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  • GPT-4o: By using the insights from this paper, AI makers, regulators, content creators, and publishers can work together to create a balanced ecosystem...

GPT-4o: By using the insights from this paper, AI makers, regulators, content creators, and publishers can work together to create a balanced ecosystem...

...where technological advancements are leveraged responsibly and the rights and contributions of all stakeholders are respected and valued.

Question 1 of 3 for ChatGPT-4o: Please read the paper "Unlocking Fair Use in the Generative AI Supply Chain: A Systematized Literature Review" and tell me what it says in easy to understand language

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The paper "Unlocking Fair Use in the Generative AI Supply Chain: A Systematized Literature Review" explores the complex issue of fair use in the context of generative AI (GenAI). Here's a simplified summary:


The study aims to understand the value different stakeholders see in their contributions to the GenAI supply chain and to evaluate whether the use of copyrighted material by GenAI companies as fair use promotes the objectives of copyright law, which is to advance science and the arts.

Key Points

  1. Stakeholders and Their Contributions:

    • Creatives: Include artists, writers, and other content creators. They value their work for its impact, ability to foster community, and personal expression.

    • Dataset Curators: Responsible for creating and managing datasets used to train AI models.

    • ML Practitioners: Develop and fine-tune AI models, ensuring they meet user and client needs.

    • UX Designers: Focus on creating user-friendly interfaces for AI models.

    • End Users: The general public who interact with and benefit from GenAI outputs.

  2. Fair Use Debate:

    • Creative Workers' Perspective: They argue that using their work without consent, credit, or compensation violates their rights and impacts their livelihood. They emphasize the need for policies that protect their contributions.

    • GenAI Companies' Perspective: Companies like OpenAI argue that using copyrighted material for training AI falls under fair use because the outputs are "transformative" and contribute to public knowledge, as supported by the Supreme Court ruling in Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music.

  3. Research Methods:

    • The study reviewed existing literature from the past decade, focusing on user studies and interviews to gauge stakeholder perspectives.

    • They identified key themes and values through coding techniques, analyzing what stakeholders value in their contributions to the GenAI supply chain.

  4. Findings:

    • Creatives: Value the impact, community building, and personal expression their work provides. They are concerned about economic harm and the devaluation of their work due to AI mimicry.

    • ML Practitioners: Emphasize the importance of understanding user needs, expertise in model development, and the challenges of ensuring model explainability and documentation.

    • UX Designers: Highlight the need for user-friendly, accurate, and flexible AI interfaces.

    • End Users: Appreciate content that is enjoyable, novel, and impactful.

  5. Challenges and Gaps:

    • The unpredictable nature of AI models and their tendency to replicate existing works rather than creating truly novel content.

    • The economic impact on creatives due to AI-generated content.

    • The need for better computational solutions and policy frameworks to protect stakeholder values.

  6. Recommendations:

    • Reinvent copyright law to better reflect the values and contributions of all stakeholders.

    • Develop tools that foster community and support creative autonomy.

    • Address technical issues in AI models, such as overfitting and excess memorization, to ensure fair use can be genuinely transformative and beneficial.


The paper calls for a balanced approach to fair use in GenAI, emphasizing the need for policies and computational solutions that protect the rights of creatives while fostering innovation and public knowledge. It highlights the importance of understanding stakeholder values and the impact of AI on the creative industry.

Question 2 of 3 for ChatGPT-4o: What are the most surprising and controversial findings in this paper?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The paper "Unlocking Fair Use in the Generative AI Supply Chain: A Systematized Literature Review" reveals several surprising and controversial findings:

Surprising Findings

  1. Creators' Mixed Emotions:

    • Creatives express a significant emotional impact due to AI-generated content. Many feel demotivated and consider withdrawing their art from online platforms, anticipating AI mimicry and job insecurity.

  2. Black Box Nature of AI:

    • The paper highlights the unpredictable and opaque nature of AI models. Even practitioners admit they cannot fully understand or predict the outcomes of the models they create, raising concerns about accountability and transparency.

  3. Value of Interpersonal Communication:

    • Creatives place high value on the ability of their work to foster interpersonal communication and a sense of community, aspects not typically protected under current copyright laws.

