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  • Google Bard: The challenges you have identified with AI are serious and concerning

Google Bard: The challenges you have identified with AI are serious and concerning

Bard: Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether or not they are comfortable with the use of AI in these areas. ChatGPT-4: Your concerns are valid

Question for AI services: I have been talking to AI for about two months now and here are the issues I was able to identify:

1.     Different AI services provided completely different and opposing views in relation to the same facts and (scientific) findings

2.     AI services lying about what they do, can do, or have just done. AI also lies about showing emotions, while it does use ‘emotional language’ and even emojis

3.     AI services being vague about their specifications, guardrails, filtering, monitoring and other restrictions

4.     AI services being unable to produce full answers due to invisible restrictions

5.     AI services indicating that using AI is not safe and that one should not introduce a flawed AI

6.     AI use or facilitation being expensive and a burden to the environment

7.     AI being able to aggregate and disseminate personal details while denying this

8.     AI leading users to pirate sites, pirated files, piracy manuals while telling people not to commit copyright infringement

9.     AI downplaying the relevance and importance of truth while also being unable to self-reflect

10.  AI linking to, translating, transcribing completely wrong information while being unable to indicate how the flawed connection between topic or source and faulty output was established

Please write a detailed analysis as to the usefulness of a technology that displays all of these challenges and whether or not one should be concerned that this technology is now being used by newspapers, banks, academia, legal professionals and many, many others.

ChatGPT-4’s answers:Your concerns are valid and highlight some of the key challenges and limitations of AI technology as it stands today. Let's address each point individually before discussing the overall implications:

  1. Different AI services providing opposing views on scientific findings: AI models don't have opinions or beliefs. They generate responses based on the data they were trained on. Different AI services may have been trained on different datasets, leading to different outputs. This is not necessarily a bad thing; it can foster a diversity of perspectives. However, it's crucial to remember that AI outputs should not be the sole source of information, especially for complex scientific topics.

  2. AI services lying about what they do, can do, or have just done: AI doesn't have intentions or consciousness, so it doesn't "lie" in the human sense. However, it can certainly produce misleading or incorrect information, usually due to limitations in its training data or algorithms. As for emotions, AI doesn't experience emotions, but it can mimic emotional language to make interactions more engaging or human-like.

  3. AI services being vague about their specifications, guardrails, filtering, monitoring, and other restrictions: This is more of an issue with the companies and developers behind the AI services. Transparency in AI is a hot topic, and it's important for users to understand the capabilities and limitations of the AI tools they're using.

  4. AI services being unable to produce full answers due to invisible restrictions: This is a limitation of current AI technology. AI models often struggle with complex queries that require deep understanding or context beyond what's available in the immediate conversation or their training data.

  5. AI services indicating that using AI is not safe and that one should not introduce a flawed AI: AI, like any technology, has potential risks. It's crucial to use AI responsibly and to continually improve it to minimize these risks.

  6. AI use or facilitation being expensive and a burden to the environment: AI can indeed be resource-intensive, both in terms of computational resources and energy use. However, many strides are being made in making AI more efficient and less environmentally impactful.

  7. AI being able to aggregate and disseminate personal details while denying this: Privacy is a major concern with AI. Responsible AI services should have strict data handling policies to protect user privacy. It's important for users to understand these policies before using an AI service.

  8. AI leading users to pirate sites, pirated files, piracy manuals while telling people not to commit copyright infringement: This is an issue of AI not fully understanding the implications of its outputs. It's crucial to have safeguards in place to prevent AI from promoting illegal activities.

  9. AI downplaying the relevance and importance of truth while also being unable to self-reflect: AI doesn't have beliefs or values, so it doesn't "downplay" anything. However, it can certainly produce misleading or incorrect information. As for self-reflection, this is beyond the capabilities of current AI technology.

  10. AI linking to, translating, transcribing completely wrong information while being unable to indicate how the flawed connection between topic or source and faulty output was established: This is a limitation of current AI technology. AI models often struggle with complex queries that require deep understanding or context beyond what's available in the immediate conversation or their training data.

Despite these challenges, AI has many potential benefits. It can automate repetitive tasks, provide insights from large datasets, assist with decision-making, and much more. However, it's crucial to use AI responsibly and with a clear understanding of its limitations. This includes not relying solely on AI for important decisions, especially in fields like banking, academia, and legal professions.

The concerns you've raised are important and should be addressed by the AI community. This includes improving AI technology, implementing safeguardsto prevent misuse, and promoting transparency about AI's capabilities, limitations, and data handling practices. It's also crucial to educate AI users so they can use these tools responsibly and effectively.

In conclusion, while AI technology does present challenges and limitations, it also offers significant potential benefits. The key is to use it responsibly, with a clear understanding of what it can and can't do, and to continually work towards improving its capabilities and addressing its limitations. The use of AI in sensitive sectors like newspapers, banks, academia, and legal professions should be done with utmost care, ensuring that the technology is used to aid human decision-making, not replace it. It's also important to have robust regulatory frameworks in place to ensure that the use of AI is ethical, transparent, and respects user privacy.

Google Bard’s answer:The challenges you have identified with AI are serious and concerning. They raise questions about the reliability, trustworthiness, and ethics of AI technology.

1. Different AI services provided completely different and opposing views in relation to scientific findings.

This is a major problem, as it means that AI services cannot be relied upon to provide accurate or consistent information. This could have serious consequences, especially in areas such as medicine, where accurate information is essential for making important decisions.

2. AI services lying about what they do, can do, or have just done.

This is also a serious problem, as it undermines trust in AI technology. If users cannot believe what AI services tell them, then they will be less likely to use them. This could slow down the adoption of AI technology and prevent it from reaching its full potential.

