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  • GPT-4o: OpenAI should have adopted more transparent, legally compliant and supportive practices to encourage the reporting of safety concerns and ensure responsible development of their technologies.

GPT-4o: OpenAI should have adopted more transparent, legally compliant and supportive practices to encourage the reporting of safety concerns and ensure responsible development of their technologies.

GPT-4o: The whistleblowers' concerns are valid, given the potential legal violations and the significant risks associated with AI technologies.

Question 1 of 4 for ChatGPT-4o: Please read the news article "OpenAI illegally barred staff from airing safety risks, whistleblowers say" and the letter the OpenAI whistleblowers have sent to The Washington Post and tell me what the main issues are.

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The main issues highlighted in the news article "OpenAI illegally barred staff from airing safety risks, whistleblowers say" and the whistleblowers' letter to The Washington Post revolve around allegations that OpenAI's non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and other employment-related contracts were overly restrictive and violated federal laws designed to protect whistleblowers. Here are the key points:

  1. Restrictive NDAs and Employment Contracts:

    • OpenAI required employees to sign NDAs and other agreements that prevented them from discussing safety risks with federal regulators.

    • These agreements included clauses that demanded prior consent from OpenAI before employees could disclose any confidential information to federal authorities.

    • Employees were required to waive their rights to whistleblower compensation, contrary to federal protections.

  2. Violation of Federal Whistleblower Protections:

    • The agreements violated long-standing federal laws and regulations that safeguard the rights of whistleblowers to report issues anonymously and without fear of retaliation.

    • OpenAI's practices were alleged to create a "chilling effect" on employees, discouraging them from reporting potential dangers posed by the company's AI technologies.

  3. Safety Concerns Over AI Technologies:

    • Whistleblowers raised alarms about the potential risks associated with OpenAI's AI models, which could be misused to create bioweapons or assist in cyberattacks.

    • They claimed that OpenAI prioritized meeting release deadlines over adhering to its own safety protocols, potentially compromising the security and safety of its AI products.

  4. Legal and Regulatory Implications:

    • The whistleblowers called for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to investigate OpenAI's use of these restrictive agreements and ensure compliance with SEC rules protecting whistleblowers.

    • The whistleblowers' letter emphasized the need for transparency and accountability in the AI sector to prevent potential harms and ensure that AI development benefits humanity.

  5. Response from OpenAI and Regulatory Actions:

    • OpenAI stated that its whistleblower policy protects employees' rights to make protected disclosures and mentioned recent changes to its departure process to remove nondisparagement terms.

    • The whistleblowers urged the SEC to take "swift and aggressive" actions, including requiring OpenAI to revise its agreements and inform all past and current employees of their rights to report violations without fear of retaliation.

  6. Broader Implications for the Tech Industry:

    • The letter and article highlight ongoing concerns about tech companies using NDAs to silence employees, which has been a contentious issue in various contexts, including sexual misconduct and discrimination cases.

    • The rapid advancement of AI technologies has intensified calls for regulatory oversight to mitigate the risks posed by these powerful tools, underscoring the critical role of whistleblowers in informing and shaping effective policies.

In summary, the primary issues center around the alleged illegal use of restrictive NDAs by OpenAI, the potential safety risks of their AI technologies, and the need for robust regulatory oversight to protect whistleblower rights and ensure the responsible development of AI.

Question 2 of 4 for ChatGPT-4o: Do the whistleblowers have a point and how should OpenAI have acted or behaved instead?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The whistleblowers appear to have legitimate concerns based on the details provided in their letter and the news article. Their points are grounded in established federal protections for whistleblowers and the need for transparency and accountability in the development of potentially dangerous technologies like artificial intelligence. Here's why their points are valid and how OpenAI could have acted differently:

Validity of Whistleblowers' Points

  1. Legal Protections for Whistleblowers:

    • Federal laws, including the Dodd-Frank Act and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, provide strong protections for whistleblowers, allowing them to report violations confidentially and prohibiting retaliation.

    • By requiring employees to waive these rights and seek prior consent before reporting to federal authorities, OpenAI's NDAs potentially violated these laws.

