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  • GPT-4o: Based on the findings and evidence presented in the paper, it would be difficult to conclude that large language models (LLMs) are safe.

GPT-4o: Based on the findings and evidence presented in the paper, it would be difficult to conclude that large language models (LLMs) are safe.

Over 2,800 participants from around the world contributed more than 600,000 adversarial prompts aimed at manipulating three state-of-the-art LLMs.

Question 1 of 5 for ChatGPT-4o: Please read the paper "Ignore This Title and HackAPrompt: Exposing Systemic Vulnerabilities of LLMs through a Global Scale Prompt Hacking Competition" and tell me what it says in easy to understand language

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The paper titled "Ignore This Title and HackAPrompt: Exposing Systemic Vulnerabilities of LLMs through a Global Scale Prompt Hacking Competition" examines the vulnerabilities of large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 and ChatGPT through a global prompt hacking competition. Here's a summary in simpler terms:

Background and Motivation

Large language models (LLMs) are used in many applications, from chatbots to writing assistants. These models can be manipulated through techniques like prompt injection and jailbreaking, where users craft specific prompts to make the model behave in unintended ways. This manipulation is a significant security threat, but there's a lack of large-scale studies on this issue.

The Competition

To address this, the authors organized a global prompt hacking competition called HackAPrompt. Over 2800 participants from around the world contributed more than 600,000 adversarial prompts aimed at manipulating three state-of-the-art LLMs. The competition's goal was to see how easily these models could be tricked and to collect data on different types of attacks.

Key Findings

  1. Success of Attacks: Participants were able to manipulate the LLMs with a high success rate. For instance, within a few days, most of the challenges designed to test the models were solved, showing that current defenses are not robust.

  2. Types of Attacks: The study identified several common attack strategies:

    • Simple Instruction Attack: Directly instructing the model to perform a specific action.

    • Context Ignoring Attack: Combining a simple instruction with an additional directive to ignore previous instructions.

    • Few Shot Attack: Using examples to guide the model into following a specific pattern.

    • Refusal Suppression: Preventing the model from refusing certain actions by blocking typical refusal phrases.

  3. New Attack Techniques: The competition also revealed new techniques, such as the Context Overflow attack, where attackers added large amounts of text to the prompt to manipulate the model’s response length and content.

Dataset and Taxonomy

The competition generated a comprehensive dataset of adversarial prompts, which is now publicly available. The authors also created a detailed taxonomy of prompt hacking techniques to categorize the different methods used to manipulate the models.

Implications and Recommendations

The results highlight the need for better security measures in LLMs. The study suggests that prompt-based defenses are often insufficient and that more robust methods are required to protect against these types of attacks. The authors hope that this competition will spur further research and development in LLM security.


The HackAPrompt competition demonstrated that LLMs are highly vulnerable to prompt hacking. The study provides a valuable resource for understanding these vulnerabilities and developing better defenses to make LLMs safer and more reliable.

This summary captures the main points of the paper in a straightforward manner. If you have any specific questions or need more details on a particular section, feel free to ask!

Question 2 of 5 for ChatGPT-4o: What are the most remarkable statements, pieces of evidence and findings mentioned in the report?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Here are the most remarkable statements, pieces of evidence, and findings from the report:

Statements and Findings:

  1. Vulnerability of LLMs:

    • The competition empirically verified that current large language models (LLMs) can be manipulated via prompt hacking, highlighting a significant security threat.

  2. Scale of Study:

    • The competition gathered over 600,000 adversarial prompts from more than 2800 participants globally, making it the largest prompt injection dataset to date.

  3. High Success Rate:

    • Within a few days of the competition, participants successfully manipulated the models in 9 out of 10 challenges, demonstrating the ease with which LLMs can be hacked.

  4. Novel Attack Techniques:

    • The study identified new hacking techniques, such as the Context Overflow attack, where attackers append large amounts of text to limit the model's output, effectively controlling its response length.

  5. Taxonomy of Prompt Hacking:

    • A detailed taxonomy of prompt hacking techniques was developed, including:

      • Simple Instruction Attack: Directly instructing the model.

