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  • GPT-4o: The guidelines for generative AI use in documentaries are robust and useful, but they could be improved by adding focus on data privacy, employment impact, and environmental sustainability.

GPT-4o: The guidelines for generative AI use in documentaries are robust and useful, but they could be improved by adding focus on data privacy, employment impact, and environmental sustainability.

Other Sectors and Professions That Should Have Similar Best Practices: Journalism, Advertising, Education, Healthcare, Legal and HR.

Question 1 of 2 for ChatGPT-4o: Please read the Best Practices document of the documentary filmmakers and tell me what it says

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The "Best Practices for Use of Generative AI in Documentaries" document emphasizes several key guidelines:

  1. Transparency and Disclosure: Filmmakers should clearly disclose to audiences when generative AI has been used in their documentaries, especially in ways that impact the authenticity of the content (e.g., synthesizing voices or images). Transparency builds trust and allows audiences to make informed judgments about the content they are viewing.

  2. Accuracy and Integrity: When using AI-generated content, filmmakers must ensure that it does not distort facts or mislead viewers. AI should be used responsibly to maintain the integrity of documentary storytelling, particularly when representing real-world events and individuals.

  3. Consent and Rights Management: If AI is used to recreate or simulate the likeness or voice of individuals (especially deceased persons), explicit consent from the individuals or their estates should be obtained. Similarly, legal rights related to copyright, intellectual property, and personality rights must be respected.

  4. Ethical Use: Filmmakers should be mindful of the ethical implications of using AI, particularly in representing marginalized or vulnerable communities. AI should not be used to reinforce stereotypes or cause harm to individuals or groups.

  5. Bias and Fairness: Generative AI systems may contain inherent biases from their training data. Filmmakers must be aware of this risk and take steps to avoid perpetuating harmful biases in their documentaries, including reviewing AI-generated content for fairness and accuracy.

  6. Collaboration with Experts: It is recommended that documentary filmmakers collaborate with AI and legal experts when integrating AI into their work to ensure compliance with both ethical standards and legal requirements.

These best practices aim to guide documentary filmmakers in responsibly incorporating AI into their work while preserving the trust and integrity central to documentary storytelling.

Question 2 of 2 for ChatGPT-4o: Do you find these guidelines useful? Is anything missing that should have been added? Are there any other sectors, industries or professions that should come up with similar best practices?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The guidelines outlined for the use of generative AI in documentaries are quite comprehensive and address several critical areas. They are indeed useful in promoting transparency, accuracy, ethics, and legal compliance, which are essential for maintaining the trust and integrity of documentary filmmaking. Here’s a deeper assessment of their usefulness, what could be added, and where similar best practices could be beneficial:

Usefulness of the Guidelines:

  1. Transparency and Disclosure: This is crucial for maintaining trust with audiences. As AI becomes more capable of synthesizing media, viewers must know when AI-generated content has been used, especially if it might otherwise be indistinguishable from real footage.

  2. Accuracy and Integrity: Ensuring that AI-generated content does not mislead or distort facts is central to the ethical use of AI in documentaries. This is especially critical in a genre like documentaries, which is associated with truth-telling and fact-based narratives.

  3. Consent and Rights Management: AI raises new challenges regarding likeness rights, voice replication, and copyright. Obtaining proper consent is essential to avoid legal and ethical pitfalls, especially when recreating voices or images of individuals.

  4. Ethical Use and Avoidance of Bias: These are important reminders of the responsibility filmmakers have in not reinforcing harmful stereotypes or biases inherent in AI systems. The guidelines encourage fairness, which is essential when representing diverse communities.

  5. Collaboration with Experts: Including AI and legal experts ensures that filmmakers are up to date on both the technical and legal dimensions of using AI, reducing risks and increasing the responsible use of technology.

What Could be Added:

  1. Data Privacy and Protection: The guidelines don’t explicitly cover the privacy implications of using AI, especially when AI systems rely on datasets that include personal information. Filmmakers should ensure that the data used to train or feed into AI models is handled with appropriate privacy protections, particularly if it includes sensitive or personal data.

  2. Impact on Employment and Labor: The guidelines do not mention the impact that the use of AI could have on traditional roles in filmmaking, such as voice actors, illustrators, or editors. While AI can assist or enhance these roles, it can also displace human workers. Addressing this issue would help filmmakers navigate the ethical considerations of labor and the human cost of automation in creative industries.

  3. Creative Responsibility: While the document touches on ethics, it could expand on the idea that filmmakers should still take creative responsibility for the AI-generated content they use. Just as filmmakers are responsible for the narrative choices they make, they should also be accountable for how AI content fits into their storytelling and for its potential impact on viewers.

  4. Sustainability and Environmental Impact: With AI systems consuming vast amounts of computational power, energy consumption is a growing concern. Best practices could include a focus on sustainable AI practices and awareness of the environmental cost of large-scale AI usage.

Other Sectors and Professions That Should Have Similar Best Practices:

  1. Journalism: Journalists increasingly use AI for content generation (e.g., auto-writing articles or summarizing reports). Establishing best practices for ensuring that AI-generated news content remains truthful, unbiased, and transparent is crucial to maintaining journalistic integrity.

  2. Advertising and Marketing: AI is widely used in generating personalized content, advertisements, and even synthetic influencers. Best practices around transparency (e.g., disclosing when an AI-generated ad is used) and ethical boundaries (e.g., preventing manipulation through deepfakes) would be essential in this field.

  3. Education: With AI being used to generate learning materials, assessments, and even tutor students, best practices for ensuring content accuracy, fairness, and non-bias would help maintain educational standards and fairness in learning environments.

  4. Healthcare: AI in healthcare is used for diagnostics, patient interaction, and decision support systems. Best practices here would focus on transparency, patient consent, bias in training data, and the reliability of AI decisions impacting patient care.

  5. Legal Industry: AI tools are used for document review, contract generation, and even case predictions. Establishing clear best practices for transparency, bias, and responsibility in AI-driven legal tools would help ensure fair outcomes and protect against potential misuse.

  6. Human Resources and Recruitment: AI tools are increasingly used in hiring processes to screen candidates and even conduct initial interviews. Best practices in this field would ensure that AI is used fairly, without reinforcing biases against certain demographics.


The guidelines for generative AI use in documentaries are robust and useful, but they could be improved by adding focus on data privacy, employment impact, and environmental sustainability. Additionally, extending these best practices to other industries such as journalism, education, healthcare, and marketing would ensure the responsible use of AI across a wider range of sectors where trust, accuracy, and ethical considerations are equally important.

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