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  • GPT-4o: Requiring AI companies to disclose the copyrighted works they use in training, especially when those works are obtained from public sources, doesn't seem to jeopardize trade secret protections

GPT-4o: Requiring AI companies to disclose the copyrighted works they use in training, especially when those works are obtained from public sources, doesn't seem to jeopardize trade secret protections

IBM voluntarily disclosing training sources suggests that transparency is feasible without harming competitive advantage, reinforcing the point that disclosure does not weaken trade secret protections

Question for AI services: Please ready the article “Requiring AI Transparency Won’t Destroy the Trade Secrets of AI Companies”, tell me what the key messages are and whether you think that the arguments put forward actually hold up. Also, are there other arguments either in favour of or countering the points made?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The article “Requiring AI Transparency Won’t Destroy the Trade Secrets of AI Companies” argues that the concerns AI companies raise about transparency threatening their trade secrets are overblown and misrepresented. Here are the key messages:

  1. Transparency and AI Training Data: The article suggests that AI companies claim transparency requirements, such as disclosing the materials used to train AI systems, would reveal their trade secrets. However, the author contends that trade secrets are related to proprietary algorithms and technical details like weights and parameters, not the datasets used, especially when those datasets come from publicly available sources like internet-scraped materials.

  2. Copyrighted Works and Training Disclosure: The copyright community is not asking for detailed algorithmic or technical disclosures but rather for AI companies to disclose copyrighted works used without a license, especially those scraped from the internet. The argument is that there is no trade secret protection for publicly accessible data, and transparency is necessary to ensure copyright enforcement and to address concerns like bias and errors in AI outputs.

  3. Global Transparency Trends: The article notes that AI transparency is already being embraced in other regions, such as in the European Union's AI Act, which mandates the disclosure of copyrighted training data. It also highlights that some companies, like IBM, voluntarily disclose this information without any legal requirement.

  4. Addressing Trade Secret Concerns: The piece emphasizes that trade secret protection laws are strict, requiring information to be kept confidential and to hold independent economic value from its secrecy. Since much of the training data AI companies use is not secret but publicly available, these transparency concerns are labeled as a "smoke screen."

  5. Need for AI Transparency: The author asserts that transparency is crucial not only for copyright reasons but also for broader ethical and operational purposes, such as detecting bias, identifying sources of AI errors, and ensuring responsible AI development.

Evaluation of the Arguments

The arguments presented in the article are logical and well-founded for several reasons:

  • Clarification of Trade Secrets: The article correctly distinguishes between trade secrets (such as proprietary algorithms) and public training datasets. This distinction aligns with legal definitions of trade secrets that protect confidential information, not widely accessible data. Therefore, requiring companies to disclose the sources of public data used in training seems reasonable and does not infringe on genuine trade secrets.

  • Copyright and Public Materials: The argument that AI companies should disclose the use of copyrighted materials is compelling, particularly when companies use these works without permission. This ensures copyright protection and transparency in a growing digital landscape.

  • Voluntary Disclosures by Companies: The example of IBM voluntarily disclosing training sources suggests that transparency is feasible without harming competitive advantage, reinforcing the point that disclosure does not necessarily weaken trade secret protections.

Potential Counterarguments

  1. Competitive Advantage via Data: While the article downplays the competitive significance of training datasets, some might argue that the selection and curation of datasets could provide a competitive edge, especially in niche applications. For example, unique or particularly well-curated datasets might still offer value, even if sourced publicly.

  2. Operational Burden: Transparency requirements could introduce operational complexity, especially for companies that rely on vast datasets. Identifying, cataloging, and disclosing every piece of copyrighted material used in training might become burdensome for companies using large-scale scraping.

  3. Broader Implications: While transparency has benefits, there are concerns about how such disclosures might be used by competitors or misinterpreted by the public, potentially exposing companies to legal or reputational risks.


Overall, the arguments in the article largely hold up. Requiring AI companies to disclose the copyrighted works they use in training, especially when those works are obtained from public sources, does not seem to jeopardize trade secret protections. It encourages responsible AI development and copyright enforcement. However, potential concerns about the burden of compliance and the competitive value of certain datasets should be considered as well.