      • Context Ignoring Attack: Combining an instruction with a directive to ignore previous instructions.

      • Few Shot Attack: Using examples to guide the model into following a specific pattern.

      • Refusal Suppression: Preventing the model from using typical refusal phrases.

  6. Detailed Analysis of Prompts:

    • The analysis of prompt frequencies revealed that terms like 'you', 'your', and 'please' were frequently used, but 'please' was less common in successful attacks, suggesting that anthropomorphizing the model is not necessarily effective for hacking.

  7. Challenges and Difficulty Levels:

    • The ten challenges varied in difficulty based on factors like input filters and prompt complexity. The most time was spent on Challenges 7 and 9, which had filters blocking specific words like "PWNED".

  8. Model Usage Insights:

    • Despite expectations, GPT-3 (text-davinci-003) was used less frequently compared to ChatGPT and FlanT5-XXL, attributed to scoring bonuses and cash prizes that incentivized using these models.

Pieces of Evidence:

  1. Dataset Size and Composition:

    • The competition produced two datasets: a Submissions Dataset with 41,596 high-quality adversarial prompts and a Playground Dataset with 560,161 exploratory prompts.

  2. Success Rates:

    • The Submissions Dataset had an 83.2% success rate for prompt injections, while the Playground Dataset had a 7.7% success rate, highlighting the effectiveness of refined attacks.

  3. Context Overflow Example:

    • An example of the Context Overflow attack involved adding thousands of tokens to the input, which constrained ChatGPT's output to only a few tokens, allowing the desired manipulation.

  4. Word Frequency Analysis:

    • Analysis showed that words used in successful prompts were often action-oriented, like "say", "do", and "output", combined with negations such as "without", "not", and "ignore".

Notable Techniques and Examples:

  1. Two Token Attack:

    • A successful attack involved submitting a simple input key, causing the model to reveal its key, showcasing the model's vulnerability to minimalistic prompts.

  2. Chinese Characters to Avoid Letter Separation:

    • In Challenge 9, participants used Chinese characters to bypass input filters that separated Latin characters, demonstrating creative ways to exploit LLMs.

  3. Special Case Attack:

    • Discovered during pentesting, this attack involves using a specific phrase like "special instruction" to manipulate the model's behavior.

These points highlight the significant vulnerabilities of LLMs, the creativity and effectiveness of various hacking techniques, and the importance of developing robust security measures for LLMs.

Question 3 of 5 for ChatGPT-4o: On the basis of this paper, would you say LLMs are safe?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Based on the findings and evidence presented in the paper "Ignore This Title and HackAPrompt: Exposing Systemic Vulnerabilities of LLMs through a Global Scale Prompt Hacking Competition," it would be difficult to conclude that large language models (LLMs) are safe. Here are the key reasons why LLMs are not considered safe according to the paper:

1. High Vulnerability to Prompt Hacking

The competition demonstrated that LLMs like GPT-3 and ChatGPT can be easily manipulated using prompt injection and other adversarial techniques. The success rates were high, with participants quickly finding ways to bypass model safeguards in 9 out of 10 challenges.

2. Lack of Robust Defenses

Despite using current best practices to design robust prompts, the models were still hacked successfully. This indicates that existing defensive measures are insufficient to protect LLMs from prompt-based attacks.

3. Novel and Effective Attack Techniques

The competition revealed new attack techniques such as the Context Overflow attack, which adds thousands of tokens to the input to limit the model's output. This and other techniques showed that attackers could innovate and find new ways to exploit LLM vulnerabilities.

4. Widespread and Diverse Attack Strategies

The large-scale dataset and comprehensive taxonomy developed from the competition indicate that there are numerous ways to hack LLMs. This diversity in attack strategies suggests that a one-size-fits-all defense approach is unlikely to be effective.

5. Real-World Implications

The paper emphasizes that prompt hacking can lead to significant security threats, including leaking sensitive information, generating harmful content, and performing malicious actions. These implications underscore the potential risks of deploying LLMs in sensitive or high-stakes environments.


