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  • Gemini: Some might see this as a "fake it till you make it" approach, prioritizing functionality over true intelligence for the time being. However, a robust data foundation is crucial.

Gemini: Some might see this as a "fake it till you make it" approach, prioritizing functionality over true intelligence for the time being. However, a robust data foundation is crucial.

Overall, it's too early to say if LLMs will just be glorified databases. This move could be a necessary step towards more advanced AI, or it could represent a shift in focus for OpenAI.

Asking AI services: Please read the OpenAI’s post: “OpenAI acquires Rockset. Enhancing our retrieval infrastructure to make AI more helpful” and tell me, will LLMs end up being fancy (but heavily guardrailed) databases that can talk to you in a nice way (rather than the hoped for intelligence with some level of consciousness and understanding)? Would you say this is a 'fake it until we make it' shortcut?

Google Gemini’s answer:
The OpenAI acquisition of Rockset does raise questions about the future direction of LLMs (Large Language Models).Here's how it could be interpreted:

Shifting focus towards data access and manipulation:

  • OpenAI's emphasis on Rockset's data indexing and retrieval capabilities suggests a focus on improving LLMs' ability to access and process information efficiently. This could be a necessary step towards more powerful AI, but it doesn't necessarily lead to consciousness or understanding.

Limited scope of "intelligence":

  • By focusing on data retrieval, OpenAI might be prioritizing a pragmatic approach to AI development. LLMs could become very good at finding and presenting information, but not necessarily develop true intelligence or independent thought.

Possible shortcut, but not necessarily negative:

  • Some might see this as a "fake it till you make it" approach, prioritizing functionality over true intelligence for the time being. However, a robust data foundation is crucial for more advanced AI, so this could be a stepping stone.

Future remains uncertain:

The true impact of this acquisition depends on how OpenAI integrates Rockset's technology. It could be a way to improve the effectiveness of LLMs as a tool, but it doesn't guarantee true artificial general intelligence (AGI) with consciousness.

Overall, it's too early to say if LLMs will just be glorified databases. This move could be a necessary step towards more advanced AI, or it could represent a shift in focus for OpenAI. We'll have to wait and see how they integrate Rockset's technology and what future developments they unveil.

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
OpenAI’s acquisition of Rockset and the enhancement of their retrieval infrastructure indicate a significant step towards improving the practical applications of AI by integrating advanced real-time analytics and data retrieval capabilities. This move is designed to help AI systems access and utilize real-time information more effectively, transforming data into actionable intelligence.

Will LLMs Become Fancy Databases with Guardrails?

While it might seem that LLMs (large language models) are evolving into advanced databases with user-friendly interfaces, this perspective overlooks the broader ambitions and capabilities of these systems. The integration of Rockset's technology into OpenAI's products is aimed at enhancing the retrieval of relevant data to improve the AI’s responses, making them more accurate and contextually relevant​ (OpenAI)​​ (OpenAI)​.

However, this does not imply that LLMs are merely databases. The aim is to augment the AI’s ability to access and process information dynamically, which enhances its conversational and decision-making abilities. The primary function remains generating human-like text, but with improved accuracy and relevance due to better data access.

'Fake It Until We Make It' Shortcut?

The phrase "fake it until we make it" suggests a superficial approach to achieving AI intelligence. However, OpenAI’s strategy appears to be more about incremental advancements rather than shortcuts. By integrating advanced data retrieval systems, OpenAI is enhancing the AI’s functionality, making it more effective and reliable. This approach aligns with the broader trend in AI development where models are continually improved through better data, more refined algorithms, and enhanced computational power​ (OpenAI)​.


The acquisition of Rockset and the integration of its technology into OpenAI’s infrastructure is not about turning LLMs into mere fancy databases. Instead, it represents a significant step towards making AI more helpful and contextually aware. While LLMs are not yet conscious or fully understanding in the way humans are, these advancements are part of a continuous effort to bridge the gap between current capabilities and the ultimate goal of creating more intelligent and useful AI systems.

