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  • GPT-4o: The tool described in the article “A new tool for copyright holders can show if their work is in AI training data” utilizes "copyright traps"...

GPT-4o: The tool described in the article “A new tool for copyright holders can show if their work is in AI training data” utilizes "copyright traps"...

...to detect whether copyrighted material has been used in AI training datasets without permission. Here’s how it works and its potential effectiveness

Question 1 of 2 for ChatGPT-4o: Please read the article “A new tool for copyright holders can show if their work is in AI training data” and tell me how the tool works and how effective it is likely to be

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The tool described in the article “A new tool for copyright holders can show if their work is in AI training data” utilizes "copyright traps" to detect whether copyrighted material has been used in AI training datasets without permission. Here’s how it works and its potential effectiveness:

How the Tool Works

  1. Creation of Copyright Traps:

    • Developed by a team at Imperial College London, these traps are pieces of hidden text embedded within copyrighted works.

    • These traps use synthetic sentences generated by a word generator, which are long, nonsensical, and unique.

    • Examples of such sentences might be: "When in comes times of turmoil … whats on sale and more important when, is best, this list tells your who is opening on Thrs. at night with their regular sale times and other opening time from your neighbors. You still.”

  2. Embedding Traps in Text:

    • The team generated 100 unique synthetic sentences and injected one of these traps multiple times (100 to 1,000 times) into the text.

    • Traps can be embedded in visible text or hidden within the source code, such as white text on a white background.

  3. Detection of Copyright Traps:

    • To check if a text has been used in an AI model’s training data, a large language model is fed the synthetic sentences.

    • The model’s response is analyzed for "perplexity" or "surprise". If the model recognizes the trap sentences and shows low surprise, it indicates the text was part of the training data. High surprise suggests the sentences are new to the model.

Effectiveness of the Tool

  1. Advantages:

    • Transparency: Provides a method for copyright holders to detect unauthorized use of their content in AI training datasets.

    • Applicability: Can be used on different scales, from large state-of-the-art models to smaller models, by using the memorization tendencies of these models.

  2. Challenges:

    • Detection by AI Model Trainers: Injecting a phrase 1,000 times significantly alters the original text, making it noticeable to those cleaning and deduplicating datasets. This can lead to traps being detected and removed.

    • Text Readability: Repeated trap sentences can make the original text difficult to read, posing practical issues for embedding these traps in published works.

    • Cat-and-Mouse Dynamics: As AI model trainers become aware of these traps, they might develop techniques to detect and remove them, leading to an ongoing cycle of adaptation.

  3. Future Improvements:

    • Enhanced Techniques: Finding more sophisticated ways to embed traps without altering text readability or detectability.

    • Better Membership Inference Attacks: Improving the underlying detection mechanisms to enhance the reliability and subtlety of identifying unauthorized use.

While copyright traps offer a promising approach to protecting intellectual property, they currently face significant practical challenges. Their effectiveness largely depends on the continuous development of more refined techniques and the evolving strategies of AI model trainers to counteract these measures.

Question 2 of 2 for ChatGPT-4o: Can this be extrapolated to other types of content and content industries?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Yes, the concept of "copyright traps" can be extrapolated to other types of content and content industries. Here’s how it could be applied and what considerations might come into play:

Application to Other Content Types and Industries

  1. Visual Content (Images, Videos):

    • Watermarks: Similar to text traps, invisible watermarks or steganography techniques can be used to embed hidden information within images or videos. These watermarks can later be detected to verify unauthorized use.

    • Unique Identifiers: Embedding unique, subtle changes in pixel patterns or frame sequences that are not perceptible to viewers but can be detected by specialized software.

  2. Audio Content (Music, Podcasts):

    • Audio Watermarking: Embedding inaudible signals or unique identifiers within the audio track that can be detected by specific tools.

    • Fingerprinting: Creating unique digital fingerprints of audio files that can be matched against content found in AI training datasets.

  3. Software Code:

    • Code Snippets: Inserting unique, non-functional code snippets or comments within the software that do not affect the program's functionality but serve as identifiers.

    • Obfuscation Techniques: Using specific patterns of code obfuscation that can be recognized as a signature of the original author.

  4. Databases and Structured Data:

    • Dummy Data: Adding unique dummy entries that can be tracked if found within AI training datasets.

    • Invisible Tags: Embedding unique metadata or tags within the database that are not used by the application but can serve as identifiers.

Considerations for Extrapolation

  1. Detection Mechanisms:

    • Tools and techniques for detecting these embedded identifiers must be developed and standardized across industries.

    • Detection might require sophisticated algorithms tailored to each content type to ensure accuracy without false positives.

  2. Impact on Content Usability:

    • Ensuring that the traps or identifiers do not degrade the user experience or the functional integrity of the content.

    • Balancing between detectability and invisibility so that traps are effective without being intrusive.

  3. Legal and Ethical Aspects:

    • Developing legal frameworks to support the use of such traps as valid evidence of unauthorized use.

    • Addressing privacy concerns, especially with techniques that might be perceived as intrusive.

  4. Industry Collaboration:

    • Establishing industry-wide standards and best practices for embedding and detecting copyright traps.

    • Collaboration between content creators, legal experts, and technology developers to refine and adopt these methods.

Potential Effectiveness

The effectiveness of copyright traps in other content types will depend on several factors:

  • Technical Feasibility: The ability to create and embed traps without impacting content quality.

  • Adoption by Industry: Widespread use and acceptance of these techniques within different industries.

  • Detection and Enforcement: Efficient tools for detecting traps and robust legal mechanisms for enforcement.


The concept of copyright traps is promising and can be extended to various types of content and industries. While there are technical and practical challenges, continuous advancements in technology and collaborative efforts across industries can address these issues, making copyright traps a viable solution for protecting intellectual property in the age of AI.