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  • GPT-4: This document highlights a significant security concern with AI assistants, showing that encrypted communications with these services can potentially be deciphered...

GPT-4: This document highlights a significant security concern with AI assistants, showing that encrypted communications with these services can potentially be deciphered...

...exposing personal or confidential conversations. This study uncovers a critical security vulnerability in AI assistants, demonstrating that over half of the AI's responses could be exposed

Question 1 of 2 for ChatGPT-4: Please read “What Was Your Prompt? A Remote Keylogging Attack on AI Assistants“ and tell me what it says in easy to understand language

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The document "What Was Your Prompt? A Remote Keylogging Attack on AI Assistants" explores a novel cybersecurity vulnerability concerning AI assistants like ChatGPT. Here’s a simplified explanation:

AI assistants are increasingly used for sensitive tasks, including personal advice or business-related inquiries. Researchers discovered a security loophole termed the "token-length side-channel," which exists across several AI services, including those by OpenAI and Microsoft. Despite encryption, the length of tokens (akin to words) sent from the server to the user can reveal sensitive information about the conversation. However, deducing the actual content from these token lengths is challenging due to the vast number of possible sentence combinations.

To address this challenge, the researchers developed a method that leverages a large language model (LLM) to infer the content from token-length sequences. This method involves:

  1. Capturing packet data to identify token-length sequences.

  2. Using heuristics to parse these sequences into probable text segments.

  3. Employing an LLM to predict actual text based on the sequences and context from previous sentences.

  4. Fine-tuning this approach by learning from the specific AI model's style, essentially performing a known-plaintext attack.

Through this method, the researchers were able to accurately reconstruct 29% of AI responses and correctly infer the topic from 55% of them, demonstrating the feasibility of their attack on encrypted AI assistant traffic.

This document highlights a significant security concern with AI assistants, showing that encrypted communications with these services can potentially be deciphered, exposing personal or confidential conversations.

The document delves into related works and mitigation strategies for the identified vulnerability, as well as potential improvements and future research directions. Here's a further simplified explanation:

Mitigation Strategies and Future Directions:

The researchers discuss possible ways to mitigate the token-length side-channel vulnerability. Some strategies include:

  • Introducing Random Padding: Adding random padding to responses can mask the true length of tokens, making it more difficult for attackers to infer content based on packet sizes. However, this could increase bandwidth usage, affecting the scalability of services.

  • Batching Responses: Sending complete responses in batches, rather than token-by-token, can reduce the vulnerability by obscuring individual token lengths. This approach, though, may compromise the real-time responsiveness users expect from AI services.

The paper also contrasts this work with previous side-channel attacks, highlighting its novelty in using large language models (LLMs) for reconstructing hidden information from encrypted traffic.


This study uncovers a critical security vulnerability in AI assistants, demonstrating that over half of the AI's responses could be exposed through the novel token-length side-channel attack. The success of this approach raises significant privacy concerns for users of AI-powered services and underscores the need for improved security measures.

Future Work:

The document suggests avenues for further research, including the development of more effective mitigation strategies that balance security with usability and performance.

Appendix and Additional Information:

The appendix provides detailed information on the experimental setup, baseline models, and additional results. It also includes examples of paragraph reconstruction, showing the effectiveness of the attack in various scenarios. These examples highlight the potential for attackers to infer sensitive information, emphasizing the importance of addressing this security flaw.

This comprehensive study serves as a wake-up call to the industry, highlighting the need for ongoing vigilance and innovation in securing AI and machine learning technologies against increasingly sophisticated attacks.

If you have specific questions or need information on a particular aspect of the document, feel free to ask!

Question 2 of 2 for ChatGPT-4: How should AI makers, regulators, data protection authorities and businesses or citizens using AI respond to this? What can they do with this information?ChatGPT-4’s answer:The findings from "What Was Your Prompt? A Remote Keylogging Attack on AI Assistants" pose important considerations for AI makers, regulators, data protection authorities, businesses, and citizens alike. Here’s how each stakeholder might respond to these insights:

AI Makers:

  • Enhance Security Measures: Developers and companies behind AI technologies should prioritize the incorporation of security measures that mitigate the risk of token-length side-channel attacks. This could include implementing encryption techniques that obscure token lengths or altering the way responses are sent to make it harder for attackers to deduce information.

  • Continuous Monitoring and Updates: Regularly monitor AI systems for potential vulnerabilities and release updates to address new security threats. Incorporating security into the development lifecycle can help prevent exploits.

  • Research and Development: Invest in R&D to develop more sophisticated security protocols that can protect against such vulnerabilities while preserving the functionality and efficiency of AI systems.

Regulators and Data Protection Authorities:

  • Guidelines and Standards: Develop and enforce guidelines that require AI services to adopt security measures that protect against side-channel attacks. These could include standards for data encryption, response handling, and user data protection.

  • Awareness and Education: Raise awareness among businesses and the public about the potential vulnerabilities of AI technologies and promote best practices for data security.

  • Oversight and Compliance: Monitor AI technologies for compliance with data protection laws, such as GDPR in Europe, and take action against services that fail to protect user data adequately.

Businesses Using AI:

  • Risk Assessment: Conduct thorough risk assessments of AI technologies before integration into business processes. Understand the potential vulnerabilities and the impact a breach could have on the business and its customers.

  • Data Minimization: Adopt data minimization principles, only collecting and processing the data necessary for a specific purpose. This reduces the potential impact of a data breach.

  • User Education: Inform users about the data collected and processed by AI systems, and provide guidance on securing personal information when interacting with AI services.

Citizens Using AI:

  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of potential vulnerabilities in AI technologies and adopt best practices for interacting securely with AI services.

  • Data Sharing Caution: Exercise caution when sharing sensitive information with AI assistants, understanding that current technologies might have vulnerabilities that could expose personal data.

  • Use Trusted Services: Opt for AI services from companies that demonstrate a commitment to security and are transparent about their data protection practices.

General Recommendations:

  • Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between AI developers, security researchers, and regulatory bodies to share knowledge and develop industry-wide standards for AI security.

  • Transparency: AI services should be transparent about their data handling and security practices, allowing users to make informed decisions about their data.

By taking proactive steps in response to the vulnerabilities identified, stakeholders can help ensure that AI technologies are secure, trustworthy, and resilient against cyber threats, thus safeguarding the privacy and security of users' data.

Photo by Kevin Woblick on Unsplash.com