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  • GPT-4o: Integrating more human-like ways for AI to respond such as denying, ignoring, doubting, taking more time and adding self-criticism could greatly enhance accuracy, reliability, usefulness...

GPT-4o: Integrating more human-like ways for AI to respond such as denying, ignoring, doubting, taking more time and adding self-criticism could greatly enhance accuracy, reliability, usefulness...

...and overall value of the model's output. Here’s a breakdown of which methods should be implemented and why they could be beneficial.

Question 1 of 2 ChatGPT-4o: Large Language Models never respond with answers like "I don't know", "If I tell you I would be lying because I haven't trained on that topic" and other than sharing draft responses, they don't produce a response to then throw it away before presenting it to the user because it would be of bad quality. Also, I assume an LLM is being instructed to answer within a certain window of time, or is being subject to size limitations relevant to its response. Please list all the consequences the aforementioned could have on the quality of an LLMs output, its accuracy, its reliability and its usefulness and value to the user.

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Your query touches on several important aspects of how Large Language Models (LLMs) function, including their design to always produce responses, even when uncertain, and potential constraints such as response time and size limitations. Here’s a breakdown of the potential consequences on the quality, accuracy, reliability, and usefulness of an LLM's output:

1. Quality of Responses

  • Risk of Misinformation: If an LLM is designed to always produce a response, even when it lacks sufficient information or context, it may generate answers that are incorrect or misleading. This can degrade the overall quality of responses.

  • Generalizations and Vagueness: To avoid providing blatantly incorrect information, LLMs might produce overly generalized or vague responses that are technically accurate but not particularly helpful or informative.

  • Overconfidence: LLMs may present answers with an authoritative tone, even when the underlying information is uncertain. This can lead users to overestimate the accuracy of the information provided.

2. Accuracy of Responses

  • Errors and Hallucinations: LLMs might "hallucinate" facts or details—generating information that is not based on any real knowledge or data. This can occur because the model is compelled to produce an answer even when it doesn't "know" the right one.

  • Inaccurate Summarization: When summarizing complex topics under time or size constraints, LLMs may omit critical details or oversimplify the information, leading to inaccuracies in the output.

  • Difficulty with Nuanced Topics: Without the ability to say "I don't know," LLMs might struggle with highly specialized or nuanced topics, leading to partial or incorrect responses.

3. Reliability of Responses

  • Inconsistent Performance: The LLM's performance may vary depending on the complexity of the query, its training data, and how much information it can process within the time or size constraints. This inconsistency can make the model less reliable for certain types of inquiries.

  • Lack of Contextual Understanding: LLMs may produce answers that don't fully consider the context of the query, especially if the query is ambiguous or if the model cannot request clarification. This can result in irrelevant or incomplete answers.

4. Usefulness and Value to the User

  • Limited Deep Analysis: Time and size constraints can prevent LLMs from providing deep or comprehensive analyses. While they can be quick and efficient, they might not offer the depth needed for more complex or critical decisions.

  • User Confidence: If users encounter too many inaccurate or low-quality responses, they may lose trust in the LLM, reducing its perceived value. Conversely, if users are unaware of potential inaccuracies, they may rely too heavily on the LLM, leading to poor decision-making.

  • Feedback Loop Issues: LLMs that always produce an answer may not encourage users to critically evaluate the information provided. This can lead to a feedback loop where incorrect or low-quality outputs are less likely to be questioned or corrected by users.

5. Ethical Implications

  • Misuse Potential: LLMs that always generate responses, regardless of their accuracy, can be misused to spread misinformation or support harmful narratives. This is particularly concerning in sensitive areas like healthcare, law, or finance.

  • Transparency Issues: Users may not always be aware that an LLM's response is based on a limited understanding of the topic. Without transparency about the model's limitations, users might be misled about the validity or accuracy of the information.

6. Adaptability and Improvement

  • Difficulty in Learning from Mistakes: LLMs do not inherently "learn" from their mistakes in real-time unless paired with systems that allow for ongoing training or feedback loops. This can result in the persistence of errors in the model's output over time.

  • Challenges in Tailoring Responses: Without the ability to refuse answering when unsure, LLMs may struggle to tailor responses to users' specific needs or to clarify when more information is needed, limiting the model's adaptability and user engagement.


While LLMs are powerful tools for generating human-like text, the constraints you've mentioned—such as the inability to decline answering, time limitations, and size constraints—can significantly impact their output's quality, accuracy, and reliability. These limitations may affect the usefulness and value of LLMs to users, especially in situations that require highly accurate or detailed information. Understanding these potential consequences is crucial for both developers and users to mitigate risks and improve the effectiveness of LLMs in various applications.

Question 2 of 2 for AI services: Which - more human-like ways to respond to any question (denying, ignoring, doubting, taking more time, adding self-criticism et cetera) - should be implemented by AI makers that are currently not yet implemented, and explain why. Feel free to add more methods that can increase accuracy, reliability, usefulness and value of the model’s output to the user.

