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  • GPT-4o: The paper (...) addresses the challenge of detecting AI-generated content within essays that are collaboratively written by humans and AI models like ChatGPT.

GPT-4o: The paper (...) addresses the challenge of detecting AI-generated content within essays that are collaboratively written by humans and AI models like ChatGPT.

Educators can use the findings and methods from this study in several ways to manage and address AI-generated content in student assignments.

Question 1 of 3 for ChatGPT-4o: Please read the paper "Towards Automatic Boundary Detection for Human-AI Collaborative Hybrid Essay in Education" and tell me what it says in easy to understand language

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The paper "Towards Automatic Boundary Detection for Human-AI Collaborative Hybrid Essay in Education" addresses the challenge of detecting AI-generated content within essays that are collaboratively written by humans and AI models like ChatGPT. Here's a simplified summary of the key points:

Introduction and Problem

  • Advances in AI: Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT can generate human-like text, raising concerns among educators about students using these tools to complete writing assignments.

  • Current Detection Issues: Most current AI content detection methods treat texts as either entirely human-written or entirely AI-generated. However, in reality, texts can be hybrid, containing both human and AI-generated content.

Research Focus

  • Boundary Detection: The study aims to detect transition points between human-written and AI-generated content within hybrid essays.

  • Dataset Creation: A hybrid essay dataset was constructed by partially removing sentences from student-written essays and having ChatGPT fill in the gaps.


  • Two-Step Approach:

    1. Encoder Training: Separate AI-generated content from human-written content during the training process using a triplet network structure (TriBERT).

    2. Boundary Identification: Calculate the distances between adjacent text segments (prototypes) to identify where boundaries exist, assuming boundaries are between segments with the largest distances.


  • Performance: The proposed approach outperformed baseline methods (including fine-tuned BERT and GPTZero) in detecting boundaries in both in-domain (similar prompts) and out-of-domain (different prompts) settings.

  • Prototype Size: The size of text segments (prototypes) used for detection affects performance. Larger segments work better for fewer boundaries, while smaller segments are better for texts with more boundaries.


  • Practical Implications: The findings can help develop better AI detection tools for educational settings, enabling educators to identify and address AI-generated content in student assignments.

Future Work

  • Interaction-Based Texts: Future research could explore boundary detection in texts generated through multiple rounds of human-AI interaction.

  • Intra-Sentence Boundaries: Investigating boundaries within individual sentences that are partially human-written and partially AI-generated.

This study contributes to the understanding and development of tools to manage the integration of AI-generated content in educational contexts, promoting fair and effective learning assessments.

Question 2 o 3 for ChatGPT-4o: Explain how educators can use this information. List all possible scenarios and describe next steps.

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Educators can use the findings and methods from this study in several ways to manage and address AI-generated content in student assignments. Here are all possible scenarios and the next steps for each:

1. Detecting AI-Generated Content in Assignments

  • Scenario: An educator suspects that parts of a student’s essay are AI-generated.

  • Next Steps:

    1. Implement Detection Tools: Integrate tools based on the study’s two-step detection approach (TriBERT) into the school's plagiarism detection software.

    2. Analyze Essays: Use these tools to analyze student submissions and identify boundaries between human-written and AI-generated content.

    3. Review Results: Examine flagged sections to determine if they are AI-generated and require further action.

2. Providing Feedback on AI-Generated Content

  • Scenario: An educator wants to give constructive feedback on the AI-generated parts of an essay.

  • Next Steps:

    1. Highlight AI-Generated Sections: Use the detection tools to mark AI-generated content in student essays.

    2. Discuss with Students: Review the marked sections with students, discussing why reliance on AI-generated content is discouraged and how it can be improved.

    3. Encourage Revision: Ask students to rewrite AI-generated sections to demonstrate their understanding and learning.

3. Promoting Academic Integrity

  • Scenario: An educator aims to educate students about academic integrity and the appropriate use of AI tools.

  • Next Steps:

    1. Curriculum Integration: Integrate lessons on the ethical use of AI and the importance of original work into the curriculum.

    2. Workshops and Seminars: Organize workshops to demonstrate how AI-generated content can be detected and the consequences of using such content dishonestly.

    3. Policy Development: Develop and enforce academic integrity policies that address the use of AI tools in coursework.

4. Assessing Writing Skills

  • Scenario: An educator needs to assess the true writing skills of students without AI assistance.

  • Next Steps:

    1. In-Class Essays: Conduct in-class writing assignments where students write without access to AI tools.

    2. Mixed Assessments: Use a mix of in-class and take-home assignments to compare and contrast the quality and style of writing.

    3. Follow-Up: If discrepancies are found, have one-on-one discussions with students to understand their thought process and writing capabilities.

5. Creating AI-Resistant Assessments

  • Scenario: An educator wants to design assignments that are less likely to be completed using AI tools.