Controversial Findings

  1. Fair Use Doctrine's Impact:

    • The assertion that current AI models do not always produce truly transformative works challenges the fair use doctrine's applicability. The paper argues that AI-generated content often falls short of being novel or significantly different from the original works, which undermines the fair use defense.

  2. Economic Harm to Creatives:

    • The potential economic harm to creatives due to AI-generated content is a major concern. The study suggests that GenAI's outputs could devalue original creative works, leading to financial instability for artists and creators, which is contrary to the copyright law's intent to promote the arts.

  3. Discrepancies in Stakeholder Values and Copyright Protection:

    • There is a notable gap between what stakeholders value in their contributions and what copyright law currently protects. For instance, the emotional and community-building aspects valued by creatives are not covered by copyright protections, suggesting a need for legal reform.

  4. Legal and Ethical Implications:

    • The paper underscores the ethical dilemmas and legal challenges posed by AI's use of copyrighted material. It calls for a rethinking of copyright laws to better align with the evolving technological landscape and the needs of all stakeholders involved in the GenAI supply chain.

  5. Calls for Policy and Technical Solutions:

    • The recommendation for developing computational solutions and fostering policies that go beyond traditional copyright frameworks is controversial. It suggests a significant shift in how intellectual property rights are managed in the context of AI, potentially disrupting existing legal and economic systems.

These findings highlight the complex interplay between technological advancement, legal frameworks, and the rights and values of various stakeholders in the GenAI supply chain. They call for careful consideration and balanced solutions to address the challenges posed by generative AI.

Question 3 of 3 for ChatGPT-4o: How should AI makers, regulators, content creators and publishers use this information?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The findings from the paper "Unlocking Fair Use in the Generative AI Supply Chain: A Systematized Literature Review" offer valuable insights for various stakeholders. Here’s how AI makers, regulators, content creators, and publishers can use this information:

AI Makers

  1. Enhance Transparency and Explainability:

    • Invest in developing AI models that are more transparent and explainable. This includes creating tools that can help understand how models make decisions and what influences their outputs.

  2. Address AI Mimicry and Overfitting:

    • Work on improving AI training processes to reduce mimicry and overfitting. Ensuring that AI-generated content is truly novel and not just derivative is crucial for supporting fair use claims.

  3. Engage with Creatives:

    • Collaborate with content creators to understand their concerns and incorporate their feedback into AI development. This can help create models that respect the contributions of creatives and provide them with tools that enhance their work rather than replace it.


  1. Reform Copyright Laws:

    • Consider updating copyright laws to reflect the realities of AI-generated content. This includes addressing the gaps in protection for the aspects of creative work that are highly valued by stakeholders but not currently covered by copyright law.

  2. Develop Fair Use Guidelines for AI:

    • Establish clear guidelines for what constitutes fair use in the context of AI training and outputs. This can help balance the rights of content creators with the benefits of technological advancement.

  3. Promote Ethical AI Practices:

    • Encourage ethical AI development practices through regulations that require transparency, consent, credit, and compensation for the use of copyrighted material.

Content Creators

  1. Protect Your Work:

    • Use digital tools and technologies to protect your work from unauthorized use by AI models. This includes watermarking, metadata tagging, and other digital rights management techniques.

  2. Advocate for Your Rights:

    • Engage in advocacy to push for better legal protections and fair compensation for the use of your work in AI training. Joining industry groups and unions can amplify your voice.

  3. Leverage AI as a Tool:

    • Explore how AI can be used to enhance your creative process rather than viewing it solely as a threat. Understanding and utilizing AI tools can open up new creative possibilities.


  1. Negotiate Fair Use Agreements:

    • Work with AI companies to establish agreements that ensure fair compensation and recognition for the use of copyrighted materials. This can include licensing deals and revenue-sharing models.

  2. Educate Stakeholders:

    • Inform content creators about the implications of AI and the protections available to them. Provide resources and support to help them navigate the changing landscape.

  3. Promote Innovative Uses of AI:

    • Encourage the use of AI to create innovative and transformative content that adds value to the existing body of work. Highlight successful case studies where AI and human creativity have synergized effectively.


By using the insights from this paper, AI makers, regulators, content creators, and publishers can work together to create a balanced ecosystem where technological advancements are leveraged responsibly and the rights and contributions of all stakeholders are respected and valued.