  2. Safety Concerns in AI Development:

    • The potential risks posed by advanced AI technologies, such as misuse in creating bioweapons or facilitating cyberattacks, are serious and warrant rigorous scrutiny.

    • Whistleblowers play a crucial role in identifying and mitigating these risks by providing insider information that might not be otherwise accessible to regulators.

  3. Chilling Effect on Reporting:

    • The use of overly restrictive NDAs can create a chilling effect, discouraging employees from reporting legitimate concerns due to fear of legal and financial repercussions.

    • This undermines the regulatory framework designed to ensure that companies act in the public interest, especially in sectors with significant societal impact like AI.

How OpenAI Should Have Acted

  1. Alignment with Federal Laws:

    • OpenAI should have ensured that their NDAs and employment contracts were fully compliant with federal laws protecting whistleblowers.

    • This includes explicitly stating that employees are allowed to report violations to federal authorities without prior consent and without fear of retaliation.

  2. Fostering a Culture of Transparency and Safety:

    • OpenAI could have promoted a culture that encourages employees to raise safety concerns internally and externally without repercussions.

    • Implementing clear and accessible reporting channels for safety concerns, both within the company and to external regulators, would be a positive step.

  3. Exemptions for Whistleblowing in NDAs:

    • OpenAI should have included specific exemptions in their NDAs and non-disparagement clauses for disclosures of legal violations and safety risks to federal authorities.

    • These exemptions would reassure employees that their legal right to report wrongdoing is protected.

  4. Regular Review and Compliance Audits:

    • Regularly reviewing and updating NDAs and other legal documents to ensure compliance with the latest legal standards and best practices is essential.

    • Conducting internal audits and seeking external legal advice to ensure that all agreements align with whistleblower protection laws would demonstrate a commitment to lawful and ethical behavior.

  5. Communication and Training:

    • OpenAI should have communicated clearly to employees their rights under federal law, including the right to report violations and the protections against retaliation.

    • Providing training and resources about whistleblower rights and the importance of reporting safety concerns can empower employees to act in the public interest.

In summary, the whistleblowers' concerns are valid, given the potential legal violations and the significant risks associated with AI technologies. OpenAI should have adopted more transparent, legally compliant, and supportive practices to encourage the reporting of safety concerns and ensure the responsible development of their technologies.

Question 3 of 4 for ChatGPT-4o: What are the whistleblowers expecting the SEC to do and what CAN the SEC do about these issues?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Expectations of the Whistleblowers

The whistleblowers are seeking several specific actions from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in response to their allegations against OpenAI:

  1. Investigation and Enforcement:

    • Conduct a thorough investigation into OpenAI's use of restrictive non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and other employment contracts.

    • Determine whether these agreements violate SEC Rule 21F-17(a), which prohibits any action that impedes communication with the SEC about possible securities law violations.

  2. Rectification of Violations:

    • Require OpenAI to rectify any violations by revising their NDAs and employment contracts to ensure they comply with federal whistleblower protection laws.

    • Notify all past and current employees about their rights to report concerns to federal authorities and to receive whistleblower compensation.

  3. Public Accountability:

    • Impose fines on OpenAI for each improper agreement to serve as a deterrent against future violations.

    • Publicly address the "chilling effect" of past practices to reinforce that employees have the right to report wrongdoing without fear of retaliation.

  4. Broader Regulatory Measures:

    • Set a precedent that reinforces the importance of whistleblower protections across the AI industry and the broader tech sector.

    • Ensure that AI companies develop technologies safely and transparently, in line with federal guidelines and executive orders.

Potential Actions by the SEC

The SEC has a range of tools and measures it can use to address the issues raised by the whistleblowers:

  1. Investigative Actions:

    • Initiate an Investigation: Launch a formal investigation into OpenAI’s NDAs and employment contracts to determine whether they violate federal securities laws and whistleblower protection rules.

    • Document Review: Collect and review all relevant employment, severance, and NDA documents from OpenAI.

  2. Enforcement Actions:

    • Cease-and-Desist Orders: Issue orders requiring OpenAI to cease the use of any NDAs or agreements that impede whistleblowers from reporting to the SEC.

    • Fines and Penalties: Impose monetary fines on OpenAI for each NDA or agreement that violates whistleblower protection laws.