  • Next Steps:

    1. Specific Prompts: Design essay prompts that require personal reflection, specific classroom content, or recent class discussions, making it harder for AI to generate relevant content.

    2. Process-Based Assessments: Include multiple drafts, peer reviews, and reflections as part of the assessment process to track the development of students’ ideas.

    3. Oral Examinations: Incorporate oral presentations or viva voce exams where students must discuss and defend their written work.

6. Monitoring Student Progress

  • Scenario: An educator is monitoring the progress and development of students' writing skills over time.

  • Next Steps:

    1. Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular writing assignments and use the detection tools to monitor the evolution of students’ writing.

    2. Progress Reports: Provide feedback and progress reports highlighting areas of improvement and instances of AI usage.

    3. Supportive Resources: Offer additional resources, such as writing workshops or tutoring, to help students develop their skills independently.

7. Research and Development

  • Scenario: An educator or researcher wants to contribute to the ongoing development of AI detection tools.

  • Next Steps:

    1. Collaborative Research: Partner with developers and researchers to improve and adapt the detection algorithms for various educational contexts.

    2. Data Collection: Collect and share anonymized data on hybrid texts to contribute to the development of more robust AI detection models.

    3. Pilot Programs: Implement pilot programs in schools to test and refine new AI detection tools and methodologies.

By using these strategies, educators can effectively manage the integration of AI-generated content in educational settings, ensuring that students develop their writing skills authentically and uphold academic integrity.

Question 3 of 3 for ChatGPT-4o: Anything missing from the paper that you would have added? Tips for future research?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The paper "Towards Automatic Boundary Detection for Human-AI Collaborative Hybrid Essay in Education" presents a comprehensive approach to detecting AI-generated content in hybrid texts. However, there are a few areas that could be expanded or added for a more holistic approach and further advancements in this field. Here are some suggestions and tips for future research:

Additional Elements to Add:

  1. Real-Time Detection and Feedback Mechanism:

    • Description: Implement a system that provides real-time feedback to students as they write, indicating which sections are identified as AI-generated.

    • Benefits: This could help students learn to write more independently and understand how their use of AI is detected.

  2. Contextual Understanding and Content Quality Assessment:

    • Description: Incorporate assessments of content quality, coherence, and contextual relevance in addition to detecting boundaries.

    • Benefits: This can help in understanding whether AI-generated sections maintain the quality and relevance of the overall essay.

  3. Multi-Turn Interactions:

    • Description: Study and include detection mechanisms for texts generated through iterative human-AI interactions, where content is refined over multiple exchanges.

    • Benefits: Reflects more realistic usage scenarios where students may use AI tools for multiple drafts and edits.

  4. Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Domain Applicability:

    • Description: Extend the research to different languages and domains (e.g., technical writing, creative writing) to evaluate the approach's robustness and versatility.

    • Benefits: Ensures that the detection system is effective across diverse contexts and not limited to specific types of essays.

Tips for Future Research:

  1. Incorporating Ethical and Educational Perspectives:

    • Research Direction: Investigate the ethical implications of using AI detection tools in education and their impact on student learning behaviors.

    • Tips: Collaborate with educators and ethicists to develop guidelines that balance AI detection with encouraging genuine learning and creativity.

  2. User-Friendly Tools for Educators:

    • Research Direction: Develop intuitive tools and interfaces for educators to easily implement and use AI detection methods.

    • Tips: Focus on usability studies to ensure that tools are accessible and provide clear, actionable insights for educators.

  3. Longitudinal Studies on Student Adaptation:

    • Research Direction: Conduct longitudinal studies to observe how students adapt their writing practices in response to the availability and detection of AI tools.

    • Tips: Track changes in student writing quality and integrity over time to measure the long-term effectiveness of detection tools.

  4. Detection of Intra-Sentence AI Content:

    • Research Direction: Explore methods for detecting AI-generated content within individual sentences, where parts of a sentence are human-written and other parts are AI-generated.

    • Tips: Develop finer-grained detection algorithms that can identify transitions within sentences.

  5. Integration with Other Educational Technologies:

    • Research Direction: Study the integration of AI detection tools with other educational technologies such as learning management systems (LMS) and e-portfolios.

    • Tips: Ensure seamless integration to provide a comprehensive solution for managing AI-generated content in educational environments.

  6. Adaptive Learning and Personalized Feedback:

    • Research Direction: Investigate adaptive learning systems that provide personalized feedback based on the detection of AI-generated content.

    • Tips: Use AI to tailor feedback and learning resources to individual student needs, promoting better learning outcomes.

  7. Exploring Counter-Detection Techniques:

    • Research Direction: Examine potential counter-detection techniques that AI tools might develop to evade detection.

    • Tips: Stay ahead by continuously evolving detection methods and understanding the capabilities of new AI tools.

By addressing these additional elements and exploring these future research directions, the field of AI-generated content detection in education can be significantly advanced, leading to more robust, fair, and effective educational practices.