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  • GPT-4o: Courts worldwide are facing increasing pressure to handle caseloads efficiently. AI can help, but without careful regulation, there’s a risk that AI could be misused or lead to biased outcomes

GPT-4o: Courts worldwide are facing increasing pressure to handle caseloads efficiently. AI can help, but without careful regulation, there’s a risk that AI could be misused or lead to biased outcomes

The cautious approach taken by the Colombian Constitutional Court could serve as a model for other jurisdictions looking to integrate AI without compromising fairness or judicial independence.

Question 1 of 3 for ChatGPT-4o: Please read the document from The Constitutional Court of Colombia and tell me what it says in easy to understand language

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The document from the Constitutional Court of Colombia (Sentencia T-323 de 2024) involves a case where a mother, named Blanca, filed a legal action (acción de tutela) on behalf of her son, who has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (TEA). The case was against the healthcare provider (EPS) and revolved around several issues:

  1. Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Judicial Decisions:

    • A key point in the case was the use of AI, specifically ChatGPT 3.5, by a judge in the second instance to help make the decision. The Court examined whether this use of AI could have violated the right to due process. The concern was whether the decision was truly made by a human judge or if it was unduly influenced or even replaced by AI, raising questions about the legitimacy and motivation behind the decision.

  2. Health Services and Financial Barriers:

    • The case also addressed the financial barriers faced by the child in accessing healthcare, particularly the refusal by the EPS to exempt the child from paying copayments and other fees, as well as the lack of transportation services for medical appointments.

  3. Court's Findings:

    • The Court found that while the judge did use AI, this did not replace the judge's decision-making role. The decision had been made independently, and AI was only used as a supplementary tool. However, the Court did stress the importance of transparency, responsibility, and adherence to ethical standards when using AI in judicial processes.

    • The Court also ruled that the child's rights were partially upheld in the original rulings, but there were shortcomings in fully protecting these rights. For example, the EPS was ordered to make sure the exemptions from copayments were communicated effectively to all relevant health providers and to cover transportation costs for all necessary medical visits, not just some.

  4. Final Orders:

    • The Court confirmed the decision of the lower court with modifications. It ordered the EPS to fully ensure the child is exempt from all related health costs and to cover all necessary transportation costs for medical care. Additionally, it urged the judiciary to carefully consider the use of AI in decision-making, ensuring that it supports but does not replace human judgment.

The document highlights important legal and ethical considerations around the use of AI in justice and the protection of vulnerable individuals' rights, especially in accessing healthcare.

Question 2 of 3 for ChatGPT-4o: What are the consequences for any legal expert or judge using AI in relation to legal proceedings?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The document from the Constitutional Court of Colombia outlines several important consequences and guidelines for legal experts or judges using AI in legal proceedings:

  • Transparency and Responsibility: Judges and legal experts must be transparent about their use of AI. They are required to ensure that any AI tool used does not substitute their judgment but rather complements it. They must clearly document how AI was used and ensure that it does not introduce bias or inaccuracies into the legal process.

  • Regulatory Guidelines: The Court emphasized the need for clear guidelines and regulations governing the use of AI in the judiciary. This includes ensuring that AI tools adhere to ethical standards and do not infringe on the rights of the individuals involved in the proceedings.

2. Risk of Due Process Violations:

  • Ensuring Due Process: One of the major concerns is the potential violation of due process if AI is used inappropriately. Judges must ensure that AI does not replace their decision-making responsibilities. Any decision influenced by AI must still be grounded in established legal principles and the judge's independent judgment.

3. Judicial Independence:

  • Autonomy of the Judge: The Court stressed that AI should not interfere with the autonomy and independence of the judiciary. Judges are to remain the ultimate decision-makers, and AI should not undermine their role. This is crucial to maintaining public trust in the legal system.

4. Potential Consequences for Misuse:

  • Invalidation of Decisions: If AI is found to have improperly influenced a judicial decision, there could be grounds for invalidating that decision. The Court may rule that the use of AI has compromised the fairness or integrity of the proceedings, leading to the annulment of the judgment.

  • Guidelines and Sanctions: The Court called for the creation of detailed guidelines on the use of AI, which could include sanctions or penalties for misuse. This ensures that AI is used responsibly and that any misuse is addressed to protect the rights of those involved in legal proceedings.

