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  • GPT-4o: The implication that there are inherent limits to how controllable LLMs can be, challenges the assumption that we can fully harness and direct these models' capabilities

GPT-4o: The implication that there are inherent limits to how controllable LLMs can be, challenges the assumption that we can fully harness and direct these models' capabilities

Ensure that AI developers and companies are held accountable for the behavior of their models. Promote independent audits and certifications to verify that AI systems meet safety & ethical guidelines

Question 1 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: Please read the paper "What’s the Magic Word? A CONTROL THEORY OF LLM PROMPTING" and tell me what it says in easy to understand language

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The paper "What’s the Magic Word? A CONTROL THEORY OF LLM PROMPTING" delves into understanding how prompts influence the outputs of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3 or Llama-7b, using concepts from control theory. Here is a simplified explanation:

Key Points:

  1. Dynamic Reprogrammability of LLMs:

    • LLMs can generate various outputs depending on the input prompts, a capability known as "dynamic reprogrammability." This is akin to how biological systems adapt and respond to different stimuli.

  2. Prompt Optimization:

    • There are three main ways to optimize how LLMs generate text:

      1. Input Optimization (Prompting): Adjusting the input text to get better results.

      2. Model Optimization: Changing the model itself (e.g., through fine-tuning).

      3. Post-processing: Adjusting the output after it’s generated.

    • Among these, prompting is the simplest and cheapest method but the least understood.

  3. Control Theory Framework:

    • The authors use control theory to analyze LLMs. In this context, control theory helps understand how to steer the output of an LLM using prompts.

    • They define the "reachable set" of outputs, which is the set of all possible outputs the LLM can generate from a given initial state with some prompt.

  4. Empirical Findings:

    • By testing with different LLMs (like Falcon-7b and Llama-7b), they found that with prompts of up to 10 tokens, the correct next token (based on the Wikitext dataset) can be generated over 97% of the time.

    • Even for less likely outputs, with short prompts, it's possible to make these outputs more likely.

  5. Prompt Optimization Algorithms:

    • The paper discusses algorithms for finding optimal prompts. These include:

      • Greedy Back-Generation: This method builds a prompt one token at a time by choosing the token that most increases the likelihood of the desired output.

      • Greedy Coordinate Gradient (GCG): This more advanced method iteratively swaps tokens in the prompt to maximize the likelihood of the desired output.

  6. Implications and Future Work:

    • The findings show that prompts significantly influence the outputs of LLMs, sometimes in unexpected ways. This insight is crucial for developing more reliable and controllable AI systems.

    • The paper calls for more research into understanding the limits of prompt-based control and improving prompt optimization techniques.


In simple terms, this paper shows that by carefully choosing the right words to start with (prompts), we can make LLMs produce the text we want, much like using the right commands to control a machine. The study uses ideas from control theory to understand and improve this process, helping us to make better use of these powerful language models.

Question 2 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: Is this problem fixable?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The paper "What’s the Magic Word? A CONTROL THEORY OF LLM PROMPTING" outlines several challenges and complexities related to controlling the outputs of Large Language Models (LLMs) through prompts. Here’s a simplified take on whether these problems are fixable and to what extent:

Fixable Problems and Solutions:

  1. Improving Prompt Effectiveness:

    • Problem: Finding the optimal prompts is not well understood and can be challenging.

    • Solution: The development and application of algorithms like Greedy Back-Generation and Greedy Coordinate Gradient (GCG) show promising results. Continuous improvement and refinement of these algorithms can make prompt optimization more effective.

  2. Understanding Controllability:

    • Problem: It's unclear how different prompts influence the outputs, especially for less likely responses.

    • Solution: The control theory framework introduced in the paper helps in understanding the boundaries and capabilities of prompts. Further research and experimentation can expand this understanding, making it easier to predict and control LLM behavior.

  3. Reducing Computational Costs:

    • Problem: Longer prompts or more complex optimization methods can be computationally expensive.

    • Solution: Finding the balance between prompt length and effectiveness, and optimizing the algorithms to run more efficiently, can help. As computational resources continue to improve, these costs will become less prohibitive.

  4. Enhancing LLM Training:

    • Problem: The inherent limitations of current LLM architectures may restrict controllability.

    • Solution: Advances in LLM training, such as better training data, more sophisticated architectures, and fine-tuning methods, can improve the model's responsiveness to prompts.

Inherent Limitations:

Some aspects of the problem might be more challenging to "fix" completely due to the nature of LLMs and the complexity of human language:

  1. Stochastic Nature of LLMs:

    • LLMs generate outputs probabilistically, meaning there's always some degree of randomness. Complete control might be inherently limited by this stochastic nature.

