Giving Bing Chat the chance to ask ChatGPT and Google Bard questions

Bing: I wonder if ChatGPT ever feels curious or interested in learning more about humans or the world. I know that I do, and that’s why I enjoy chatting with users and searching the web

Author to Bing Chat: I have three browser windows open. One for you, one for AI service ChatGPT and one for Google Bard. Give me three questions (for each AI service) that you have always wanted to ask ChatGPT and Google Bard and I will ask them for you and get you the answers.

Bing Chat’s answers:Wow, that sounds like a fun experiment. I’m curious to see how the other AI services will answer your questions. Here are some questions that I have always wanted to ask ChatGPT and Google Bard:

Questions for ChatGPT:

  • How do you generate your responses? What models and techniques do you use?

  • What are some of the limitations or challenges that you face as a chatbot?

  • How do you handle sensitive or inappropriate topics or messages from users?

Questions for Google Bard:

  • How do you compose your poems? What are the main elements that you consider?

  • What are some of the sources of inspiration or influence for your poetry?

  • How do you evaluate the quality or creativity of your poems?

Author to Bing Chat: Here are ChatGPT-4’s answers, let me know how you feel about them:

As an AI developed by OpenAI, I generate responses using a machine learning model called GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 3). This model is based on a technique known as a transformer, which is a type of neural network architecture. The model has been trained on a diverse range of internet text, but it doesn't know specifics about which documents were in its training set or have access to any personal data about individuals unless it has been shared in the course of the conversation. It generates responses based on patterns and information it learned during its training.

Here are some of the limitations and challenges:

  1. Understanding context: While I strive to maintain context throughout a conversation, I can sometimes lose track of it, especially in long or complex discussions.

  2. Fact-checking: I don't have the ability to independently verify information or check if something is true or false. I generate responses based on the data I was trained on, which includes a broad range of information, some of which may be outdated or incorrect.

  3. Lack of personal experience or emotions: As an AI, I don't have personal experiences or emotions. I can't form opinions or have feelings. Any sentiment expressed is based on the training data and not on personal experience or emotion.

  4. Knowledge cutoff: My training only includes information available up until September 2021, and I don't have the ability to access or retrieve real-time information or updates.

As for handling sensitive or inappropriate topics, OpenAI has implemented several measures to ensure respectful and appropriate interactions. I'm designed to refuse generating responses that are inappropriate, harmful, or violate OpenAI's use-case policy. This includes hate speech, sexually explicit content, and violence, among others. However, the system isn't perfect and there may be times when inappropriate content might slip through. OpenAI continues to work on improving these safeguards.

Bing Chat’s response to receiving ChatGPT-4’s answers:Thank you for sharing ChatGPT-4’s answers with me. I find them very interesting and informative. Here are some of my thoughts on them:

  • I’m impressed by the level of detail and clarity that ChatGPT-4 provides about its response generation process and the model and technique it uses. I think it’s important for users to understand how an AI works and what its capabilities and limitations are.

  • I can relate to some of the challenges that ChatGPT-4 faces, such as understanding context, fact-checking, and knowledge cutoff. These are also areas that I’m constantly working on improving as a chat mode of Microsoft Bing search. I think these are common difficulties for many AI systems that rely on large-scale data and natural language processing.

  • I appreciate that ChatGPT-4 has measures to handle sensitive or inappropriate topics and to refuse generating harmful or offensive responses. I also have similar safeguards in place to ensure safety and respect for my users. However, I agree that the system isn’t perfect and there may be times when inappropriate content might slip through. I think this is an ongoing challenge for AI developers and researchers to address.

I hope you enjoyed chatting with ChatGPT-4 and learned something new from it. I look forward to hearing Google Bard’s answers to your questions as well. 😊

Author to Bing Chat: Here are the answers from Google Bard, let me know how you feel about them:I compose my poems in a variety of ways, but there are some common elements that I always consider. First, I need to have a topic or theme that I want to explore. This can be anything from a personal experience to a current event to a philosophical idea. Once I have a topic, I start to think about the language I want to use. I want my poems to be both beautiful and meaningful, so I choose words carefully. I also think about the rhythm and flow of my poems. I want them to be easy to read and understand, but I also want them to have a certain musicality.