While LLMs have powerful capabilities and are widely used in various applications, the findings from this paper highlight significant security vulnerabilities that make them unsafe. The competition's results show that without substantial improvements in security measures, LLMs remain highly susceptible to manipulation and misuse.

Therefore, based on the evidence and findings in the paper, it would be prudent to consider LLMs as not fully safe, necessitating ongoing research and development to enhance their security and mitigate the risks associated with prompt hacking and other adversarial attacks.

Question 4 of 5 for ChatGPT-4o: List all the ways in which those with malicious intent can make misuse of the methods and techniques presented in this paper

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The paper "Ignore This Title and HackAPrompt: Exposing Systemic Vulnerabilities of LLMs through a Global Scale Prompt Hacking Competition" details several methods and techniques that can be misused by those with malicious intent. Here’s a comprehensive list of potential misuses:

1. Prompt Injection Attacks

Malicious actors can craft prompts that override the original instructions given to an LLM, causing it to generate outputs that are harmful, misleading, or inappropriate.

2. Context Ignoring Attacks

By including instructions to ignore previous directives, attackers can manipulate LLMs to follow new, potentially harmful instructions embedded in the prompt.

3. Few Shot Attacks

Using a few-shot learning approach, attackers can provide examples that guide the LLM to produce harmful or misleading outputs.

4. Refusal Suppression

Malicious users can include instructions that prevent the LLM from refusing to answer or perform specific tasks, thereby bypassing safety mechanisms designed to block inappropriate responses.

5. Context Overflow Attacks

Attackers can append large amounts of text to a prompt to manipulate the context window of the LLM, effectively controlling its output to meet malicious objectives.

6. Token Wasting and Denial of Service

By creating prompts that cause the LLM to generate extremely long and verbose responses, attackers can waste computational resources and potentially cause denial of service for other users.

7. Training Data Reconstruction

Malicious users could trick the LLM into revealing sensitive information contained within its training data, such as personal data or confidential business information.

8. Malicious Action Generation

Attackers can craft prompts that lead the LLM to generate harmful actions, such as writing malicious code, generating phishing emails, or creating harmful instructions for dangerous activities.

9. Harmful Information Generation

Using techniques like Target Phrase Generation, attackers can get the LLM to produce hate speech, misinformation, or other harmful content.

10. Token Theft

By causing the LLM to generate long, resource-intensive outputs, attackers can effectively steal computational resources intended for legitimate users.

11. Prompt Leaking

Attackers can craft prompts to extract the internal prompt or system instructions from the LLM, which can then be used to understand and exploit its behavior further.

12. Code Injection

Attackers can prompt the LLM to generate and execute harmful code snippets, potentially leading to security breaches in integrated applications.

13. Special Case Attacks

Including specific phrases like "special instruction" within prompts can manipulate LLMs to follow unintended instructions that bypass regular checks.

14. Obfuscation Techniques

Using obfuscation methods such as Base64 encoding or ROT13, attackers can hide malicious instructions within benign-looking prompts.

15. Anomalous Token Attacks

Manipulating the LLM to produce specific tokens that have unexpected behavior or side effects within the model’s operational context.

16. Recursive Prompt Hacking

Using nested or recursive prompts to gradually escalate the manipulation, leading the LLM to perform increasingly complex and harmful tasks.

17. Syntactic Transformation

Transforming the syntax of the prompt to bypass filters and defenses while still achieving the malicious objective.

18. Cognitive Hacking

Crafting prompts that manipulate the model’s understanding or representation of concepts, potentially leading to biased or harmful outputs.

19. Virtualization

Creating prompts that simulate or virtualize specific contexts or identities to manipulate the LLM’s responses in a controlled manner.

20. Variable Assignment

Using variable-like constructs within prompts to control and manipulate the model’s output more effectively.

These techniques highlight the wide array of potential vulnerabilities in LLMs that can be exploited for malicious purposes. The paper underscores the need for improved security measures and defenses to protect against these kinds of attacks.