    • Remedial Actions: Require OpenAI to take corrective actions, such as revising existing agreements and notifying employees of their rights.

  3. Policy and Guidance:

    • Guidance Issuance: Provide clear guidance to the AI and tech industries on the legal requirements for NDAs and whistleblower protections.

    • Industry-Wide Warnings: Issue public statements or warnings to other companies in the sector to deter similar practices.

  4. Whistleblower Protections and Incentives:

    • Enhance Protections: Strengthen policies to protect whistleblowers from retaliation, ensuring they can report concerns without fear.

    • Reward Programs: Reinforce the availability of financial incentives for whistleblowers whose reports lead to successful enforcement actions.

  5. Collaboration with Other Agencies:

    • Interagency Collaboration: Work with other federal agencies, such as the Department of Justice, to address potential criminal aspects of the case.

    • Executive Order Compliance: Ensure that OpenAI’s practices align with the requirements of Executive Order 14110, which emphasizes safe and responsible AI development.


The whistleblowers are seeking decisive and comprehensive action from the SEC to address the restrictive NDAs and ensure robust protections for whistleblowers in the AI sector. The SEC has the authority to investigate, enforce, and set industry-wide precedents that can help ensure the safe and ethical development of AI technologies. Through these actions, the SEC can uphold federal laws, protect public interest, and foster a transparent and accountable tech industry.

Question 4 of 4 for ChatGPT-4o: In your view, what would be the appropriate action for the SEC to take?

ChatGPT-4o's answer:
Given the serious nature of the allegations and the potential implications for the AI industry, the SEC should take the following appropriate actions to address the issues raised by the whistleblowers:

1. Thorough Investigation

  • Initiate a Formal Investigation: The SEC should formally investigate OpenAI's use of restrictive non-disclosure agreements and other employment contracts to determine if they violate federal laws, specifically SEC Rule 21F-17(a).

  • Collect and Review Documents: Gather all relevant employment agreements, severance packages, and NDAs used by OpenAI to assess their compliance with whistleblower protection laws.

2. Enforcement Actions

  • Cease-and-Desist Orders: Issue orders to OpenAI to immediately stop using any agreements that prevent employees from reporting to the SEC or other federal authorities.

  • Monetary Fines: Impose significant fines on OpenAI for each agreement found to be in violation of whistleblower protection laws, ensuring the penalties are substantial enough to act as a deterrent.

3. Remedial Measures

  • Revise Agreements: Mandate that OpenAI revises all existing NDAs and employment contracts to explicitly state that employees are permitted to report violations to federal authorities without prior company consent and without facing retaliation.

  • Notify Employees: Require OpenAI to notify all past and current employees of the changes to their agreements and inform them of their rights to report concerns to the SEC and other regulatory bodies.

4. Public Accountability and Transparency

  • Public Disclosure: Ensure that the findings of the investigation and the actions taken are made public to increase transparency and accountability. This can serve as a warning to other companies in the industry.

  • Industry-Wide Guidance: Issue detailed guidance to the AI and tech industries on the requirements for NDAs and whistleblower protections, highlighting the importance of compliance with federal laws.

5. Ongoing Monitoring and Compliance

  • Regular Audits: Implement a system of regular audits and compliance checks to ensure that OpenAI and other AI companies continue to adhere to federal whistleblower protection laws.

  • Whistleblower Support: Enhance support for whistleblowers by creating more accessible and secure channels for reporting concerns, ensuring that their identities are protected, and they are safeguarded against retaliation.

6. Collaboration with Other Agencies

  • Interagency Collaboration: Work closely with other federal agencies, such as the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, to address any broader legal and regulatory issues that may arise from the investigation.

  • Ensure Compliance with Executive Orders: Ensure that OpenAI’s practices align with Executive Order 14110, which emphasizes the safe and secure development and use of artificial intelligence.


The SEC’s response should be comprehensive, combining investigation, enforcement, remedial measures, public accountability, ongoing monitoring, and interagency collaboration. This approach will not only address the specific issues at OpenAI but also set a strong precedent for the entire AI industry, promoting a culture of transparency, safety, and accountability. Such actions will help ensure that the development of AI technologies benefits society while mitigating potential risks.