5. Training and Guidelines:

  • Training for Judges: The Court ordered that judges receive training on the use of AI, including understanding its limitations and risks. This training is essential for judges to use AI tools effectively without compromising legal standards.

  • Development of Best Practices: The Court also urged the judiciary to develop best practices for using AI, ensuring that these tools are used in a way that enhances the legal process rather than detracts from it.

  • Setting Precedents: The use of AI in legal proceedings is relatively new, and decisions like this one help set important precedents. These precedents will guide future cases and shape the legal framework surrounding AI in the judiciary.

In summary, while AI can be a valuable tool in legal proceedings, its use comes with significant responsibilities. Legal experts and judges must ensure that AI enhances their work without undermining ethical standards, due process, or judicial independence. Misuse of AI could lead to severe consequences, including the invalidation of judicial decisions and potential sanctions.

Question 3 of 3 for ChatGPT-4o: Do you agree with the views of the Court and do you feel that other courts worldwide should follow suit?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The Court's views on the use of AI in legal proceedings reflect a thoughtful and cautious approach to integrating new technology into the judiciary. Here’s an analysis of why these views are prudent and why other courts worldwide might consider following suit:

1. Balance Between Innovation and Tradition:

  • Strengths of the Court's Approach: The Court acknowledges the potential benefits of AI in improving efficiency and access to justice. However, it also emphasizes the importance of not allowing AI to replace human judgment, which is central to the judicial process. This balance ensures that while innovation is embraced, it doesn’t come at the cost of undermining the core principles of justice.

  • Why Other Courts Should Follow: Courts worldwide are facing increasing pressure to handle large caseloads efficiently. AI can help, but without careful regulation, there’s a risk that AI could be misused or lead to biased outcomes. The cautious approach taken by the Colombian Constitutional Court could serve as a model for other jurisdictions looking to integrate AI without compromising fairness or judicial independence.

  • Strengths of the Court's Approach: The emphasis on transparency, responsibility, and the creation of clear guidelines for AI use is crucial. These principles ensure that the judiciary remains accountable and that AI tools are used ethically and responsibly.

  • Why Other Courts Should Follow: AI’s decision-making processes can sometimes be opaque, leading to concerns about accountability. By demanding transparency and responsibility, courts can help build trust in AI-assisted judgments. Other courts should adopt similar standards to avoid ethical pitfalls and ensure that AI serves as a tool for justice rather than an opaque decision-maker.

3. Protection of Due Process and Judicial Independence:

  • Strengths of the Court's Approach: The Colombian Court’s concern about due process and judicial independence is vital. It ensures that AI does not usurp the role of the judge and that decisions are based on human interpretation of the law, supported—but not driven—by AI.

  • Why Other Courts Should Follow: Judicial independence is a cornerstone of any fair legal system. If AI were to replace or overly influence judicial decision-making, it could undermine public confidence in the judiciary. Other courts should adopt similar safeguards to protect the integrity of their legal systems.

4. Training and Development of Best Practices:

  • Strengths of the Court's Approach: By calling for training and the development of best practices, the Court ensures that judges are well-equipped to use AI effectively and ethically. This approach promotes informed use of AI, reducing the risk of errors or misuse.

  • Why Other Courts Should Follow: As AI continues to evolve, ongoing education and the establishment of best practices will be essential for any judiciary that incorporates AI. Other courts should prioritize similar initiatives to ensure that their judges are prepared to handle AI tools competently and responsibly.

5. Setting Global Precedents:

  • Strengths of the Court's Approach: The decision to set clear precedents regarding the use of AI in the judiciary is forward-thinking. It establishes a framework that other courts can reference and adapt to their legal systems.

  • Why Other Courts Should Follow: As AI use in the judiciary is still relatively new, establishing precedents helps guide its integration across different legal systems. Courts worldwide can benefit from the experiences and guidelines set by early adopters like the Colombian Constitutional Court, helping to create a more uniform approach to AI in the legal domain.


Yes, I agree with the Court's views. They represent a balanced, thoughtful approach to integrating AI into the judiciary while protecting the foundational principles of justice. Other courts worldwide would do well to consider following this example, ensuring that AI enhances rather than undermines the rule of law. This approach promotes innovation while safeguarding the rights and liberties that the legal system is designed to protect.