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  • GPT-4: This paper is quite relevant to the AI debate as it touches upon critical issues such as the power dynamics of algorithms, the need for transparency and human oversight in AI systems...

GPT-4: This paper is quite relevant to the AI debate as it touches upon critical issues such as the power dynamics of algorithms, the need for transparency and human oversight in AI systems...

...and the impact of AI on cultural production and expression.

Question 1 of 4 for ChatGPT-4: Please analyze the paper "“We Learn Through Mistakes”: Perspectives of Social Media Creators on Copyright Moderation in the European Union" and tell me what it says in easy to understand language

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The paper "“We Learn Through Mistakes”: Perspectives of Social Media Creators on Copyright Moderation in the European Union" by Daria Dergacheva and Christian Katzenbach explores how social media creators in the European Union perceive and navigate the challenges of copyright moderation, particularly in the context of the implementation of Article 17 of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive.

The study is based on interviews with 14 EU-based artists. It investigates their understanding and experiences regarding copyright content moderation on social media platforms. The artists interviewed varied in their primary forms of creative output and used a range of social media platforms for marketing and visibility.

Key findings include:

  1. Lack of Understanding of Copyright Laws: Many creators displayed minimal understanding of the legal aspects of copyright regulation. They often did not read the terms and conditions of social media platforms and had only a basic awareness of copyright laws, including Article 17 of the CDSMD.

  2. Self-Censorship and Content Adjustment: In response to the fear of copyright-related punishments from platforms, creators often engaged in self-censorship and adjusted their content before posting. This included avoiding the use of certain music or images that might trigger automatic content moderation systems.

  3. Learning Through Mistakes and Community Knowledge: Creators often learned about the boundaries of acceptable content through trial and error or via knowledge shared within their communities. Formal education or clear guidelines on these issues were generally lacking.

  4. Technical Challenges and Confusion: Automated content moderation systems were often seen as opaque and confusing, with creators struggling to understand why certain content was moderated. There was also a sense of frustration over the lack of transparency and effective appeal processes on platforms.

  5. Impact on Creative Process: The anticipation of platform moderation and the need to adjust content had a direct impact on the creative process of artists. It influenced not only the content they created but also how they presented it on social media.

  6. Policy Implications: The study suggests that there is a significant gap between the regulatory frameworks and the actual experiences and perceptions of creators. There is a need for more transparency and education about copyright laws and platform policies.

  7. Cultural Production and Platform Governance: The paper contributes to discussions on cultural production and platform governance, highlighting how automated copyright moderation influences the creative work of social media artists.

In summary, the paper highlights the complex and often challenging landscape that social media creators navigate in relation to copyright laws and platform moderation policies. It reveals a disconnect between formal regulations and the creators’ understanding and experiences, leading to self-censorship and changes in creative practices.

Question 2 of 4 for ChatGPT-4: What are the most remarkable and surprising statements or findings in this paper?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The paper "“We Learn Through Mistakes”: Perspectives of Social Media Creators on Copyright Moderation in the European Union" presents several remarkable and surprising findings:

  1. Impact on Creative Processes: The study shows that the regulatory and technological aspects of copyright algorithmic moderation can change and sometimes even disable creative processes. The discipline and punishment regimes on social media platforms significantly influence creators' experiential practices, leading to self-censorship and reliance on community advice​​.

  2. Resignation to Content Theft: Creators expressed a sense of resignation regarding the theft of their work on social media. For instance, a tattoo artist from Croatia using Instagram stated that once an artist puts their work online, they must accept the possibility of it being stolen, indicating a somewhat fatalistic view of online content protection​​.

  3. Prevalence of Self-Censorship: The research suggests that artists commonly engage in self-censorship and content adjustment in response to copyright moderation on platforms. This behavior is prevalent across different types of cultural production on social media​​.

  4. Influence of Article 17 on Content Creation: The timing of the moderation experiences of creators suggests that the implementation of Article 17 of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive might have influenced an increase in copyright moderation, impacting the creation process and the nature of cultural products on social media​​.

  5. Lack of Transparency and Difficulty in Appeals: The study highlights a massive lack of transparency from platforms regarding how content moderation works. Creators found the appeal and complaint processes difficult, opaque, and often unanswered, leading to reliance on informal networks for resolving issues​​.

  6. Ignorance of Formal Regulations: Creators often showed ignorance of formal copyright regulations due to the way platforms design consent forms and terms of service. This ignorance is exemplified by an Estonian artist's admission of not reading terms and services pop-ups and simply agreeing to them​​.

  7. Development of Folk Theories and 'Algorithmic Gossip': Due to the opaque nature of algorithmic copyright moderation, creators resorted to developing their own theories and learning through mistakes. This led to a misalignment between the normative and discursive dimensions of copyright governance and the regulatory dimension, often resulting in self-censorship​​.

