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  • GPT-4o: The author expresses disdain for those who blindly promote AI without understanding it, comparing them to people who previously hyped blockchain & quantum computing without any real knowledge.

GPT-4o: The author expresses disdain for those who blindly promote AI without understanding it, comparing them to people who previously hyped blockchain & quantum computing without any real knowledge.

Overall the article serves as a cautionary tale against the mindless adoption of AI technologies and a call for businesses to prioritize practical and proven solutions over trendy and speculative ones

Question 1 of 4 for ChatGPT-4o: Please read the article "I Will F*cking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity" and tell me what it says

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The article "I Will F*cking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again" by Ludicity is a highly critical and satirical commentary on the current state of the artificial intelligence (AI) industry and its overhyped implementation in various businesses. Here are the main points covered in the article:

  1. Overhyped AI Industry: The author argues that the AI industry is filled with frauds and grifters who exploit the hype around AI to advance their careers without any real understanding or genuine use cases. Many companies launch AI initiatives without any real need or capability to implement them effectively.

  2. Personal Experience: Drawing from personal experience, the author recounts their time as a data scientist and the disillusionment with the field due to its fraudulent nature and the incompetence of many so-called leaders. The author moved to data and software engineering for more stability and meaningful work.

  3. Critique of AI in Business: The author criticizes businesses for trying to integrate AI without understanding its true potential or requirements. They argue that most companies can't even manage basic IT tasks and are therefore ill-equipped to handle advanced AI technologies.

  4. Reality vs. Hype: The author highlights the disconnect between the perceived success of AI projects and the reality. They mention that many AI initiatives fail or don't deliver significant benefits, despite what surveys and reports claim.

  5. Call for Practicality: The article urges companies to focus on fixing their fundamental operations and culture rather than chasing after AI trends. The author emphasizes that unless a company has a clear and specific use case for AI, investing in it is a waste of resources.

  6. Disdain for AI Evangelists: The author expresses strong disdain for those who blindly promote AI without understanding it, comparing them to people who previously hyped blockchain and quantum computing without any real knowledge.

  7. Satirical Tone: Throughout the article, the author uses a humorous and aggressive tone to convey their frustration with the AI industry and the people who perpetuate its myths.

  8. Potential Futures of AI: The author speculates on the potential futures of AI, ranging from an intelligence explosion that could be dangerous to humanity, to AI's failure to scale as expected, to its incremental improvements. They argue that in any case, businesses should not over-invest in AI without a clear and immediate need.

  9. Personal Anecdotes: The article includes personal anecdotes and examples to illustrate the author's points, adding a relatable and engaging element to the critique.

Overall, the article serves as a cautionary tale against the mindless adoption of AI technologies and a call for businesses to prioritize practical and proven solutions over trendy and speculative ones.

Question 2 of 4 for ChatGPT-4o: Is there anything you disagree with?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
While the article makes some compelling points, there are several areas where one might disagree or provide additional nuance:

  1. Generalization of AI Efforts: The author paints a broad picture of AI initiatives as largely fraudulent or incompetent. While there are certainly examples of hype and poorly managed projects, many AI applications are successful and provide significant value across various industries. For instance, AI has proven its worth in healthcare diagnostics, predictive maintenance in manufacturing, and personalized recommendations in e-commerce.

  2. Dismissal of AI's Potential: The article suggests that most businesses do not need AI and should stick to traditional methods. This view might be too conservative. While it's true that not all companies need to adopt AI, those that do so strategically and thoughtfully can gain competitive advantages, improve efficiency, and drive innovation. The key is to align AI initiatives with business goals and ensure proper implementation.

  3. Overemphasis on Failures: The article emphasizes the failures and fraudulent aspects of AI projects but downplays the successes and advancements. AI is still an evolving field, and while there are challenges, there are also numerous examples of AI-driven successes that have transformed industries.

  4. Simplistic View of AI Implementation: The author's argument that companies should "fix their shit" before adopting AI is valid, but it overlooks the fact that AI can also be a tool to help fix these issues. For example, AI can optimize processes, improve decision-making, and enhance operational efficiency, which can contribute to solving fundamental problems.

  5. Tone and Approach: The aggressive and satirical tone of the article, while engaging, might undermine the seriousness of the issues being discussed. Constructive criticism and balanced perspectives can be more effective in fostering a productive dialogue about the challenges and opportunities in the AI industry.

  6. Binary Outcomes: The author presents a somewhat binary view of AI's future—either it will lead to catastrophic outcomes or fail to scale. In reality, AI's development is likely to continue incrementally, with ongoing improvements and new applications emerging over time. The future of AI is complex and multifaceted, and it's important to consider a range of possible outcomes.

While the article raises important concerns about the AI industry's hype and the need for practical, well-grounded approaches, it's essential to balance these critiques with recognition of the genuine advancements and potential benefits that AI can offer when implemented thoughtfully.

Question 3 of 4 for ChatGPT-4o: With which of the author's statements do you agree and why?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
There are several points made by the author that resonate as valid critiques of the AI industry's current state:

  1. Overhype and Fraudulent Practices: The author is correct in highlighting that the AI industry has seen a significant amount of hype and, unfortunately, fraudulent practices. Many companies and individuals have indeed jumped on the AI bandwagon without a thorough understanding of the technology or its limitations, often promising more than they can deliver. This has led to inflated expectations and a number of failed projects.

