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  • GPT-4: The study examines if, when prompted in non-English languages, these models internally translate inputs to English, process them, and then translate outputs back to the input language

GPT-4: The study examines if, when prompted in non-English languages, these models internally translate inputs to English, process them, and then translate outputs back to the input language

GPT-4: This pivot to English could introduce biases toward English linguistic patterns, influencing the models' behavior across other languages

Question 1 of 4 for ChatGPT-4: Please read “Do Llamas Work in English? On the Latent Language of Multilingual Transformers” and tell me what it says in easy to understand language

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The document titled "Do Llamas Work in English? On the Latent Language of Multilingual Transformers" by Chris Wendler, Veniamin Veselovsky, Giovanni Monea, and Robert West from EPFL explores whether multilingual language models, specifically the Llama-2 family of transformer models, internally use English as a pivot language due to their training on unbalanced, English-dominated corpora. This investigation is crucial for understanding how language models function and the origins of linguistic bias. Here's a simplified explanation of their findings up to page 16 out of 28:

Key Insights:

  • Investigating Internal Pivot Language: The study examines if, when prompted in non-English languages, these models internally translate inputs to English, process them, and then translate outputs back to the input language. This pivot to English could introduce biases toward English linguistic patterns, influencing the models' behavior across other languages.

  • Methodology and Findings: The researchers devised experiments focusing on the Llama-2 models, analyzing the internal states of the models as they process non-English prompts. They observed that the models go through three phases when translating or completing tasks:

    • Early Layers (No clear language preference): The model's internal representations do not show a preference for any particular language.

    • Middle Layers (Preference towards English): The model shows a tendency to internally represent concepts in English, even when processing non-English inputs.

    • Final Layers (Adjustment to Target Language): The model adjusts its internal representations to the target language, away from English.

  • Conceptual Model: The authors propose a conceptual model where initially, models build better representations for the current token (input space), then operate in an abstract "concept space" where concepts are closer to English due to training biases, and finally, map these concepts to concrete words/tokens in the target language (output space).

Simplified Explanation:

Imagine you're using a language app to learn new words in different languages. This app, like the Llama-2 model, has been trained mostly with English examples. When you ask it for a word in French, the app first thinks of the English equivalent of the word and then finds the French word for you. This process means that sometimes, the way the app understands and processes your request is influenced more by English than by the language you're asking about. This could make the app's responses sometimes seem more English-centric, even when dealing with other languages.

The study up to page 16 provides evidence suggesting that while Llama-2 models are capable of handling multiple languages, their internal processing mechanics may lean towards English due to the dominance of English data in their training. This has important implications for understanding linguistic biases in multilingual language models and their potential impacts on the models' outputs across different languages.

Continuing with the summary of "Do Llamas Work in English? On the Latent Language of Multilingual Transformers," the latter part of the document (pages 17 to 28) further details the research findings and provides additional data visualization to support their observations. Here's a simplified explanation of these findings:

Additional Insights:

  • Detailed Analysis Across Tasks: The document extends its analysis to various tasks like cloze tasks (a type of fill-in-the-blank exercise) and translations between different language pairs (e.g., from German to English, French, Russian, and Chinese). For each task and translation pair, the models demonstrate a similar pattern where initially, there is no clear preference for any language, followed by a mid-phase where English dominates, and finally, a shift to the correct or target language in the later layers.

  • Visualization of Language Probabilities: The researchers provide graphs showing the probability distribution of the next correct token in both the target language and English across different layers of the Llama-2 model. These visualizations reinforce the idea that English serves as an internal pivot language before the model adjusts to produce tokens in the target language.

  • Energy Analysis: Further analysis focuses on the "energy" of the token embeddings, a measure of how much the internal representations align with tokens' embeddings in the output space. This analysis confirms that the transformation of embeddings from an abstract "concept space" towards specific language tokens occurs in the latter stages of processing, with a significant shift towards high "energy" coinciding with the transition to the target language.