  8. Desire for Formal Education: Some creators expressed a desire for formal education on copyright issues. For example, a jewelry maker from Estonia wished for clarity on using music in their work, highlighting a disconnect between creators' understanding of copyright law and platform policies​​.

These findings reveal the complex and often challenging realities faced by social media creators in navigating copyright laws and platform moderation policies.

Question 3 of 4 for ChatGPT-4: Is this paper relevant to the debate around AI?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:Yes, the paper "“We Learn Through Mistakes”: Perspectives of Social Media Creators on Copyright Moderation in the European Union" is relevant to the debate around AI, particularly in the context of automated content moderation systems used by social media platforms. The paper addresses several aspects of this debate:

  1. Excessive Power of Algorithms: The research highlights concerns that algorithms wield excessive power in shaping social realities. It specifically notes that algorithmic content moderation on private platforms is often seen as a 'black box', opaque to both creators and users, which raises significant questions about the governance and accountability of AI systems in social media contexts​​.

  2. Transparency and Human Oversight: The paper discusses the need for more transparency in platform governance and the potential benefits of the EU's Digital Services Act (DSA) in pushing platforms towards greater accountability. It emphasizes the importance of human oversight in the content moderation process, as reliance solely on algorithms can lead to inappropriate content removals, pointing to the limitations of current AI systems in understanding context and nuance​​.

  3. Impact of Algorithms on Cultural Production: The paper builds on existing literature examining the effects of algorithms and governing practices on cultural production. It emphasizes that discussions on copyright policies often fail to include or adequately represent the perspectives of social media creators, who are significantly impacted by these algorithmic systems. This aspect highlights the broader societal and cultural implications of AI in the realm of creativity and expression​​.

  4. Need for 'Human in the Loop': The study contributes to ongoing discussions about the role of AI in content moderation and the necessity of having a 'human in the loop'. It reveals that the anticipation of algorithmic moderation and potential penalties influences creators to self-censor or adjust their content, demonstrating the profound effect that AI systems can have on creative expression and the flow of information online​​.

In summary, this paper is quite relevant to the AI debate as it touches upon critical issues such as the power dynamics of algorithms, the need for transparency and human oversight in AI systems, and the impact of AI on cultural production and expression.

Question 4 of 4 for ChatGPT-4: As such, tell me what AI makers and regulators, but also content creators, big platforms and rights owners would need to do when wanting to follow up on the recommendations of this paper

ChatGPT-4’s answer:To follow up on the recommendations of the paper "“We Learn Through Mistakes”: Perspectives of Social Media Creators on Copyright Moderation in the European Union," various stakeholders including AI makers, regulators, content creators, big platforms, and rights owners would need to undertake specific actions:

  1. AI Makers: Enhance Transparency and Contextual Understanding

    1. Develop AI systems with greater transparency, making it easier for users to understand why certain content is moderated.

    2. Improve the contextual understanding of AI to reduce inappropriate content removals and false positives.

    3. Implement features that allow AI systems to learn from mistakes and adapt based on feedback from users and moderators.

  2. Regulators: Establish Clear Guidelines and Oversight Mechanisms

    1. Create and enforce regulations that mandate transparency and accountability in algorithmic decision-making.

    2. Ensure that laws like the EU's Digital Services Act (DSA) are effectively implemented to balance the rights of creators, users, and platforms.

    3. Facilitate discussions and collaborations among AI developers, social media platforms, creators, and users to shape fair and practical regulatory frameworks.

  3. Content Creators: Educate and Advocate

    1. Engage in self-education about copyright laws, platform policies, and the implications of AI moderation.

    2. Advocate for clearer guidelines and more transparent appeal processes from platforms.

    3. Participate in policy discussions and provide feedback to platforms and regulators about the impact of AI moderation on their work.

  4. Big Platforms: Foster Fair and Transparent Moderation Practices

    1. Implement more transparent content moderation policies and clearly communicate these to users.

    2. Offer effective and accessible appeal processes for content moderation decisions.

    3. Collaborate with AI developers to refine algorithms, ensuring they are fair and less disruptive to legitimate creative content.

  5. Rights Owners: Collaborate and Educate

    1. Engage in constructive dialogue with platforms and creators to find balanced approaches to protecting intellectual property without stifling creativity.

    2. Educate creators about their rights and the best practices for using copyrighted materials.

    3. Consider more flexible and creator-friendly licensing models that accommodate the dynamic nature of online content creation.

In summary, following up on the paper's recommendations requires a multi-faceted approach involving enhanced AI technology, clear and fair regulatory frameworks, informed and proactive creators, transparent and responsible platform policies, and collaborative efforts from rights owners. Each stakeholder plays a vital role in shaping a digital environment that respects copyright laws while fostering creativity and innovation.