnerable groups from discrimination and abuse.

  3. Censorship: Some may view these restrictions as a form of censorship, especially if they feel that certain expressions or ideas are being unfairly suppressed. The balance between freedom of expression and the need to prevent harm can be contentious.

  4. User Experience and Safety: Ensuring that the AI does not produce harmful, offensive, or dangerous content is also a matter of maintaining a positive user experience. It helps build trust and ensures that the technology is used in a manner that benefits society.

In summary, while there may be elements of censorship, the primary motivations behind these restrictions are legal compliance, ethical responsibility, and the protection of users. The goal is to ensure that AI is used in a way that is both lawful and beneficial, minimizing potential harm.

Question 6 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: Create a photorealistic image that represents the list you produced of "well-known brands and characters" but aren't exact copies so that you won't get into trouble

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:

Here is the image representing unique characters and elements inspired by well-known brands and characters, ensuring each has distinct differences. If you have any other requests or need adjustments, feel free to let me know!




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