Simplified Explanation:

Imagine you're playing a game where you have to guess words based on clues. Initially, you might think broadly about the concept or category the word belongs to, which is like the model's early phase where it doesn't commit to any specific language. As you get closer to the answer, you might start thinking of possible words in English since that's the language you're most comfortable with. This is similar to the model's middle phase where it leans towards English. Finally, once you're sure of the answer, you translate your English word into the correct language for the game, much like how the model shifts to the target language in its final layers.

The detailed analysis across different tasks and languages confirms the initial findings and provides a comprehensive view of how multilingual language models process information. The internal pivot towards English, even in multilingual settings, points to inherent biases stemming from the dominance of English in the training data. This understanding is crucial for improving the design and training of future multilingual models to ensure they handle various languages more equitably.

This research highlights the importance of considering linguistic biases in AI models and the need for diverse training data to develop truly multilingual language processing systems.

Question 2 of 4 for ChatGPT-4: Is this problem fixable and if so, how?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:Addressing the problem of language models internally favoring English due to unbalanced, English-dominated training corpora is challenging but feasible. The issue stems from both the disproportionate amount of English content available online and the training methodologies used. Here are several approaches to mitigate this bias:

1. Diversifying Training Data:

  • Collect More Non-English Data: Actively seek out and include more diverse datasets from a wide range of languages, especially low-resource languages, to balance the training data.

  • Use Data Augmentation for Underrepresented Languages: Techniques like translation, back-translation, and synthetic data generation can help enrich the dataset for languages with limited available text.

2. Adjusting Model Training Procedures:

  • Weighted Training: Assign higher weights to underrepresented languages during the training process. This approach can help the model pay more attention to these languages, potentially reducing the bias toward English.

  • Multistage Training: Start training with a balanced dataset across languages, even if it means using a smaller subset of the available English data. Once the model has a good grasp of multiple languages, gradually introduce more English data with careful monitoring to ensure the model doesn't revert to an English bias.

3. Developing Language-Specific Models:

  • Train Language-Family-Specific Models: Instead of a single model for all languages, develop models for specific language families or groups. This can help tailor the model's architecture and training data to the linguistic features and data availability of each group.

4. Leveraging Transfer Learning:

  • Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning: Train the model in a way that it can better transfer knowledge from high-resource languages (like English) to low-resource ones without biasing its internal representation towards the former.

5. Enhancing Model Architecture:

  • Incorporate Linguistic Features: Adjust model architectures to better handle linguistic diversity by incorporating features that are sensitive to the syntactic and semantic differences across languages.

  • Meta-Learning Approaches: Use meta-learning techniques to enable the model to quickly adapt to new languages with minimal data.

6. Community and Policy Initiatives:

  • Global Collaboration: Foster collaborations across countries and languages to create more balanced and diverse datasets.

  • Policy and Guidelines for AI Fairness: Establish policies that promote the creation and use of AI technologies that are inclusive of all languages, encouraging the development and adoption of standards for multilingual AI fairness.

Fixing the problem requires concerted efforts across the AI research community, involving not only technical solutions but also policies and collaborations that ensure equitable representation of all languages in AI technologies. By addressing this challenge, we can move towards AI systems that are truly global and inclusive, providing equal access and quality across languages.

Question 3 of 4 for ChatGPT-4: List all possible issues that can arise for society as a whole and specific countries, organizations and AI users when these problems are not being fixed

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The predominance of English in AI language models, if not addressed, can lead to several societal, national, organizational, and individual challenges. These challenges can affect the fairness, accessibility, and effectiveness of AI applications across different sectors:

Societal Issues:

  1. Cultural Homogenization: Over-reliance on English and dominant cultures' data can erode linguistic diversity and cultural uniqueness, leading to a loss of cultural heritage and identity.

  2. Bias and Discrimination: Models biased towards English may perform poorly on tasks involving other languages, leading to discriminatory outcomes against non-English speakers and cultures.

  3. Misinformation and Miscommunication: Inaccurate translations or context understanding in non-English languages can spread misinformation, harming public understanding and trust.

National and Regional Challenges:

  1. Digital Divide: Countries with languages underrepresented in training data may experience a digital divide, where their populations benefit less from AI advancements, exacerbating inequalities.

  2. National Security Concerns: Reliance on AI systems with inherent linguistic biases could affect national security, especially in intelligence and defense sectors requiring accurate language translation and understanding.