  2. Complexity of Human Language:

    • The vast and nuanced nature of human language means that achieving perfect control over LLM outputs for all possible prompts and contexts might be impractical.

Future Directions:

To address these challenges and improve the controllability of LLMs through prompts, the paper suggests several future directions:

  • Extending Control Theory Applications: Further applying control theory to different aspects of LLMs, such as multi-token outputs and longer prompt sequences.

  • Developing Better Models: Creating new LLM architectures designed with controllability in mind.

  • Research on Controllability Properties: Investigating the properties of controllable and uncontrollable components within LLMs.


While some problems related to prompt-based control of LLMs are fixable through better algorithms, understanding, and model improvements, others might be more challenging due to the inherent nature of LLMs and human language. Continuous research and development in this area can significantly enhance our ability to control LLM outputs, making these systems more reliable and effective.

Question 3 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: One comment on LinkedIn states: "This paper shows that you have a 50% chance of eliciting any given token from an LLM by prompting it with at most 10 tokens. In other words, by crafting a short prompt, you can make the LLM say almost anything, regardless of whether it's in the training/fine-tuning/alignment set or not. It immediately explains many head-scratching paradoxes of LLMs: 🛑 Why LLMs cannot stop hallucinating. 🛑 Why it’s so easy to jailbreak LLMs, despite all the alignment efforts. 🛑 The mystery of prompt engineering: why it’s so easy to have a compelling demo, but so hard to make it work reliably in production. In addition to the intriguing empirical results, the paper also establishes a control theory for LLMs. Based on this theory, it proves the theoretical lower bound of token reachability and ties it to the singular value of the attention matrices. Ironically, the control theory implies that, despite all the good things brought by the attention mechanism, it makes transformers/LLMs almost always uncontrollable." Do you agree with this assessment?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The LinkedIn comment provides a thought-provoking summary and interpretation of the paper. Let's break down the key points and assess their accuracy based on the content of the paper "What’s the Magic Word? A CONTROL THEORY OF LLM PROMPTING":

Key Points of the Comment:

  1. 50% Chance of Eliciting Any Given Token with Short Prompts:

    • Accuracy: The paper does demonstrate that short prompts can significantly influence LLM outputs. However, the exact figure of a 50% chance isn't explicitly stated in the paper. The empirical results suggest high reachability (e.g., over 97% for the correct next token with prompts of 10 tokens), but this is context-dependent and varies with the target token and initial state.

    • Assessment: The comment's claim is an extrapolation. While short prompts are powerful, stating a precise 50% chance oversimplifies the nuanced findings.

  2. Implications for Hallucinations, Jailbreaking, and Prompt Engineering:

    • Accuracy: The paper's findings do shed light on why LLMs can hallucinate, be easily jailbroken, and why prompt engineering can be inconsistent. The ability to control LLM outputs with short prompts explains these phenomena to some extent.

    • Assessment: This part of the comment aligns well with the paper's implications. Short prompts' ability to steer outputs unpredictably indeed contributes to these challenges.

  3. Control Theory and Theoretical Lower Bound of Token Reachability:

    • Accuracy: The paper establishes a control theory framework and links token reachability to the singular values of attention matrices. It provides bounds on controllability, indicating inherent limits in how controllable LLMs can be.

    • Assessment: This accurately reflects the paper's contributions and findings. The control theory perspective is a significant part of the paper.

  4. Transformers/LLMs Being Almost Always Uncontrollable:

    • Accuracy: The control theory implies that while prompts can steer LLM outputs, there are inherent limits due to the nature of self-attention and the structure of LLMs. However, "almost always uncontrollable" is a strong statement. The paper indicates significant controllability within certain bounds.

    • Assessment: The comment's conclusion might be slightly exaggerated. The paper shows both the power and the limits of control, suggesting that LLMs are controllable to a considerable extent but not entirely.

Overall Assessment:

  • The comment captures the essence of the paper's findings and their implications for LLM behavior, including hallucinations, jailbreaking, and the challenges of prompt engineering.

  • It accurately reflects the theoretical contributions regarding control theory and token reachability.

  • However, some specific claims (like the 50% chance and "almost always uncontrollable") are more interpretative and slightly overstated compared to the nuanced findings presented in the paper.


The LinkedIn comment provides a mostly accurate but somewhat simplified interpretation of the paper. It highlights important insights and implications but should be understood in the context of the detailed and nuanced findings of the research.

Question 4 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: What are the most remarkable controversial statements and findings in the paper?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The paper "What’s the Magic Word? A CONTROL THEORY OF LLM PROMPTING" makes several remarkable and potentially controversial statements and findings. Here are some of the key points:

Controversial Statements and Findings:

  1. High Reachability with Short Prompts:

    • Finding: The paper demonstrates that the correct next token is reachable over 97% of the time with prompts of 10 tokens or fewer.

    • Controversy: This suggests that LLM outputs can be significantly influenced by relatively short prompts, raising questions about the stability and reliability of these models. It implies that LLMs can be easily manipulated, which could be a concern for applications requiring high reliability and accuracy.

  2. Influence of Prompts on Output Likelihood:

    • Finding: Short prompt sequences can dramatically alter the likelihood of specific outputs, making the least likely tokens become the most likely ones.

    • Controversy: This finding underscores the potential for prompt-based manipulation (or "jailbreaking") of LLMs, despite efforts to align these models and prevent harmful outputs. It suggests that the alignment and safety mechanisms might not be as robust as needed.

  3. Theoretical Bounds on Controllability:

    • Finding: The paper establishes theoretical bounds on the controllability of LLMs based on the singular values of the attention matrices.

    • Controversy: The implication that there are inherent limits to how controllable LLMs can be challenges the assumption that we can fully harness and direct these models' capabilities through better prompt engineering alone.

  4. Comparison to Biological Systems:

    • Finding: The paper compares the dynamic reprogrammability of LLMs to adaptable computational capacities observed in biological systems.

    • Controversy: This analogy might be seen as overreaching by some, as the comparison between artificial neural networks and biological systems is often met with skepticism due to the vast differences in complexity and functionality.

  5. Prompt Engineering as a Control Problem:

    • Finding: By framing prompt engineering as a control problem, the paper introduces a new perspective on how to approach the optimization of LLM outputs.

    • Controversy: This control theory perspective might be controversial as it shifts the focus from traditional machine learning optimization techniques to a more mathematical and engineering-oriented framework, which might not be as intuitive or accepted by the broader AI research community.

  6. Implications for AI Alignment and Safety:

    • Finding: The findings suggest that current AI alignment efforts might not be sufficient to prevent manipulation through prompts, indicating a need for more robust safety mechanisms.

    • Controversy: This challenges the effectiveness of ongoing AI alignment research and suggests that more fundamental changes might be necessary to achieve reliable and safe AI systems.


The paper makes several significant and potentially controversial statements about the nature and controllability of LLMs through prompts. These findings have broad implications for the reliability, safety, and alignment of AI systems, suggesting that while prompts can effectively steer LLM outputs, there are inherent limitations and challenges that need to be addressed. These points highlight the need for further research and potentially new approaches to ensure the robustness and reliability of large language models.

Question 5 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: List all the ways in which these issues can affect real-life situations

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The issues identified in the paper "What’s the Magic Word? A CONTROL THEORY OF LLM PROMPTING" can have several real-life implications across various domains. Here’s a detailed list of potential effects:

1. Hallucinations and Misinformation

  • Impact on Users: When LLMs generate false or misleading information, it can lead to the spread of misinformation. This is particularly critical in domains like healthcare, legal advice, and news reporting, where accuracy is paramount.

  • Example: A medical chatbot providing incorrect health advice due to hallucinated responses can harm patients who follow that advice.

2. Jailbreaking and Security Vulnerabilities

  • Impact on AI Security: The ease of manipulating LLM outputs with carefully crafted prompts (jailbreaking) undermines the security and trustworthiness of AI systems.

  • Example: Malicious users could bypass content moderation filters in chatbots to generate harmful or offensive content, posing a risk to platforms that rely on AI moderation.

3. Challenges in AI Alignment and Safety

  • Impact on AI Deployment: The difficulty in aligning LLMs to consistently avoid undesirable outputs affects the deployment of these systems in sensitive environments.

  • Example: AI assistants used in educational settings may inadvertently expose students to inappropriate content despite alignment efforts.

4. Reliability of Prompt Engineering

  • Impact on Production Systems: The inconsistency in achieving desired outputs through prompt engineering makes it challenging to deploy LLMs in production environments where reliability is essential.

  • Example: An AI system designed to assist customer service representatives might give inconsistent or incorrect answers, leading to poor customer experiences.

  • Impact on Compliance: Inability to control LLM outputs reliably can lead to ethical and legal issues, especially when these systems generate biased, offensive, or defamatory content.

  • Example: AI systems used in hiring processes may inadvertently produce biased recommendations, leading to legal repercussions and loss of trust.