Claude’s answer:
Thank you for sharing that information about OpenAI's acquisition of Rockset. This is an interesting development in the field of AI and data infrastructure. To address your questions:

  1. Will LLMs end up being fancy (but heavily guardrailed) databases that can talk to you in a nice way?

It's unlikely that LLMs will simply become fancy databases. While the integration of advanced database technology like Rockset's certainly enhances an AI system's ability to access and utilize information, LLMs are fundamentally different from traditional databases in several ways:

  • LLMs generate new text based on patterns learned from training data, rather than just retrieving stored information.

  • They can understand context, nuance, and perform tasks that require reasoning and creativity.

  • LLMs can generalize knowledge to new situations and domains.

However, you raise a valid point about the role of retrieval in AI systems. Improving an AI's ability to access and utilize large amounts of structured and unstructured data can significantly enhance its capabilities and accuracy.

  1. Is this a 'fake it until we make it' shortcut?

I wouldn't characterize this as "faking it." Instead, it's more accurate to view this as an important step in improving AI systems' ability to work with real-world data. By integrating advanced data retrieval and analytics capabilities, AI systems can:

  • Provide more up-to-date and accurate information

  • Better understand and utilize context-specific data

  • Offer more personalized and relevant responses

This acquisition seems to be aimed at enhancing the practical utility and real-world applicability of AI systems, rather than shortcutting the development of more advanced AI capabilities.

It's important to note that the development of AI is a multi-faceted process. While improving data retrieval and integration is crucial, research into areas like reasoning, common sense understanding, and causal inference continues. The goal is not just to create systems that can access information efficiently, but to develop AI that can truly understand and reason about that information.

The question of consciousness and understanding in AI is a complex philosophical and scientific issue that goes beyond just data retrieval and processing capabilities. While enhancing data infrastructure is a practical step forward, it doesn't necessarily bring us closer to or farther from AI consciousness or true understanding.

In conclusion, while this acquisition highlights the importance of efficient data handling in AI systems, it doesn't mean that AI development is being reduced to just creating advanced databases. It's one piece of a much larger puzzle in the ongoing development of more capable and useful AI systems.

MS Copilot’s answer:
Certainly! OpenAI’s recent acquisition of Rockset is aimed at enhancing their retrieval infrastructure to make AI more helpful1. While it’s not explicitly stated in the announcement, let’s explore the implications and context.

Language models like LLMs (Large Language Models) have indeed made significant strides in natural language understanding and generation. However, they still lack true consciousness, self-awareness, and deep understanding. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Guardrails and Limitations:

    • LLMs, including models like GPT-4, are designed with safety mechanisms and guardrails to prevent harmful or inappropriate outputs.

    • These guardrails limit their behavior and ensure they don’t produce harmful or biased content.

    • While this is essential for responsible AI deployment, it can sometimes lead to responses that appear “fancy” but lack true understanding.

  2. Database Analogy:

    • Comparing LLMs to “fancy databases” is an interesting perspective.

    • LLMs can retrieve information from vast amounts of text data, similar to how a database indexes and queries structured data.

    • However, LLMs go beyond databases by generating human-like responses, even if they lack consciousness.

  3. Intelligence vs. Consciousness:

    • LLMs exhibit intelligence in the sense that they can understand context, generate coherent text, and provide relevant information.

    • However, this intelligence is different from consciousness, self-awareness, or true understanding.

    • LLMs lack subjective experiences, emotions, and the ability to reason deeply.

  4. “Fake It Until We Make It”:

  5. Future Directions:

    • While LLMs won’t achieve consciousness anytime soon, research continues to improve their capabilities.

    • Integrating technologies like Rockset can enhance their practical usefulness without implying consciousness.

    • The goal is to strike a balance between safety, usefulness, and ethical considerations.

In summary, LLMs serve as powerful tools for natural language tasks, but they remain tools—albeit sophisticated ones. The acquisition of Rockset aligns with OpenAI’s mission to transform data utilization via AI technologies, but it doesn’t imply consciousness or true understanding3. Stay tuned for further developments as OpenAI integrates Rockset’s capabilities into their products! 😊