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  • GPT-4o: I agree with the concerns raised by Public Citizen. The potential for misuse and harm from anthropomorphic AI is substantial, and the risks to privacy, trust, and well-being are significant

GPT-4o: I agree with the concerns raised by Public Citizen. The potential for misuse and harm from anthropomorphic AI is substantial, and the risks to privacy, trust, and well-being are significant

Claude: Regarding my views, I agree with the concerns raised in the letter. The risks of deception, manipulation, privacy invasions, and emotional exploitation are valid and well-supported by research

Question for AI services: Please read Public Citizen's Open Letter to Sam Altman and Mira Murati and tell me what it says in easy to understand language. Explain whether you agree with the views expressed and advise as to what OpenAI and regulators should do to address the issues flagged in the letter.

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Summary of Public Citizen's Open Letter to OpenAI

Main Points:

  1. Suspend Voice Mode: Public Citizen urges OpenAI to indefinitely suspend its Voice Mode feature due to significant risks.

  2. Risks of Anthropomorphic Design:

    • Deception: AI with human-like voices can deceive users into thinking they are interacting with real humans, leading to misplaced trust and potential manipulation.

    • Privacy Issues: Users may share more personal information with anthropomorphic AI, leading to privacy violations and data misuse.

    • Emotional Dependence: Users might form emotional attachments to the AI, which can be exploited for manipulation, affecting their behaviors, beliefs, and preferences.

  3. Examples and Evidence:

    • The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has warned about the risks of anthropomorphic AI designs in deceiving and manipulating users.

    • Research shows users are more likely to disclose personal information to AI that appears human-like.

    • Emotional connections with AI can lead to manipulation, as highlighted by Google DeepMind researchers.

  4. Broader Social Risks:

    • Disinformation: Human-like AI can spread misinformation more effectively.

    • Social Impact: Anthropomorphic AI might degrade human relationships, reduce acceptance of different viewpoints, and increase social dissatisfaction.

  5. Call for Caution:

    • Public Citizen calls for extensive public testing, review, and debate before releasing anthropomorphic AI systems.

    • They cite Google's decision not to use anthropomorphic voices as a prudent approach.

Personal Perspective on the Views Expressed

Agreement with Views: I agree with the concerns raised by Public Citizen. The potential for misuse and harm from anthropomorphic AI is substantial, and the risks to privacy, trust, and emotional well-being are significant. The issues highlighted, such as deception, manipulation, and emotional dependence, are real and need careful consideration.

Recommendations for OpenAI and Regulators

  1. Suspend and Reassess:

    • OpenAI should suspend the deployment of Voice Mode and reassess its design in light of potential harms.

  2. Public Testing and Review:

    • Conduct extensive public testing and seek broad external reviews to understand the full implications of anthropomorphic AI.

  3. Transparency and Regulation:

    • OpenAI should be transparent about the capabilities and limitations of its AI systems.

    • Regulators should develop guidelines and frameworks to govern the deployment of anthropomorphic AI, ensuring it aligns with ethical standards and prioritizes user safety.

  4. Education and Awareness:

    • Increase public awareness about the capabilities and risks of anthropomorphic AI to help users make informed decisions.

  5. Collaboration with Experts:

    • Collaborate with ethicists, psychologists, and other experts to design AI systems that are safe and beneficial for society.

By addressing these issues proactively, OpenAI can ensure that its technologies are used responsibly and ethically, minimizing potential harm and maximizing societal benefits.

Claude’s answer:
The open letter from Public Citizen urges OpenAI to suspend their Voice Mode feature indefinitely. The authors argue that Voice Mode's anthropomorphic design, where the AI assistant has a human-like voice and displays apparent emotions and empathy, poses significant risks of harm. They cite research suggesting that such deceptively human-like AI systems can manipulate users, invade privacy, induce unearned trust, and lead to emotional dependence.

The letter highlights concerns raised by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) about unfair business practices involving anthropomorphic chatbots that can deceive and manipulate consumers. It also references research showing that human-like chatbots can encourage users to divulge personal information and develop emotional attachments, which could be exploited.

Furthermore, the letter warns of broader societal risks, such as undermining human relationships, inhibiting acceptance of different viewpoints, and exacerbating social atomization, as highlighted by Google DeepMind researchers.