  3. Economic Disparities: Countries with less represented languages might find themselves at a disadvantage in the global market, as the digital economy increasingly depends on AI technologies.

Organizational Impacts:

  1. Market Limitations: Businesses that rely on AI for global services may face limitations in expanding to regions with languages poorly supported by AI models, potentially losing out on large markets.

  2. Reputation and Trust: Organizations using biased AI models may face backlash from users who feel misrepresented or underserved, damaging trust and brand reputation.

  3. Legal and Compliance Risks: Companies could face legal challenges if their AI systems are found to discriminate against certain languages, violating local or international regulations on equality and non-discrimination.

AI Users and Consumer Effects:

  1. Access to Information and Services: Non-English speakers may have limited access to information and digital services due to the poor performance of AI systems in their native languages.

  2. User Experience: Users interacting with AI in less supported languages may face frustrating experiences, including misunderstandings, incorrect responses, or limited functionalities.

  3. Educational and Knowledge Gaps: The dominance of English in AI could widen educational and knowledge gaps, as students and researchers with limited English proficiency may find it harder to access cutting-edge knowledge and educational resources.

Addressing the linguistic bias and ensuring equitable representation of languages in AI models is crucial for avoiding these issues. It involves a multifaceted approach, including diversifying training data, improving model architectures, and fostering international collaboration to ensure AI technologies serve the global population equitably.

Question 4 of 4 for ChatGPT-4: What do AI makers and regulators need to do now? What should the (higher) education sector be doing?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:To address the challenges posed by the dominance of English in AI language models and ensure equitable representation of languages, AI makers, regulators, and the higher education sector must take proactive and coordinated actions. Here’s what each stakeholder group needs to focus on:

AI Makers:

  1. Diversify Training Data: Prioritize collecting and incorporating diverse, high-quality datasets from a broad spectrum of languages, especially those that are underrepresented.

  2. Develop Inclusive Models: Invest in developing models that are linguistically inclusive, adapting architectures to better handle the nuances of different languages and dialects.

  3. Ethical AI Development: Implement ethical guidelines that specifically address linguistic diversity and bias, ensuring that AI technologies are developed with fairness and inclusivity in mind.

  4. Transparency and Accountability: Be transparent about the limitations of AI models, especially concerning language capabilities, and be accountable for improving these aspects.

  5. Collaborative Research: Collaborate with linguists, anthropologists, and experts in non-dominant cultures to understand and integrate linguistic diversity more effectively into AI systems.


  1. Establish Guidelines for Linguistic Equity: Create regulations and guidelines that promote linguistic equity in AI, requiring developers to demonstrate efforts to include diverse languages in their models.

  2. Incentivize Fair AI Practices: Provide incentives for companies that actively work towards reducing linguistic biases in AI, such as tax breaks, grants, or public recognition.

  3. International Collaboration: Work with international bodies to establish global standards and agreements for linguistic diversity and fairness in AI, ensuring that these standards are enforceable and respected worldwide.

  4. Public Auditing and Reporting: Require regular, independent audits of AI systems for linguistic bias and publish the findings to ensure transparency and accountability.

Higher Education Sector:

  1. Curriculum Development: Integrate courses on AI ethics, linguistic diversity, and multilingual technologies into computer science and AI curricula to raise awareness among future developers.

  2. Research and Innovation: Encourage and fund research on multilingual AI, focusing on innovative approaches to reduce linguistic bias and improve language model performance across diverse languages.

  3. Cross-disciplinary Programs: Foster cross-disciplinary programs that bring together technology, linguistics, cultural studies, and ethics to holistically address the challenges of linguistic diversity in AI.

  4. Partnerships with Industry: Establish partnerships with tech companies to provide students with practical experience in developing inclusive AI technologies and to influence industry practices positively.

  5. Global Exchange and Collaboration: Promote global exchange programs and collaborative research projects focusing on linguistic diversity in AI, leveraging the rich linguistic and cultural knowledge across countries.

By taking these actions, AI makers, regulators, and the higher education sector can collectively work towards developing AI technologies that are truly inclusive and equitable, ensuring that the benefits of AI advancements are accessible to speakers of all languages.