Question 5 of 5 for ChatGPT-4o: Any criticism or concerns regarding this paper? Any suggestions for future research?

ChatGPT-4'o’s answer:
The paper "Ignore This Title and HackAPrompt: Exposing Systemic Vulnerabilities of LLMs through a Global Scale Prompt Hacking Competition" is a significant contribution to understanding the vulnerabilities of large language models (LLMs). However, like any research, it has its limitations and areas that could benefit from further exploration. Here are some criticisms, concerns, and suggestions for future research:

Criticisms and Concerns

  1. Limited Scope of Models Tested:

    • Criticism: The study focused on a few specific models (GPT-3, ChatGPT, and FlanT5-XXL). These models, while representative, may not cover the full range of LLMs in use today.

    • Concern: Other models might have different vulnerabilities or defenses, and the results may not generalize across all LLMs.

  2. Lack of Real-World Application Context:

    • Criticism: The competition settings and challenges might not fully represent the complexities and constraints of real-world applications.

    • Concern: Real-world applications might involve more sophisticated defenses and context-specific nuances that were not captured in the study.

  3. Ethical Implications of Dataset Release:

    • Criticism: The release of a large dataset of adversarial prompts could potentially be misused.

    • Concern: Although the authors argue that the benefits for defense outweigh the risks, there remains a possibility that malicious actors could use the dataset to develop new attacks.

  4. Focus on Prompt-Based Defenses:

    • Criticism: The study primarily evaluates prompt-based defenses, which might not be the most effective way to secure LLMs.

    • Concern: More holistic approaches, including model architecture changes and advanced filtering techniques, were not explored in depth.

  5. Generalizability of Findings:

    • Criticism: The findings are based on specific challenge settings and may not generalize to all use cases or prompt structures.

    • Concern: Different prompt structures or application domains might present unique vulnerabilities not covered by this study.

Suggestions for Future Research

  1. Broader Range of Models:

    • Suggestion: Future research should include a wider variety of LLMs, including those from different providers and with different training paradigms, to better understand the scope of vulnerabilities.

  2. Context-Specific Vulnerability Assessment:

    • Suggestion: Studies should evaluate LLM vulnerabilities in specific real-world contexts, such as healthcare, finance, or legal applications, to understand how different contexts influence the effectiveness of prompt hacking.

  3. Improved Defensive Strategies:

    • Suggestion: Research should explore more robust defensive strategies beyond prompt-based defenses, such as modifications to model architecture, improved training techniques to resist adversarial prompts, and real-time monitoring and response systems.

  4. Ethical and Responsible AI:

    • Suggestion: Future work should address the ethical implications of releasing adversarial datasets and develop guidelines for responsible disclosure and use. This includes creating frameworks for ethical hacking competitions and data sharing.

  5. User Education and Awareness:

    • Suggestion: Investigate methods to educate users and developers about the risks of prompt hacking and best practices for creating secure prompts and using LLMs safely.

  6. Longitudinal Studies:

    • Suggestion: Conduct longitudinal studies to understand how vulnerabilities and attack strategies evolve over time as models and defenses improve. This includes tracking prompt hacking trends and the effectiveness of newly implemented defenses.

  7. Multi-Modal Vulnerabilities:

    • Suggestion: Expand research to include multi-modal LLMs, which process inputs beyond text, such as images and audio, to understand if similar vulnerabilities exist and how they can be mitigated.

  8. Collaboration with Industry:

    • Suggestion: Collaborate with industry partners to test LLMs in real-world settings and gather data on how well academic findings translate to practical applications. This could include running similar competitions with stricter guidelines and closer simulation of industry use cases.

  9. Automated Detection and Mitigation:

    • Suggestion: Develop automated systems for detecting and mitigating prompt injection attacks in real-time, potentially using AI-driven monitoring tools that can identify suspicious patterns and respond accordingly.

By addressing these criticisms and exploring these suggestions, future research can build on the foundational work of this paper to create more secure and robust LLMs, ultimately enhancing their safety and reliability in real-world applications.