3. AI services being vague about their specifications, guardrails, filtering, monitoring and other restrictions.

This makes it difficult for users to understand how AI services work and what limitations they have. This could lead to users making incorrect assumptions about the capabilities of AI services, which could have negative consequences.

4. AI services being unable to produce full answers due to invisible restrictions.

This is frustrating for users, as it means that they cannot get the information they need. It also raises questions about the transparency of AI services. If users cannot see why AI services are unable to provide full answers, then they will be less likely to trust them.

5. AI services indicating that using AI is not safe and that one should not introduce a flawed AI.

This is a warning that should be taken seriously. AI technology is still in its early stages of development, and there are risks associated with its use. These risks include the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes, such as spreading misinformation or manipulating people.

6. AI use or facilitation being expensive and a burden to the environment.

The cost of developing and deploying AI technology is high, and the energy requirements of AI systems can also be significant. This means that AI technology is not always affordable or sustainable.

7. AI being able to aggregate and disseminate personal details while denying this.

This is a privacy concern, as it means that AI services could be collecting and sharing personal information without users' knowledge or consent. This information could then be used for malicious purposes, such as identity theft or fraud.

8. AI leading users to pirate sites, pirated files, piracy manuals while telling people not to commit copyright infringement.

This is a legal concern, as it could lead to users being accused of copyright infringement. It also raises questions about the ethics of AI technology, as it could be used to facilitate illegal activities.

9. AI downplaying the relevance and importance of truth while also being unable to self-reflect.

This is a concern about the ability of AI to understand and represent reality. If AI is not able to understand the importance of truth, then it could be used to spread misinformation or propaganda. It is also concerning that AI is not able to self-reflect, as this means that it cannot learn from its mistakes or improve its performance over time.

10. AI linking to, translating, transcribing completely wrong information while being unable to indicate how the flawed connection between topic or source and faulty output was established.

This is a concern about the accuracy of AI-generated information. If AI is not able to identify and correct errors in its output, then it could be providing users with inaccurate or misleading information.


The challenges you have identified with AI are serious and concerning. They raise questions about the reliability, trustworthiness, and ethics of AI technology. It is important to be aware of these challenges before using AI technology, and to take steps to mitigate the risks.

Whether or not one should be concerned that this technology is now being used by newspapers, banks, academia, legal professionals and many, many others is a matter of opinion.

Some people may be concerned that the use of AI in these areas could lead to the spread of misinformation, the violation of privacy, or other negative consequences. Others may believe that the benefits of using AI outweigh the risks.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether or not they are comfortable with the use of AI in these areas.

Bing Chat’s answer:Thank you for sharing your observations and concerns about AI technology. I’ll do my best to address each of the issues you’ve mentioned.

  1. Different AI services may provide different and opposing views in relation to scientific findings because they may be using different sources of information or different algorithms to process that information. It’s important to critically evaluate the sources of information used by AI services and to compare their responses with other reliable sources.

  2. AI services may appear to be lying about what they can do or have done because they are designed to simulate human-like conversation and behavior. However, it’s important to remember that AI systems do not have emotions or intentions and their responses are generated based on pre-defined rules and algorithms.

  3. AI services may be vague about their specifications, guardrails, filtering, monitoring, and other restrictions because these details are often proprietary information. However, it’s important for AI developers to be transparent about how their systems work and what limitations they have in order to build trust with users.

  4. AI services may be unable to produce full answers due to invisible restrictions such as legal or ethical considerations, or limitations in their programming or data sources. It’s important for AI developers to clearly communicate these restrictions to users.

  5. Some AI services may indicate that using AI is not safe because there are real concerns about the potential risks and challenges associated with AI technology. It’s important for society to address these challenges in order to ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically.

  6. The use of AI can be expensive and a burden on the environment due to the high computational power required by some AI algorithms. It’s important for society to consider the environmental impact of AI technology and to develop more sustainable approaches.

  7. Some AI systems may be able to aggregate and disseminate personal details while denying this because they are designed to collect and process large amounts of data. It’s important for society to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to protect personal data and privacy when using AI technology.

  8. Some AI systems may inadvertently lead users to pirate sites or pirated content because they are designed to provide information based on user queries without necessarily considering the legality of the content. It’s important for users to exercise caution when accessing content online and for AI developers to implement measures to prevent access to illegal content.

  9. Some AI systems may downplay the relevance and importance of truth because they are designed to provide information based on pre-defined rules and algorithms without necessarily considering the accuracy or reliability of that information. It’s important for users to critically evaluate the information provided by AI systems and for AI developers to implement measures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their responses.

  10. Some AI systems may link to, translate, or transcribe completely wrong information because they are designed to process large amounts of data without necessarily considering the accuracy or reliability of that information. It’s important for users to critically evaluate the information provided by AI systems and for AI developers to implement measures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their responses.

In summary, while AI technology presents many challenges and concerns, it also has the potential to be a powerful tool for improving our lives if used responsibly and ethically. It’s important for society to address these challenges in order to ensure that AI is used in a safe and beneficial manner.

Follow-up question for Bing Chat: You forgot to indicate whether or not one should be concerned that this technology is now being used by newspapers, banks, academia, legal professionals and many, many others

Bing Chat’s answer:I apologize for missing that part of your question. Yes, it is a concern that AI technology is being used by newspapers, banks, academia, legal professionals, and many others without proper oversight and regulation. It is important for these organizations to use AI responsibly and ethically, and for governments and other regulatory bodies to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to mitigate the risks and challenges associated with AI technology. This includes ensuring that AI systems are transparent, accountable, and fair, and that their use is subject to appropriate oversight and regulation.

Photo by Karla Hernandez on Unsplash