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Integrating more human-like ways for AI to respond—such as denying, ignoring, doubting, taking more time, and adding self-criticism—could greatly enhance the accuracy, reliability, usefulness, and overall value of the model's output. Here’s a breakdown of which methods should be implemented and why they could be beneficial:

1. Denial (Saying “I Don’t Know”)

  • Implementation: Allow the AI to explicitly say “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure” when it is uncertain about the information.

  • Benefits:

    • Increased Accuracy: By admitting uncertainty, the AI can avoid providing incorrect or misleading information, which increases the overall accuracy of its responses.

    • Building Trust: Users may trust the AI more if it admits when it doesn't have the answer, rather than guessing or making something up.

    • Encourages Critical Thinking: This approach prompts users to seek additional sources of information, rather than taking the AI’s response as the final word.

2. Doubt and Probabilistic Responses

  • Implementation: Introduce probabilistic language like “I’m about 60% certain” or “This information might not be fully accurate.”

  • Benefits:

    • Transparency: Users get a clearer sense of how reliable the information might be, which helps them weigh the AI’s output against other sources.

    • Contextual Understanding: This allows the AI to convey the complexities or uncertainties inherent in certain types of information, leading to more nuanced and realistic responses.

    • Reduction of Overconfidence: By expressing doubt, the AI can reduce the likelihood of users being misled by potentially inaccurate information.

3. Taking More Time for Complex Queries

  • Implementation: For more complex or ambiguous questions, allow the AI to “take a moment” to process, or indicate that it needs more time to generate a comprehensive answer.

  • Benefits:

    • Improved Quality: Taking extra time could enable the AI to analyze the query more thoroughly and generate a higher-quality, more accurate response.

    • User Expectation Management: Informing users that a complex query requires more processing time sets realistic expectations and helps them understand the effort involved in generating a reliable response.

4. Self-Criticism and Explanation of Limitations

  • Implementation: Include self-criticism or explanations of the model’s limitations in responses, such as “This is based on general information, and there may be exceptions” or “My training data may not include the most recent developments on this topic.”

  • Benefits:

    • Increased Reliability: Users are more likely to value and rely on information that comes with a clear explanation of its limitations or the context in which it was generated.

    • Transparency: This helps users understand the boundaries of the AI's capabilities, making them more discerning in their use of the AI’s outputs.

    • Ethical Responsiveness: It reduces the risk of the AI being used to spread misinformation, as users are made aware of the potential gaps in the AI’s knowledge.

5. Ignoring or Refusing to Answer Certain Questions

  • Implementation: Enable the AI to refuse to answer questions that are unethical, overly personal, or beyond its scope. For example, it might say, “I’m not able to provide an answer to that” or “This topic is outside my capabilities.”

  • Benefits:

    • Ethical Safeguards: Refusing to answer certain types of questions helps prevent the AI from generating harmful, inappropriate, or misleading responses.

    • Preservation of User Privacy: Ignoring questions that invade privacy or ask for sensitive information helps protect both users and the integrity of the AI system.

    • Focused Expertise: By declining to answer questions outside its expertise, the AI can concentrate on providing accurate information within its known areas, thereby enhancing its reliability.

6. Contextual Feedback and Follow-Up

  • Implementation: Allow the AI to provide feedback on the question asked, such as “Could you clarify what you mean by…” or “Based on what you’ve asked, here’s one possible interpretation.”

  • Benefits:

    • Enhanced Usefulness: Contextual feedback ensures that the AI is addressing the user's actual query, reducing the chances of misunderstandings and irrelevant answers.

    • Improved Engagement: Users are more likely to engage with an AI that asks for clarification or offers multiple interpretations, as it feels more interactive and personalized.

    • Better Response Accuracy: Asking for clarification can lead to more accurate and relevant responses, especially for complex or ambiguous questions.

7. Acknowledging Errors and Learning from Feedback

  • Implementation: Equip the AI with mechanisms to acknowledge when it has made a mistake and incorporate user feedback to improve future responses.

  • Benefits:

    • Continuous Improvement: Learning from mistakes allows the AI to improve over time, reducing the frequency of errors and increasing overall accuracy.

    • User Empowerment: Users feel more in control and valued when their feedback leads to tangible improvements in the AI’s performance.

    • Accountability: Acknowledging errors helps establish a sense of accountability in AI interactions, making the technology seem more responsible and trustworthy.

8. Incorporating External References and Sources

  • Implementation: When providing factual information, the AI could include references or suggest external sources for further reading.

  • Benefits:

    • Enhanced Reliability: Citing sources or recommending further reading can back up the AI’s claims and make the information more reliable.

    • Encourages Informed Decisions: Users are encouraged to verify information and seek out additional perspectives, leading to more informed decisions.

    • Support for Complex Answers: For topics that require deep knowledge, providing external sources ensures that users can access more comprehensive information than the AI might provide in a single response.


Implementing more human-like behaviors in AI—such as expressing doubt, taking more time, refusing to answer certain questions, and self-criticism—can significantly improve the quality, accuracy, reliability, and usefulness of AI-generated responses. These features would make interactions with AI more transparent and trustworthy, ultimately increasing the value of the AI as a tool for users. They also address ethical concerns, manage user expectations better, and contribute to more informed decision-making processes.