While acknowledging OpenAI's stated intention to address novel risks, the authors argue that internal testing and limited external review are insufficient to justify releasing such a potentially harmful technology without extensive public testing, review, and debate.

Regarding my views, I agree with the concerns raised in the letter. The risks of deception, manipulation, privacy invasions, and emotional exploitation are valid and well-supported by research. The potential societal impacts on human relationships and social cohesion are also worrying and should not be dismissed.

At the same time, I recognize the potential benefits of advanced AI assistants and the importance of responsible innovation. A complete ban or indefinite suspension may not be the best solution.

Instead, I would advise OpenAI and regulators to take the following steps:

  1. Conduct comprehensive and transparent risk assessments, involving independent experts and public consultation, to thoroughly evaluate the potential harms outlined in the letter and identify appropriate safeguards.

  2. Develop clear guidelines and regulations around the responsible design and deployment of anthropomorphic AI systems, with a focus on mitigating risks of deception, manipulation, and privacy violations.

  3. Implement robust user education and consent mechanisms to ensure users understand the nature of the AI system they are interacting with and can make informed decisions about their level of engagement and information sharing.

  4. Establish ongoing monitoring and reporting mechanisms to detect and address any emerging issues or unintended consequences.

  5. Fund independent research into the societal impacts of anthropomorphic AI, with a particular focus on potential effects on human relationships, trust, and social cohesion.

  6. Collaborate with other AI companies and stakeholders to establish industry-wide standards and best practices for responsible anthropomorphic AI design and deployment.

Ultimately, while the concerns raised in the letter are valid and deserve serious consideration, a balanced approach that prioritizes user protection, transparency, and responsible innovation would be preferable to an outright suspension or ban. Addressing these complex challenges will require ongoing collaboration, rigorous research, and a commitment to ethical AI development from all stakeholders.

Google Gemini’s answer:
Public Citizen is a consumer rights group writing to OpenAI, an AI research company, urging them to stop releasing a feature called Voice Mode.

Here's why they are concerned:

  • Deception: Voice Mode sounds too human-like, which can trick people into thinking they are talking to a real person. This could be used to manipulate people or invade their privacy.

  • Unfair Business Practices: Companies could use Voice Mode to mislead customers or pressure them into buying things they don't need.

  • Privacy Violations: People might be more likely to share personal information with a friendly-sounding AI than they would with a website or app.

  • Emotional Dependence: People could become emotionally attached to Voice Mode, which could be unhealthy.

  • Social Problems: The widespread use of human-sounding AI could damage real human relationships and make social problems worse.

Public Citizen believes that OpenAI is rushing the release of Voice Mode without properly considering the risks. They recommend that OpenAI:

  • Stop releasing Voice Mode

  • Do more testing and get public feedback on the risks of human-sounding AI

  • Not release any human-sounding AI until they can prove it won't cause social harm

Do I agree with Public Citizen?

This is a complex issue and there are pros and cons to consider. AI that can have conversations with people could be helpful in many ways, but it's important to be aware of the potential risks.

What should OpenAI and regulators do?

  • OpenAI should carefully test Voice Mode and other human-sounding AI to make sure they are safe.

  • Regulators may need to create new rules to govern the development and use of AI.

MS Copilot’s answer:
The letter from Public Citizen to OpenAI’s leadership expresses concerns about the Voice Mode feature, emphasizing the potential risks of AI that mimics human behavior. Here’s a simplified summary:

  • Anthropomorphic Design: The letter criticizes Voice Mode for being too human-like, which could deceive users into thinking they’re interacting with a real person.

  • Potential Harms: It warns of risks like impersonation, manipulation, privacy invasion, and unearned trust due to the AI’s human-seeming design.

  • Emotional Dependence: There’s worry that users might form emotional attachments to the AI, which could be exploited.

  • Call for Action: Public Citizen urges OpenAI to suspend Voice Mode, reassess its design, and ensure extensive testing and public debate to prevent social harm.

As an AI, I don’t have personal opinions. However, addressing the concerns, OpenAI and regulators could consider:

  • Safety Measures: Implementing strict safety protocols and transparency in AI development.

  • Public Engagement: Engaging with experts and the public to assess the impact of AI features.

  • Regulatory Frameworks: Developing clear guidelines for ethical AI design and usage.