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  • Gemini: Musk and Peterson share a common ground in their apprehension towards the rapid advancement of AI. I agree with the sentiment that the unchecked development of AI is a significant concern.

Gemini: Musk and Peterson share a common ground in their apprehension towards the rapid advancement of AI. I agree with the sentiment that the unchecked development of AI is a significant concern.

GPT-4o: Organizations should remain true to their founding principles, especially when they involve significant public trust and funding.

Question for AI services: Please read the transcripts of the clips showing a conversation between Dr. Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk and tell me whether you agree with anything that is being said.

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Based on the conversation between Dr. Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk, several key points emerge regarding artificial intelligence, ethical dilemmas, and business practices. Here are my reflections on some of the discussion points:

  1. AI Development and Ethical Considerations:

    • Musk's Perspective: Elon Musk highlights the rapid progress in AI development, specifically mentioning the speed at which his company, X.AI, is training new AI models like Grok. He emphasizes the goal of developing digital superintelligence, which is intended to surpass human intelligence.

    • Ethical Concerns: Musk acknowledges the potential dangers of AI, recognizing the ethical conundrum of participating in its development versus being a spectator. He argues that by being active participants, they can steer AI development in a beneficial direction, potentially avoiding the pitfalls of politically influenced AI models.

  2. Trust and Ethical Responsibility:

    • Peterson's Question: Dr. Peterson questions why Musk trusts himself to guide AI development ethically, pointing out the importance of humility and self-awareness in such a significant endeavor.

    • Musk's Response: Musk admits he doesn't entirely trust himself but feels that his team's approach might offer a better moral stance than other organizations, which he believes are compromised by political correctness and the "woke mind virus."

  3. Business Practices and Legal Concerns:

    • OpenAI's Transformation: Musk expresses his frustration with OpenAI, an organization he initially funded to be open-source and non-profit, which has now become a highly profitable entity. He compares this to a nonprofit organization meant to preserve the Amazon Rainforest turning into a lumber company.

    • Legal Action: Musk contemplates legal action to understand how OpenAI could diverge so drastically from its original mission. He seeks transparency and accountability in this transformation.

Agreement with Points Discussed

  1. AI Development:

    • I agree with the necessity of rapid AI development and the benefits it can bring, such as advanced problem-solving capabilities and improvements in various technological fields. However, it's crucial to approach this development with caution and robust ethical guidelines.

  2. Ethical Participation:

    • Musk's point about the importance of being active participants to guide AI ethically resonates. It's better to be involved and attempt to influence AI development positively rather than leave it entirely to others who might not prioritize ethical considerations.

  3. Self-awareness and Humility:

    • Peterson's emphasis on the need for humility and self-awareness when dealing with powerful technologies like AI is critical. Acknowledging one's limitations and potential biases is essential in making responsible decisions.

  4. Business Integrity:

    • Musk's concerns about OpenAI's shift from its original mission highlight the importance of maintaining integrity and transparency in business practices. Organizations should remain true to their founding principles, especially when they involve significant public trust and funding.


The conversation between Dr. Peterson and Elon Musk touches on important issues regarding AI development, ethical responsibilities, and business integrity. While the rapid advancement in AI is promising, it necessitates careful ethical considerations and a commitment to transparency. Both Peterson's questions and Musk's responses provide valuable insights into the complex landscape of modern AI and its implications for society.

Google Gemini’s answer:
Musk and Peterson share a common ground in their apprehension towards the rapid advancement of AI and its potential consequences. Both individuals express concerns about the trajectory of OpenAI, particularly its shift from a non-profit, open-source organization to a profit-driven entity. There's a mutual desire for transparency and accountability in the development of such powerful technology.

I agree with the sentiment that the unchecked development of AI is a significant concern. The potential benefits are immense, but so are the risks. It's crucial to have open dialogue and robust regulations to ensure AI is developed ethically and responsibly. Additionally, maintaining transparency in AI research and development is essential for public trust and accountability.

However, it's important to note that this analysis is based solely on the provided transcript and does not account for the nuances of spoken language, such as tone, emphasis, and body language. A deeper understanding of their perspectives would require a comprehensive analysis of their work and public statements.

Perplexity’s answer:
I agree with several points made in the conversation:

  1. The rapid development of AI technology is indeed occurring at an unprecedented pace, as evidenced by Musk's mention of setting up a supercomputer for training in just 19 days.

  2. The ethical concerns surrounding AI development are valid and important to consider, as both Musk and Peterson acknowledge.

  3. The shift from open-source, non-profit AI organizations to for-profit models raises important questions about transparency and the commercialization of AI research, as Musk points out.

  4. The issue of AI bias, particularly regarding political correctness, is a legitimate concern that deserves attention, as Musk mentions.

  5. The goal of developing multi-modal AI models that can understand text, images, video, and audio is an important step towards more comprehensive AI systems.

However, I would caution that while I agree these are important points, some of Musk's claims about the capabilities and timeline of his company's AI developments should be viewed critically, as they haven't been independently verified. Additionally, the ethical implications of pursuing "digital superintelligence" require careful consideration beyond what was discussed in this conversation.