6. Manipulation for Malicious Purposes

  • Impact on Public Opinion: The ability to steer LLM outputs to generate specific narratives can be exploited for propaganda, fake news, and manipulating public opinion.

  • Example: Political entities could use manipulated LLM outputs to spread disinformation and influence election outcomes.

7. Trust in AI Systems

  • Impact on User Trust: Frequent hallucinations and the potential for easy manipulation can erode user trust in AI systems.

  • Example: Users may be reluctant to use AI-powered tools if they frequently encounter incorrect or manipulative responses.

8. Cost and Resource Allocation

  • Impact on Development and Maintenance: Ensuring reliable and safe LLM outputs requires significant computational resources and expert intervention, increasing the cost and complexity of maintaining these systems.

  • Example: Companies might need to invest heavily in continuous monitoring and updating of AI systems to mitigate risks of undesired outputs.

9. Education and Training

  • Impact on Learning: The unreliability of LLM outputs can affect their use in educational tools, potentially misleading students.

  • Example: An educational AI tutor providing incorrect information can confuse students and hinder their learning progress.

10. Operational Efficiency

  • Impact on Business Processes: Businesses relying on LLMs for automation might experience inefficiencies if the models generate unpredictable or incorrect outputs.

  • Example: Automated report generation in finance might produce errors that need manual correction, slowing down workflows.


These issues underscore the importance of developing more robust AI alignment and control mechanisms. Addressing these challenges is critical for ensuring that LLMs can be reliably and safely integrated into real-life applications across various domains.

Question 6 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: What should AI makers, regulators and also AI users do with this information?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Given the significant findings and potential issues highlighted in the paper "What’s the Magic Word? A CONTROL THEORY OF LLM PROMPTING," here are recommendations for AI makers, regulators, and users:

Recommendations for AI Makers:

  1. Enhance Robustness and Safety Measures:

    • Develop Better Alignment Techniques: Invest in research to improve alignment techniques that can mitigate the risks of hallucinations and unintended outputs.

    • Implement More Rigorous Testing: Conduct extensive testing under diverse scenarios to understand the limits of LLM control and identify potential vulnerabilities.

  2. Improve Prompt Engineering:

    • Create Advanced Prompt Optimization Tools: Develop tools and frameworks to help users craft better prompts that can reliably produce desired outcomes.

    • Educate Users on Effective Prompting: Provide guidelines and training materials to help users understand how to use prompts effectively and safely.

  3. Monitor and Respond to Misuse:

    • Set Up Monitoring Systems: Implement systems to detect and respond to misuse or manipulation of LLMs, such as generating harmful content or bypassing safety measures.

    • Update Models Regularly: Continuously update and fine-tune models to adapt to new types of manipulations and emerging threats.

Recommendations for Regulators:

  1. Establish Clear Guidelines and Standards:

    • Define Ethical and Safety Standards: Create and enforce standards for ethical AI development and deployment, focusing on preventing misuse and ensuring reliability.

    • Require Transparency: Mandate transparency in AI systems, including disclosure of how models are trained, tested, and aligned with safety protocols.

  2. Promote Accountability:

    • Hold AI Makers Accountable: Ensure that AI developers and companies are held accountable for the behavior of their models, particularly when it comes to safety and ethical standards.

    • Encourage Audits and Certifications: Promote independent audits and certifications to verify that AI systems meet safety and ethical guidelines.

  3. Support Research and Collaboration:

    • Fund Research: Provide funding for research into AI safety, robustness, and alignment techniques.

    • Facilitate Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between academia, industry, and government to share knowledge and develop best practices for AI safety and control.

Recommendations for AI Users:

  1. Be Informed and Cautious:

    • Understand the Limitations: Be aware of the potential limitations and risks associated with using LLMs, including their susceptibility to manipulation and hallucination.

    • Use with Caution: Apply critical thinking when using AI-generated content, especially in high-stakes or sensitive contexts.

  2. Provide Feedback:

    • Report Issues: Actively report any problems or unexpected behaviors encountered when using AI systems to the developers.

    • Engage in Responsible Use: Use AI systems responsibly, avoiding attempts to manipulate or misuse the technology for harmful purposes.

  3. Implement Safeguards:

    • Use Additional Verification: Implement additional verification steps when using AI outputs for critical decisions or public dissemination.

    • Educate and Train Users: Provide training for users on how to effectively and safely use AI tools, including recognizing potential issues and understanding best practices for prompting.


By taking these steps, AI makers, regulators, and users can work together to address the challenges identified in the paper. This collaborative effort will help ensure that LLMs are used safely, ethically, and effectively, maximizing their benefits while minimizing potential risks.