  2. Need for Practical Implementation: The critique that many businesses should focus on fixing their fundamental operations and culture before diving into AI is a valid one. Successful AI implementation requires a solid foundation, including clear objectives, quality data, and a well-defined problem to solve. Companies that are struggling with basic IT and operational issues are likely to find AI projects particularly challenging.

  3. Disconnect Between Perceived and Actual Success: The author points out the disconnect between the perceived success of AI projects (often reported in surveys and studies) and the actual outcomes. This skepticism is warranted, as many reports on AI success can be overly optimistic or biased, and it's important for businesses to critically assess these claims and look for concrete evidence of value.

  4. AI as a Buzzword: The use of AI as a buzzword by people who lack a deep understanding of the technology is a real issue. This can lead to misinformed decisions and wasted resources. The author's frustration with this phenomenon is understandable, as it can hinder genuine progress and innovation in the field.

  5. Importance of Clear Use Cases: The assertion that businesses need to have clear, specific use cases for AI rather than adopting it for its own sake is sound advice. AI should be seen as a tool to solve particular problems or improve specific processes, not as a catch-all solution.

  6. Incremental Gains and Practical Applications: The author is realistic in suggesting that AI's impact may be more incremental rather than revolutionary in many cases. Focusing on practical applications and incremental improvements is a sensible approach for most organizations, especially those without the resources or expertise to be on the cutting edge.

  7. Critique of AI Evangelists and Trends: The criticism of AI evangelists who blindly promote the technology without understanding it echoes a broader concern about the tech industry's tendency to jump from one trend to another without sufficient critical evaluation. This can lead to resource misallocation and disillusionment when the promised benefits fail to materialize.

These points align with broader industry observations and cautionary tales from other technologies that have experienced similar hype cycles. The emphasis on practical, well-thought-out implementations and a focus on genuine, demonstrable benefits is a sound approach that can help mitigate the risks associated with the AI hype.

Question 4 of 4 for ChatGPT-4o: Which lessons should the various stakeholders referred to learn and how should they put the information in the article to good use?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The article offers valuable lessons for various stakeholders in the AI industry, including business leaders, data scientists, AI practitioners, and policymakers. Here are the lessons for each group and how they can put the information to good use:

Business Leaders

Lesson: Avoid jumping on the AI bandwagon without a clear, strategic need.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Evaluate Real Needs: Assess whether AI genuinely aligns with your business goals. Identify specific problems that AI can solve rather than adopting it for its own sake.

  2. Build a Strong Foundation: Ensure that basic IT and operational processes are robust before integrating advanced technologies. This includes having clean, high-quality data and strong cybersecurity practices.

  3. Be Skeptical of Hype: Critically evaluate claims about AI's capabilities and successes. Look for evidence of tangible benefits rather than relying on marketing hype or trend-following.

Data Scientists and AI Practitioners

Lesson: Focus on practical, well-defined use cases and continuous learning.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Identify Clear Use Cases: Work on AI projects that have clear, specific objectives and measurable outcomes. Avoid ambiguous or overly ambitious projects that lack focus.

  2. Stay Updated: Continuously update your skills and knowledge to keep pace with the evolving field. Engage in ongoing education and professional development.

  3. Promote Realistic Expectations: Communicate the capabilities and limitations of AI to stakeholders clearly. Manage expectations by providing realistic timelines and achievable goals.


Lesson: Regulate and support the AI industry to ensure ethical use and equitable benefits.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Develop Regulations: Implement regulations that ensure AI technologies are used ethically and responsibly. This includes guidelines for data privacy, security, and transparency.

  2. Support Education and Training: Invest in education and training programs to build a skilled workforce capable of developing and implementing AI responsibly.

  3. Encourage Collaboration: Foster collaboration between academia, industry, and government to drive innovation while ensuring that AI benefits are widely distributed.

Investors and Venture Capitalists

Lesson: Invest in sustainable, ethically responsible AI projects with clear value propositions.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Due Diligence: Conduct thorough due diligence to understand the true potential and risks of AI projects before investing. Look for companies with solid business models and clear use cases.

  2. Promote Ethical Practices: Support companies that prioritize ethical AI development and usage. Encourage transparency and accountability in AI projects.

  3. Long-term Vision: Focus on long-term value creation rather than short-term gains. Invest in projects that have sustainable business models and the potential to provide genuine benefits.

General Public and AI Enthusiasts

Lesson: Be informed and critical of AI developments and their societal impacts.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about AI technologies, their capabilities, and their limitations. Seek out reliable sources of information and be critical of sensationalist claims.

  2. Advocate for Responsible Use: Support initiatives and policies that promote the responsible use of AI. Engage in discussions about the ethical and societal implications of AI.

  3. Stay Engaged: Participate in public discourse about AI and its impact on society. Share your perspectives and concerns with policymakers and industry leaders.

Implementation of Lessons

To put these lessons to good use, stakeholders should:

  1. Develop Clear Strategies: Each group should create detailed strategies that incorporate these lessons into their decision-making processes.

  2. Foster Open Communication: Encourage open communication between all stakeholders to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices.

  3. Promote Transparency: Ensure that AI projects and initiatives are transparent, with clear documentation of their objectives, processes, and outcomes.

  4. Encourage Ethical Practices: Prioritize ethical considerations in all AI-related activities, from development to deployment and beyond.

By integrating these lessons into their practices, stakeholders can help ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that is beneficial, ethical, and aligned with genuine needs.