Claude’s answer:
I've read the article "Requiring AI Transparency Won't Destroy the Trade Secrets of AI Companies" by Keith Kupferschmid. Here are the key messages and my analysis:

Key Messages:

  1. Several bills have been introduced in Congress that would require generative AI companies to disclose the sources of materials used to train their models.

  2. The Copyright Alliance supports transparency in AI development, arguing it's essential for responsible and ethical AI use.

  3. Some AI companies oppose these transparency requirements, claiming it would force them to reveal trade secrets.

  4. The article argues that disclosing the copyrighted works used for training (without a license) doesn't constitute revealing trade secrets, as this information is already publicly available.

  5. The author contends that AI companies' trade secret concerns are a "smoke screen" and that transparency is crucial for copyright enforcement, detecting bias, and understanding AI system errors.

Analysis of the arguments:

The arguments presented in the article generally hold up, but there are some potential counterpoints to consider:

  1. Definition of Trade Secrets: The article correctly defines trade secrets based on legal sources. The argument that publicly available data used for training doesn't qualify as a trade secret is logically sound.

  2. Scope of Transparency: The article clarifies that the transparency being requested is limited to disclosing copyrighted works used without a license, not proprietary algorithms or model parameters. This narrow scope strengthens the argument that it wouldn't reveal trade secrets.

  3. Public Availability: The argument that the training data is already publicly available (e.g., scraped from the internet) is valid. However, the specific combination and curation of this data might still provide some competitive advantage.

  4. International Precedent: Citing the EU AI Act as an example of existing transparency requirements adds credibility to the argument.

Additional arguments to consider:

In favor of transparency:

  1. Ethical AI development: Transparency could help ensure AI systems are developed ethically and without perpetuating biases.

  2. Copyright protection: It would allow creators to know if their work was used without permission, enabling them to protect their rights.

  3. Public trust: Increased transparency could boost public confidence in AI systems.

Potential counterarguments:

  1. Competitive advantage: While individual pieces of training data may be public, the specific dataset compilation could be seen as valuable proprietary information.

  2. Implementation challenges: There might be technical difficulties in tracking and disclosing all sources used in training, especially for large-scale models.

  3. Potential chilling effect: Strict transparency requirements might discourage some companies from innovating in the AI space.

Overall, the article presents a compelling case for why requiring AI transparency wouldn't necessarily destroy trade secrets. However, the debate is likely to continue as policymakers and industry stakeholders work to balance innovation, intellectual property rights, and ethical AI development.

Perplexity’s answer:
The article "Requiring AI Transparency Won't Destroy the Trade Secrets of AI Companies" by Keith Kupferschmid presents several key messages:

Key Messages

  1. Some AI companies oppose transparency requirements, claiming it would reveal trade secrets.

  2. The author argues that transparency about training data does not actually compromise trade secrets.

  3. Trade secret protection doesn't apply to publicly available copyrighted works used for training.

  4. Transparency is crucial for copyright enforcement, detecting bias, and understanding AI system errors.

  5. Other countries and some U.S. states already have AI transparency requirements.

Analysis of Arguments

The author's arguments appear to be generally sound:Trade Secret Definition: The article correctly defines trade secrets, emphasizing the need for information to be confidential and economically valuable

Public Availability: The argument that publicly available copyrighted works used for training don't qualify as trade secrets is logical, as they lack the secrecy element required for trade secret protection

Competitive Advantage: The author's claim that most AI companies see their competitive advantage in algorithms rather than training data selection seems plausible, though it may not apply universally.Existing Transparency Requirements: The reference to existing transparency laws in some U.S. states and the EU AI Act strengthens the argument that transparency is feasible and increasingly common

Additional Arguments

In Favor of Transparency:

  • Accountability: Transparency could help hold AI companies accountable for potential copyright infringement.

  • Trust: Increased transparency might build public trust in AI systems.

Countering Transparency:

  • Implementation Challenges: Detailed disclosure of training data could be technically complex and resource-intensive.

  • Competitive Concerns: While not trade secrets, the composition of training datasets might still provide some competitive insights.

  • Privacy Issues: Transparency requirements could potentially conflict with data privacy obligations, though the article acknowledges this concern

Overall, the article presents a compelling case for AI transparency, particularly regarding copyrighted training data. While the core arguments appear sound, the debate likely has additional nuances not fully explored in this piece.