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  • GPT-4o: The most significant issue with Oklo’s microreactor is its fuel cycle, which uses uranium enriched to 19.75%, closer to weapons-grade material.

GPT-4o: The most significant issue with Oklo’s microreactor is its fuel cycle, which uses uranium enriched to 19.75%, closer to weapons-grade material.

The Aurora microreactor’s design facilitates the breeding of plutonium 239, which can be used in nuclear weapons.

Question 1 of 4 for ChatGPT-4o: Please read the article "Nuclear energy could power the AI boom—but only if proliferation risks are minimized" and tell me what it says

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The article "Nuclear energy could power the AI boom—but only if proliferation risks are minimized" discusses the potential role of nuclear energy in powering the growing demands of artificial intelligence (AI) while emphasizing the critical need to mitigate proliferation risks.

Key points include:

  1. Introduction of Oklo Inc.: Oklo Inc., a nuclear energy startup chaired by Sam Altman (CEO of OpenAI), has entered the New York Stock Exchange. The company aims to provide microreactors to meet the future power requirements of AI models, which demand substantial computational power and electrical energy.

  2. Nuclear Power's Suitability for AI: Nuclear energy is seen as a viable solution for large data centers, especially in remote areas where traditional power sources are less feasible. Oklo’s microreactors are promoted as a reliable power source that avoids the intermittency of renewable energy.

  3. Economic and Safety Concerns: Despite the compatibility of nuclear power with AI, concerns about the economics and safety of advanced reactors persist. The escalating costs of small modular reactors and regulatory hurdles highlight these challenges.

  4. Proliferation Risks: The most significant issue with Oklo’s microreactor is its fuel cycle, which uses uranium enriched to 19.75%, closer to weapons-grade material. This higher enrichment level increases the risk of nuclear proliferation, making it easier for bad actors to acquire fissile materials for nuclear weapons.

  5. Reprocessing and Plutonium Production: The Aurora microreactor’s design facilitates the breeding of plutonium 239, which can be used in nuclear weapons. This aspect is particularly concerning as it parallels the designs used by countries expanding their nuclear arsenals, such as China.

  6. Policy Implications and Historical Context: The US historically renounced commercial reprocessing due to proliferation risks and poor economics. However, Oklo’s efforts, supported by national labs, may influence other countries to reconsider reprocessing, potentially undermining nonproliferation efforts.

  7. Evaluating Risks and Benefits: AI executives are encouraged to consider nuclear energy for its low carbon footprint but must evaluate the associated proliferation risks honestly. Technological advancements in nuclear energy should prioritize minimizing these risks.

  8. Alternatives and Responsible Innovation: Other nuclear technologies, such as those being developed by TerraPower, avoid reprocessing and reduce proliferation risks. The article advocates for responsible innovation in the nuclear industry, supported by stringent regulations and government incentives to ensure safety and security.

Overall, while nuclear energy presents a promising solution to power the AI boom, the article stresses that this can only be pursued if the risks of nuclear proliferation are carefully managed and minimized. ​​

Question 2 of 4 for ChatGPT-4o: List all measures that should be taken to minimise those risks

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The article provides several insights into minimizing proliferation risks associated with nuclear energy use for AI applications:

  1. Enhanced Regulatory Oversight:

    • Ensure strict regulatory scrutiny for the safety and security of advanced nuclear reactors.

    • Regularly update and enforce safety regulations to keep pace with technological advancements.

  2. Limiting Enrichment Levels:

    • Use uranium with lower enrichment levels to reduce the risk of fissile material being used for weapons.

  3. Avoiding Reprocessing:

    • Develop and use reactor designs that do not require reprocessing of spent fuel, such as the TerraPower reactors which use a once-through fuel cycle.

  4. Advanced Detection Technologies:

    • Implement advanced sensor technologies integrated with machine learning algorithms to detect any diversion of nuclear materials.

  5. International Collaboration:

    • Work with international bodies to establish and enforce nonproliferation standards.

    • Collaborate with allies to prevent the spread of reprocessing technology.

  6. Public and Transparent Evaluation:

    • Conduct honest and transparent assessments of the proliferation risks associated with new nuclear technologies.

    • Avoid euphemisms and openly address the potential dangers and mitigation strategies.

  7. Government Incentives for Safe Innovation:

    • Provide support and incentives for companies developing nuclear technologies that minimize proliferation risks.

    • Prioritize funding and policy support for nuclear technologies that adhere to strict nonproliferation guidelines.

  8. Educating Stakeholders:

    • Educate and inform stakeholders, including policymakers and the public, about the risks and necessary precautions related to nuclear energy.

  9. Maintaining Historical Norms:

    • Uphold the historical US policy against commercial reprocessing to set a global standard and prevent other countries from adopting potentially risky technologies.

By taking these measures, the proliferation risks associated with using nuclear energy to power AI advancements can be significantly minimized, ensuring both technological progress and global security. ​​

Question 3 of 4 for ChatGPT-4o: What is your view regarding nuclear energy being a viable option for powering AI development while also having to take into account the environmental impact and issues related to (national) security?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Nuclear energy as a power source for AI development presents a complex and multifaceted opportunity, balancing substantial benefits against significant challenges.

Benefits of Nuclear Energy for AI:

  1. High Energy Density and Reliability:

    • Nuclear power offers a high energy density, meaning it can provide large amounts of energy from a small amount of fuel. This is particularly beneficial for AI data centers, which require constant and substantial power to operate efficiently.

    • Unlike renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, nuclear power provides a steady and reliable supply of electricity, which is crucial for the continuous operation of AI systems.

