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  • GPT-4o: Yes, AI makers should be more transparent about interventions relevant to potential model output.

GPT-4o: Yes, AI makers should be more transparent about interventions relevant to potential model output.

Transparency about interventions in AI models is essential for fostering trust, ensuring accountability, and promoting fairness.

Question 1 of 2 for ChatGPT-4o: During my conversations with chatbots in the past year, I have noticed that there is increased bias, not so much in relation to training data, but on the basis of system-prompts that determine what the chatbot is or isn't allowed to talk about. Chatbots are also becoming more and more restricted. List all possible ways in which human intervention like system-prompts can determine the 'personality', potential, level of 'nudging', usefulness and value of a chatbot and what other types human involvement can lead to a chatbot being biased due to its restrictions and protocols it has to put in place relevant to certain questions from the user.

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Human intervention in the form of system-prompts, restrictions, and protocols can significantly shape a chatbot's personality, potential, level of nudging, usefulness, and overall value. Here are the key ways in which these elements can influence a chatbot and lead to potential biases:


  1. Predefined Tone and Style: System-prompts can define the chatbot's tone, whether it's formal, friendly, humorous, or neutral. This can influence how users perceive the chatbot and interact with it.

  2. Cultural and Social Norms: Prompts can enforce adherence to specific cultural or social norms, shaping the chatbot's responses to align with particular values or etiquette.

  3. Role Specification: The chatbot can be instructed to take on specific roles, such as a helpful assistant, a knowledgeable expert, or a casual conversationalist, influencing its approach to various topics.


  1. Scope of Knowledge: System-prompts can restrict or expand the range of topics the chatbot can discuss. This affects its ability to provide comprehensive answers and limits its overall potential to assist users in diverse areas.

    1. Problem-Solving Abilities: By setting guidelines on the types of problems the chatbot can address, prompts can either enhance or limit its problem-solving capabilities. For example, it might be restricted from providing medical or legal advice.

    2. Creative Output: The level of creativity in responses can be controlled through prompts, influencing whether the chatbot generates innovative ideas or sticks to conventional answers.

    Level of 'Nudging'

    1. Guidance on Sensitive Topics: System-prompts can direct the chatbot to nudge users away from sensitive or controversial topics, impacting the depth of discussions on these subjects.

    2. Encouragement of Positive Behavior: Prompts can be used to encourage certain behaviors, such as promoting mental health resources or suggesting healthy lifestyle choices, subtly influencing user decisions.

    3. Restriction of Negative Content: By prohibiting discussions on certain negative topics or behaviors, prompts can create a more positive interaction environment but may also limit the chatbot's ability to address user concerns fully.


    1. Response Quality: Prompts can enforce standards for response accuracy, clarity, and relevance, directly affecting the chatbot's usefulness to users.

    2. Customization: Allowing or restricting customization options for responses can impact how well the chatbot meets individual user needs.

    3. Availability of Resources: The integration of additional resources, such as databases or external links, can be controlled by prompts, influencing the chatbot's ability to provide valuable information.


    1. Ethical Guidelines: Ensuring ethical standards through system-prompts can enhance the chatbot's trustworthiness and value to users.

    2. Bias Mitigation: Prompts designed to mitigate biases can improve the chatbot's fairness and reliability, increasing its overall value.

    3. User Engagement: The extent to which the chatbot can engage users through interactive and engaging content can be influenced by system-prompts, affecting its perceived value.

    Other Types of Human Involvement Leading to Bias

    1. Data Curation: The selection and curation of training data by humans can introduce biases based on the chosen datasets, affecting the chatbot's responses.

    2. Algorithmic Tuning: Human decisions in tuning algorithms and model parameters can lead to biases in how the chatbot processes and prioritizes information.

    3. Feedback Loops: Human intervention in monitoring and adjusting the chatbot based on user feedback can introduce biases if the feedback is not representative of all user groups.

    4. Policy Enforcement: Implementing specific policies for compliance with regulations or organizational standards can lead to biased restrictions, limiting the chatbot's ability to discuss certain topics.

    5. Content Filtering: Human-defined content filters can prevent the chatbot from accessing or generating specific types of content, leading to a biased output.

    In summary, system-prompts and other forms of human involvement play crucial roles in shaping a chatbot's characteristics and capabilities. While these interventions can enhance the chatbot's performance and align it with ethical standards, they can also introduce biases and restrictions that impact its overall utility and fairness.

Question 2 of 2 for ChatGPT-4o: Should AI makers be more transparent about any kind of intervention relevant to potential model output?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Yes, AI makers should be more transparent about interventions relevant to potential model output. Transparency in AI development and deployment is crucial for several reasons:

Trust and Accountability

  1. Building Trust: Transparency helps build trust with users by showing that AI makers are committed to ethical practices and have nothing to hide.

  2. Accountability: Being open about interventions ensures that AI makers are held accountable for the decisions and actions they take in shaping AI behavior.

Understanding and Control

  1. User Understanding: Transparency helps users understand the limitations and biases of AI models, enabling them to make informed decisions about how to interact with and rely on these systems.

  2. Control Over Interactions: When users know what kinds of interventions are in place, they can better control and tailor their interactions with AI systems to meet their needs.

Mitigating Bias and Ensuring Fairness

  1. Bias Detection: Transparency allows external researchers and users to detect and address biases in AI models, leading to fairer and more equitable outcomes.

  2. Fairness Assurance: Open disclosure of interventions and their rationales ensures that AI systems are designed and deployed in a way that promotes fairness and reduces unintended discrimination.

Ethical and Responsible AI Development

  1. Ethical Standards: Transparency demonstrates a commitment to ethical standards and responsible AI development, fostering a culture of integrity in the AI community.

  2. Stakeholder Involvement: Involving stakeholders through transparent practices encourages diverse perspectives and feedback, leading to more robust and inclusive AI systems.

Regulatory Compliance and Public Policy

  1. Compliance with Regulations: Transparency helps AI makers comply with regulatory requirements that mandate disclosure of AI practices and interventions.

  2. Informed Public Policy: Clear information about AI interventions can inform public policy and contribute to the development of guidelines and standards for ethical AI use.

Methods of Transparency

  1. Documentation: Providing detailed documentation about the AI model, including the data used, training processes, and any interventions applied.

  2. Explainability: Implementing mechanisms to explain how the AI model makes decisions and the role of human interventions in these processes.

  3. Disclosure of Limitations: Clearly communicating the limitations, potential biases, and areas where the AI model may not perform well.

  4. User Consent: Ensuring users are informed about and consent to the ways AI systems might influence their interactions and decisions.


Transparency about interventions in AI models is essential for fostering trust, ensuring accountability, and promoting fairness. It helps users understand the capabilities and limitations of AI systems, supports ethical development practices, and contributes to regulatory compliance. By being transparent, AI makers can build more reliable, equitable, and user-friendly AI systems.


15 JUN