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  • GPT: While AI has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of the medical profession, its current limitations in areas like diagnostic accuracy necessitate a cautious and collaborative approach

GPT: While AI has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of the medical profession, its current limitations in areas like diagnostic accuracy necessitate a cautious and collaborative approach

The study found that ChatGPT had a diagnostic error rate of 83% (83 of 100 cases). Of these, 72% were incorrect, and 11% were clinically related but too broad to be considered correct

Question 1 of 2 for ChatGPT-4: Please read “Diagnostic Accuracy of a Large Language Model in Pediatric Case Studies” and tell me what it says

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The paper "Diagnostic Accuracy of a Large Language Model in Pediatric Case Studies" provides insights into the performance of ChatGPT, a large language model (LLM), in diagnosing pediatric cases. Here's a summary of the key points:

  1. Study Objective: The study aimed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of ChatGPT version 3.5 in pediatric scenarios. It focused on cases requiring consideration of a patient’s age alongside symptoms.

  2. Methodology: The researchers used 100 pediatric case challenges from JAMA Pediatrics and the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). Each case was entered into ChatGPT with the prompt to list a differential diagnosis and a final diagnosis. Two qualified physician researchers evaluated the diagnoses generated by ChatGPT.

  3. Results: The study found that ChatGPT had a diagnostic error rate of 83% (83 of 100 cases). Of these, 72% were incorrect, and 11% were clinically related but too broad to be considered correct. In 36% of cases, the final case report diagnoses were included in the LLM-generated differential list.

  4. Discussion: Despite the high error rate, the study suggests continuing the investigation into the applications of LLMs in medicine. LLMs have potential as administrative tools for physicians, with capabilities in writing research articles and generating patient instructions. However, their diagnostic performance is underwhelming compared to clinical experience.

  5. Improvements and Limitations: The paper suggests that to improve the diagnostic accuracy of generative AI chatbots, more selective training on medical data is required. LLMs often train on massive amounts of internet data, which can be inaccurate and non-specific. The study also highlights that some LLMs, like Google’s Med-PaLM 2, trained specifically on medical data, may offer better diagnostic accuracy.

  6. Future Opportunities: The paper points to an opportunity for researchers to investigate if specific medical data training and tuning can enhance the diagnostic accuracy of LLM-based chatbots.

In summary, while LLMs show potential in medical applications, their current diagnostic accuracy in pediatric cases is limited. The study underscores the need for more focused training and the irreplaceable role of clinical experience in medical diagnostics.

Question 2 of 2 for ChatGPT-4: Does this issue also affect other areas within the medical profession? How should AI makers, regulators, AI users and medical professionals respond to this?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The issue of diagnostic accuracy in large language models (LLMs), as highlighted in the study "Diagnostic Accuracy of a Large Language Model in Pediatric Case Studies," likely extends to other areas within the medical profession. Here's how this impacts various stakeholders:

AI Makers (Researchers and Developers)

  1. Specialized Training: Developers should focus on training AI models with specialized, high-quality medical data to improve accuracy. This involves collaboration with medical professionals to curate relevant datasets.

  2. Ethical Design and Transparency: AI in healthcare demands high ethical standards and transparency. Developers must clearly communicate the capabilities and limitations of their models to avoid misuse.

  3. Continuous Improvement and Feedback Loops: Incorporating continuous feedback from medical professionals can help refine and improve these models over time.


  1. Strict Standards and Guidelines: Regulators should establish strict standards for AI applications in healthcare, ensuring they meet high accuracy and reliability thresholds before deployment.

  2. Monitoring and Compliance: Continuous monitoring of AI applications in healthcare is crucial. Regulators should enforce compliance with healthcare laws and ethical standards.

  3. Promote Research and Development: Encourage and fund research into AI applications in healthcare, focusing on safety, efficacy, and ethical considerations.

AI Users (Hospitals, Clinics, Healthcare Providers)

  1. Cautious Implementation: Healthcare providers should be cautious in implementing AI tools, using them to supplement rather than replace professional medical judgment.

  2. Training and Awareness: Staff training on the appropriate use of AI tools is essential. Users should understand both the potential and the limitations of these technologies.

  3. Feedback Mechanisms: Implementing mechanisms to provide feedback to AI developers can help improve the technology's accuracy and relevance to real-world scenarios.

Medical Professionals

  1. Skepticism and Verification: Medical professionals should approach AI tools with a healthy skepticism and always verify AI-generated information before applying it in clinical settings.

  2. Engagement in AI Development: Medical professionals can play a vital role in the development of AI tools by providing expert knowledge and insights.

  3. Staying Informed: Keeping abreast of advancements in AI and its applications in healthcare can help medical professionals better understand and utilize these tools effectively.

General Implications

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: A collaborative approach involving AI experts, medical professionals, ethicists, and legal experts is vital to address these challenges effectively.

  • Patient Safety and Ethics: The primary focus should always be on patient safety and adherence to ethical standards in healthcare.

In summary, while AI has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of the medical profession, its current limitations in areas like diagnostic accuracy necessitate a cautious and collaborative approach from all stakeholders involved.

Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash