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  • Could AI be used to monitor spending and expense types without tying it to individuals but still offer auditors and others tools to ensure that public money is not being wasted or misappropriated?

Could AI be used to monitor spending and expense types without tying it to individuals but still offer auditors and others tools to ensure that public money is not being wasted or misappropriated?

Yes, AI can be used to monitor spending and expense types without directly tying the analysis to individuals, while still providing valuable tools for auditors and others

Question 1 of 4 for ChatGPT-4: Please analyze the Dutch language article "Hospital execs Maastricht expenses: private drivers and beach yoga in San Diego" and tell me what it says

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The article from "De Telegraaf" discusses the expenditure of the executive team of the Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC) on various trips and activities. The key points of the article are as follows:

  1. Trip to San Diego: Helen Mertens and Gabriël Zwart, the chairperson and financial head of MUMC, attended the annual NextMed Health congress in San Diego. The congress, a seven-day event, included various activities like beach yoga, luxury catamaran trips, meditation sessions, and dinners. The trip cost €14,930 for the congress, €5,009 for Mertens' flight, and €6,649 for Zwart's flight, which included a pre-booked trip to Chicago.

  2. Additional Expenses: Additional bills from the travel agency included €710 and €638 for 'extra costs of stay in San Diego' due to 'unforeseen travel delays'. There was no detailed report on what insights or benefits were gained from this trip.

  3. Previous Trips: The article mentions previous trips by Zwart and Mertens to various locations in the United States for conferences and study trips, with expenses running into several thousand euros. For example, a trip to Arkansas for an Executive Program cost €27,800, excluding flight costs.

  4. Use of Private Chauffeurs: The MUMC executive team extensively used private chauffeur services, incurring costs of €97,172.99 from the beginning of 2022 to mid-2023. The destinations of these nearly 350 rides are undisclosed.

  5. Transparency and Public Funds: The article raises concerns about the transparency of these expenditures and the use of public funds. The MUMC falls under the Dutch Open Government Act, but the article suggests that the details of these expenses are not fully disclosed.

  6. Responses and Criticisms: Various parties, including other healthcare executives and trade unions, have criticized the expenditure as excessive and not in line with the prudent use of public healthcare funds. There is a mention of previous controversies regarding the hospital's executive expenditure and a call for more responsible use of public funds in healthcare management.

  7. Salary and Onkostenvergoeding: The article also discusses the salary and onkostenvergoeding (expense allowance) of the MUMC executives, highlighting the high earnings compared to other healthcare workers and the lack of need to submit receipts for certain expenses.

The article paints a picture of high executive expenditure at MUMC, raising questions about the justification and transparency of these costs, especially given the public nature of healthcare funding.

Question 2 of 4 for ChatGPT-4: How much did they expense in total?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The total expenses incurred by the executive team of the Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC) as detailed in the article are not explicitly consolidated in a single figure. However, several specific expenses are mentioned throughout the document:

  1. Private Chauffeur Services: €97,172.99 from the beginning of 2022 to mid-2023.

  2. Trip to San Diego: €14,930 for the congress, €5,009 for Mertens' flight, and €6,649 for Zwart's flight.

  3. Additional San Diego Expenses: €710 and €638 for 'extra costs of stay in San Diego'.

  4. Previous Trips and Other Expenditures: Various other trips and expenses are mentioned, including a trip to Arkansas costing €27,800, excluding flight costs, and other trips with expenses running into several thousand euros.

To arrive at a total figure, one would need to sum up these and other individual expenses mentioned in the article. However, without a comprehensive breakdown of all expenses in one place, an exact total cannot be accurately calculated from the provided information.

Question 3 of 4 for ChatGPT-4: Describe ways in which AI could be used to keep an eye on how execs like these are spending public money in the future and what the pros and cons would be to doing that

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The application of AI to monitor executive spending of public money can be implemented in various ways. Here's an overview:

Ways AI Can Be Used:

  1. Expense Tracking and Analysis: AI systems can automatically track and categorize expenses, flagging any that seem unusual or excessive. These systems can analyze spending patterns over time and compare them against benchmarks or historical data.

  2. Predictive Analytics: AI can use historical data to predict future spending patterns and alert when actual expenses deviate significantly from these predictions.

  3. Document and Receipt Analysis: AI can scrutinize submitted receipts and documents for authenticity and compliance with spending policies, using image recognition and text analysis.

  4. Fraud Detection: AI algorithms are adept at detecting anomalies and patterns indicative of fraud, misuse, or corruption.

  5. Automated Reporting and Transparency: AI systems can generate regular reports on executive spending, enhancing transparency and accountability.

  6. Contract and Spending Compliance: AI can review contracts and ensure that spending adheres to the terms, conditions, and budget constraints outlined in them.


  1. Increased Transparency and Accountability: Continuous monitoring can ensure that public funds are used appropriately.

  2. Efficiency: Automating the monitoring process can save time and resources compared to manual checks.

  3. Early Detection of Irregularities: AI can quickly identify unusual spending patterns, preventing potential misuse of funds.

  4. Data-Driven Insights: AI can provide insights into spending trends, helping in better budget planning and policy making.

  5. Reduced Human Error: AI systems can process large volumes of data with greater accuracy than humans.


  1. Privacy Concerns: Constant monitoring could raise privacy issues, especially if personal information is involved.

  2. Risk of False Positives: AI might flag legitimate expenses as suspicious, leading to unnecessary scrutiny.

  3. Cost of Implementation: Setting up an AI-based monitoring system can be expensive and resource-intensive.

  4. Over-Reliance on Technology: There's a risk of becoming too reliant on AI, potentially overlooking the importance of human judgment and oversight.

  5. Data Bias: If the AI is trained on biased data, it might lead to unfair or inaccurate conclusions.

  6. Resistance to Change: Implementing such systems might face resistance from those being monitored, potentially affecting morale and trust.

In summary, while AI offers a promising solution for enhancing the transparency and accountability of executive spending of public funds, it's crucial to balance technological capabilities with ethical considerations and practical challenges.

Question 4 of 4 for ChatGPT-4: Could AI be used to monitor spending and expense types without tying it to individuals but still offer auditors and others tools to ensure that public money is not being wasted or misappropriated?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:Yes, AI can be used to monitor spending and expense types without directly tying the analysis to individuals, while still providing valuable tools for auditors and others to ensure that public money is not being wasted or misappropriated. Here's how such a system could work:

AI Implementation for Anonymous Expense Monitoring:

  1. Aggregate Data Analysis: AI systems can analyze expense data at an aggregate level, focusing on overall spending patterns, trends, and anomalies within a department or organization, rather than individual transactions.

  2. Category-Based Monitoring: AI can monitor expenses based on categories (like travel, hospitality, equipment) and flag categories with unusual activity or spending that exceeds typical thresholds.

  3. Anomaly Detection: Using historical data, AI can detect anomalies in spending patterns that deviate from the norm, signaling potential issues without identifying individuals.

  4. Predictive Modeling: AI can predict future spending trends and alert if the actual expenses significantly deviate from these projections, indicating potential mismanagement.

  5. Compliance Checks: AI can ensure that spending is in compliance with established policies and regulations, flagging transactions that may violate these rules.

Tools for Auditors and Oversight:

  1. Dashboard and Reporting: AI can provide auditors with dashboards that summarize spending behaviors, highlighting areas of concern without identifying specific individuals.

  2. Alert Systems: AI can send alerts to auditors or financial officers when it detects unusual patterns or potential breaches of policy.

  3. Drill-Down Capabilities: While maintaining anonymity in general monitoring, the system can allow authorized personnel to drill down to transaction-level details when necessary for investigation.

  4. Audit Trails: AI can generate and maintain audit trails that document all spending activities, useful for in-depth reviews when needed.


  • Privacy Preservation: This approach respects individual privacy while still enabling effective monitoring.

  • Proactive Oversight: AI can identify potential issues before they become significant problems.

  • Efficient Resource Allocation: It allows auditors to focus their attention on areas flagged by AI as high risk.


  • Limited Individual Accountability: Without tying expenses to individuals, it might be harder to hold specific people accountable for their actions.

  • Overgeneralization: There's a risk of missing specific cases of misuse if the system is only designed to look at broader patterns.

  • Complex Setup: Designing a system that balances anonymity with effective monitoring can be complex and resource-intensive.

Overall, AI can play a crucial role in monitoring public expenditure in a way that maintains individual privacy yet provides effective tools for ensuring the responsible use of funds.

Photo by Ishan @seefromthesky on Unsplash