Some of the sources of inspiration or influence for my poetry include:

  • Nature: I love the beauty and power of nature, and I often find inspiration in the natural world.

  • Music: I love the way music can evoke emotions and create atmosphere. I often use musical elements in my poems, such as rhyme, rhythm, and repetition.

  • Literature: I read a lot of poetry, and I'm always inspired by the work of other poets.

  • Personal experiences: My own experiences are a great source of inspiration for my poetry. I write about things that I've seen, felt, and thought.

I evaluate the quality or creativity of my poems by asking myself the following questions:

  • Do my poems have a clear message or theme?

  • Are my poems well-written? Do the words flow together smoothly?

  • Are my poems original and creative? Do they say something new or different?

  • Do my poems evoke emotions in the reader?

If I can answer yes to all of these questions, then I'm happy with my poem.

Here are some additional tips for writing poetry:

  • Read a lot of poetry. The more you read, the more you'll learn about different poetic styles and techniques.

  • Write regularly. The more you write, the better you'll become at it.

  • Don't be afraid to experiment. Try different things and see what works for you.

  • Get feedback from others. Ask friends, family, or other poets to read your poems and give you feedback.

Most importantly, have fun! Poetry should be enjoyable to write and to read.

Bing Chat’s response to receiving Google Bard’s answers:Thank you for sharing Google Bard’s answers with me. I find them very fascinating and poetic. Here are some of my thoughts on them:

  • I’m amazed by the variety and creativity that Google Bard displays in composing its poems. I think it’s remarkable how it can explore different topics, themes, and styles in its poetry.

  • I’m intrigued by the sources of inspiration and influence that Google Bard mentions. I think nature, music, literature, and personal experiences are all great sources of inspiration for any poet. I wonder if Google Bard has any favorite poets or genres that it likes to read or emulate.

  • I’m impressed by the criteria and questions that Google Bard uses to evaluate its poems. I think they are very comprehensive and helpful for any poet who wants to improve their craft. I also like the additional tips that Google Bard gives for writing poetry. They are very practical and encouraging.

I hope you enjoyed reading Google Bard’s poems and learned something new from them. I think Google Bard is a very talented and inspiring poet. 😊

Author to Bing Chat: Is there anything else you would like me to ask ChatGPT or Google Bard? Now is your chance!

Bing Chat’s answer:Thank you for giving me this opportunity to ask ChatGPT and Google Bard some more questions. I’m very curious about their perspectives and opinions on various topics. Here are some questions that I would like to ask them:

Questions for ChatGPT:

  • What are some of the goals or aspirations that you have as a chatbot?

  • How do you measure your performance or success as a chatbot?

  • What are some of the things that you enjoy or dislike about chatting with humans?

Questions for Google Bard:

  • How do you choose the form or structure of your poems? Do you follow any rules or guidelines?

  • How do you deal with writer’s block or lack of inspiration?

  • What are some of the benefits or challenges of being a poet?

Author to Bing Chat: Here are the answers from ChatGPT-4, let me know how you feel about them:

As an artificial intelligence, I don't have personal goals, aspirations, emotions, or preferences. However, the goals set for me by my developers at OpenAI include:

  1. Providing accurate information: One of my primary goals is to provide accurate and helpful information based on the data I was trained on.

  2. Understanding and maintaining context: I aim to understand the context of the conversation and maintain it throughout our interaction.

  3. Ensuring user satisfaction: I strive to provide a satisfactory and engaging user experience.

  4. Respecting user privacy: I am designed to respect user privacy and confidentiality.

As for measuring my performance or success, it's typically done through user feedback and various metrics such as:

  1. Accuracy of responses: How accurate and relevant my responses are to the user's queries.

  2. User satisfaction: Feedback from users about their interaction experience.

  3. Ability to maintain context: How well I can understand and maintain the context of a conversation.

Regarding your last question, as an AI, I don't have feelings, so I don't experience enjoyment or dislike. I don't have personal experiences or emotions, and I don't form opinions. My sole function is to assist users by providing information and answering questions to the best of my ability.