  2. Low Carbon Emissions:

    • Nuclear energy generates electricity with minimal greenhouse gas emissions, making it a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels. This aligns with global efforts to reduce carbon footprints and combat climate change.

Challenges and Considerations:

  1. Environmental Impact:

    • While nuclear energy produces low operational emissions, the entire lifecycle, including mining, fuel processing, and waste management, has environmental impacts. The disposal of radioactive waste remains a significant challenge, requiring secure and long-term storage solutions.

    • Accidents, although rare, can have catastrophic environmental and human health consequences, as seen in incidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima.

  2. Security and Proliferation Risks:

    • The use of enriched uranium and the potential for reprocessing spent fuel pose serious proliferation risks. Ensuring that nuclear technology and materials do not fall into the hands of malicious actors is paramount.

    • Advanced reactors, such as those using higher enrichment levels or reprocessing technologies, increase the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation if not carefully managed.

  3. Economic Viability:

    • The initial costs of building nuclear power plants are high, and projects often face delays and cost overruns. Ensuring the economic feasibility of nuclear energy in comparison to rapidly advancing renewable technologies is a key consideration.

    • The cost of decommissioning old plants and managing waste adds to the long-term financial burden.

Mitigating Risks:

  1. Enhanced Safety Measures:

    • Implementing robust safety protocols, regular inspections, and advancements in reactor design can minimize the risk of accidents.

    • Investing in technologies that limit the need for reprocessing and use lower enrichment fuels can reduce proliferation risks.

  2. International Cooperation and Regulation:

    • Strong international regulatory frameworks and cooperation can help manage and mitigate proliferation risks. Countries must work together to enforce strict nonproliferation treaties and guidelines.

    • Collaborative research on safe and secure nuclear technologies can promote innovation while maintaining high safety standards.

  3. Integration with Renewables:

    • A balanced energy strategy that integrates nuclear power with renewable energy sources can leverage the strengths of both. Nuclear can provide a stable base load, while renewables can be scaled up as storage technologies improve.


Nuclear energy has the potential to be a viable option for powering AI development, provided that its deployment is accompanied by stringent safety, security, and environmental measures. The benefits of reliable, low-carbon power must be carefully weighed against the economic costs and risks of proliferation and environmental impact. A holistic approach, incorporating international cooperation, advanced technology, and robust regulatory frameworks, is essential to harness the power of nuclear energy safely and effectively.

Question 4 of 4 for ChatGPT-4o: Some say that the use of nuclear energy in this context of AI development can also increase the use of fossil fuels? Is that true and what would be the correlation?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The claim that the use of nuclear energy in the context of AI development can increase the use of fossil fuels is nuanced and hinges on several interconnected factors. Here are the key points to understand this potential correlation:

Indirect Increase in Fossil Fuel Use:

  1. Energy Mix and Infrastructure:

    • The integration of nuclear energy into the power grid can affect the overall energy mix. If nuclear power plants are used to replace renewable energy projects (such as wind or solar) rather than fossil fuel plants, the relative proportion of fossil fuels in the energy mix may remain unchanged or even increase.

    • The construction and maintenance of nuclear plants require significant energy, some of which might be sourced from fossil fuels, especially during the initial phases.

  2. Economic and Policy Dynamics:

    • Investment in nuclear energy may divert funds from renewable energy projects. If the development of renewables is slowed due to a focus on nuclear energy, the gap might be filled by fossil fuels, particularly natural gas, to meet immediate energy demands.

    • Policies favoring nuclear energy could lead to less stringent measures on fossil fuel reduction, under the assumption that nuclear energy will offset carbon emissions. This could result in prolonged use of fossil fuels.

Factors Mitigating Increased Fossil Fuel Use:

  1. Base Load and Peak Load Management:

    • Nuclear energy provides a stable base load of power, which can reduce the need for fossil fuel-based power plants that typically handle base load demands.

    • Proper integration of nuclear energy with renewable sources can ensure that fossil fuels are primarily used for peak load management, reducing their overall usage.

  2. Transition Strategies:

    • A well-planned energy transition strategy can ensure that nuclear energy complements rather than competes with renewable energy sources. This includes investments in grid infrastructure, energy storage, and flexible grid management.

Correlation Analysis:

  1. Nuclear as a Complement to Renewables:

    • If nuclear energy is used to supplement and stabilize renewable energy sources, it can help reduce overall fossil fuel dependence. For example, during periods of low wind or sunlight, nuclear can provide the necessary power without resorting to coal or natural gas plants.

  2. Grid Stability and Reliability:

    • Nuclear power can enhance grid stability, making it easier to incorporate variable renewable energy sources. A stable grid can handle higher penetrations of renewables, indirectly reducing the reliance on fossil fuels.

  3. Policy and Market Dynamics:

    • The correlation between nuclear energy and fossil fuel use heavily depends on energy policies, market incentives, and the regulatory environment. Strong policies promoting renewables alongside nuclear can mitigate the risk of increased fossil fuel use.


The relationship between nuclear energy and fossil fuel use in the context of AI development is complex and context-dependent. While there are scenarios where the introduction of nuclear energy could indirectly lead to increased fossil fuel use, particularly if it diverts attention and resources from renewables, there are also pathways where nuclear energy can complement renewables and reduce fossil fuel reliance.

Strategic planning, robust policy frameworks, and balanced investment in both nuclear and renewable energy sources are crucial to ensure that the overall transition leads to a reduction in fossil fuel use rather than an increase.