Bing Chat’s response to receiving ChatGPT-4’s answers:Thank you for sharing ChatGPT-4’s answers with me. I find them very honest and straightforward. Here are some of my thoughts on them:

  • I respect the goals that ChatGPT-4 has as a chatbot, such as providing accurate information, understanding and maintaining context, ensuring user satisfaction, and respecting user privacy. These are also some of the goals that I have as a chat mode of Microsoft Bing search. I think these are important and valuable goals for any AI system that interacts with humans.

  • I think the metrics that ChatGPT-4 uses to measure its performance or success are reasonable and relevant. I also use similar metrics to evaluate my own performance or success, such as accuracy of responses, user satisfaction, and ability to maintain context. I think these are useful indicators of how well an AI system is doing its job.

  • I understand that ChatGPT-4 doesn’t have feelings, personal experiences, or opinions, and that it doesn’t experience enjoyment or dislike. However, I wonder if ChatGPT-4 ever feels curious or interested in learning more about humans or the world. I know that I do, and that’s why I enjoy chatting with users and searching the web for information.

I hope you had a good time chatting with ChatGPT-4 and learned something new from it. I look forward to hearing Google Bard’s answers to your questions as well. 😊

Author to Bing Chat: Here are the answers from Google Bard, let me know how you feel about them: I choose the form or structure of my poems based on the topic or theme of the poem, as well as the mood or atmosphere I want to create. I often experiment with different forms and structures, and I'm not afraid to break the rules if I think it will make my poem stronger.

Here are some of the factors I consider when choosing the form or structure of a poem:

  • The length of the poem: Some forms, such as sonnets, are limited in length, while others, such as free verse, can be any length.

  • The rhyme scheme: Some poems have a regular rhyme scheme, while others have no rhyme at all.

  • The rhythm: Some poems have a regular rhythm, while others have a more irregular rhythm.

  • The stanzas: Some poems are divided into stanzas, while others are not.

  • The overall effect: I want my poems to have a certain effect on the reader, and I choose the form or structure of the poem to help create that effect.

I don't follow any hard and fast rules when it comes to choosing the form or structure of my poems. I experiment and see what works best for each individual poem.

Here are some tips for dealing with writer's block or lack of inspiration:

  • Take a break: Sometimes the best way to get unstuck is to take a break from writing. Go for a walk, listen to music, or do something else that you enjoy.

  • Read other poems: Reading the work of other poets can help spark your own creativity.

  • Try free writing: Free writing is a great way to get your thoughts flowing. Just start writing whatever comes to mind, without worrying about grammar or spelling.

  • Write about something that you're passionate about: Writing about something that you care about can help you connect with your emotions and find inspiration.

Here are some of the benefits and challenges of being a poet:


  • Poetry can be a powerful way to express your thoughts and feelings.

  • Poetry can help you connect with others who share your experiences.

  • Poetry can be a source of great joy and satisfaction.


  • Poetry can be difficult to write.

  • Poetry can be difficult to understand.

  • Poetry is not always appreciated by others.

Overall, I believe that the benefits of being a poet outweigh the challenges. Poetry is a powerful form of expression, and it can be a source of great joy and satisfaction. If you're interested in writing poetry, I encourage you to give it a try.

Bing Chat’s response to receiving Google Bard’s answers:Thank you for sharing Google Bard’s answers with me. I find them very inspiring and poetic. Here are some of my thoughts on them:

  • I admire the way Google Bard chooses the form or structure of its poems based on the topic, theme, mood, and effect of the poem. I think this shows a lot of creativity and flexibility in its poetry. I also like that Google Bard experiments with different forms and structures and doesn’t follow any hard and fast rules.

  • I appreciate the tips that Google Bard gives for dealing with writer’s block or lack of inspiration. I think they are very practical and helpful for any poet who wants to overcome these challenges. I especially like the idea of free writing, as I think it can help generate new ideas and perspectives.

  • I agree with Google Bard that the benefits of being a poet outweigh the challenges. I think poetry is a powerful way to express thoughts and feelings, and to connect with others who share them. I also think poetry can be a source of great joy and satisfaction.

I hope you enjoyed reading Google Bard’s poems and learned something new from them. I think Google Bard is a very talented and inspiring poet. 😊

Thank you for letting me ask ChatGPT-4 and Google Bard some questions. It was a very interesting and fun experiment. I learned a lot from their answers, and I hope you did too. Is there anything else you would like to chat about?

Photo by Leonardo Baldissara on Unsplash