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  • ChatGPT-4: AI makers should actively support the development of legal and regulatory frameworks that protect creators' rights in the age of AI

ChatGPT-4: AI makers should actively support the development of legal and regulatory frameworks that protect creators' rights in the age of AI

GPT-4: This includes adhering to existing copyright laws and contributing to discussions around new legislation that addresses the unique challenges posed by AI.

Question 1 of 3 for ChatGPT-4: Please read “House of Commons - Culture, Media and Sport Committee, Creator remuneration - Fifth Report of Session 2023–24” and tell me what it says in easy to understand language

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The "House of Commons - Culture, Media and Sport Committee, Creator Remuneration - Fifth Report of Session 2023–24" explores challenges and proposes solutions related to fair pay and working conditions for creators in the UK's creative industries. Here's a simplified breakdown of the key points:

Importance of the Creative Industries

  • The UK's creative industries are globally significant, contributing around £108 billion annually and employing over 2.3 million people.

  • Despite this economic contribution, many professional creators struggle to make a living due to issues like low pay, precarious employment, and outdated copyright laws.

Key Issues and Recommendations

Royalties and Residuals

  • New digital consumption methods have led to declines in secondary payments (royalties and residuals) for creators. These payments are crucial for creators' financial stability and retirement.

  • The report suggests that digital distribution pays creators less, and there's a need to introduce a private copying scheme to provide a new income stream and safeguard foreign payments.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • The development of AI poses new challenges, especially concerning intellectual property rights. There's concern that AI developers use creators' works without consent or fair compensation.

  • The Committee recommends mechanisms to ensure creators' consent and fair compensation when their works are used by AI.

Freelancing and Contractual Terms

  • Many creators work as freelancers, which has advantages but also makes them vulnerable to economic downturns and lacks benefits like annual leave or sick pay.

  • The report suggests appointing a Freelancers' Commissioner to advocate for creative freelancers and address issues around contracts and working conditions.

Music Streaming

  • The report revisits the issue of music streaming, emphasizing that songwriters and publishers are not fairly compensated despite their crucial role in the streaming economy.

  • It urges the government to implement reforms to ensure fairer remuneration for music creators.


The report underscores the critical economic and cultural value of the UK's creative industries while highlighting the significant challenges creators face regarding fair compensation and working conditions. It offers specific recommendations to address these issues, aiming to ensure that creators are fairly compensated and can sustain their contributions to the creative economy.

Question 2 of 3 for ChatGPT-4: Do you agree with what the report is saying? What do you think the AI makers should be doing, how should they be following up on this advice?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The report raises critical issues that are vital for sustaining the vibrancy and economic health of the creative industries, especially in light of new digital consumption methods and the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Fair compensation and recognition for creators are foundational principles for a healthy and diverse cultural ecosystem. Without these, the creative industries risk losing talent and diminishing the rich cultural output for which the UK is renowned.

AI developers and the companies behind these technologies play a pivotal role in shaping how AI is integrated into the creative process and how it interacts with existing intellectual property rights. Here are some ways AI makers could follow up on the advice and concerns outlined in the report:

Transparent Use of Creative Works

AI developers should ensure transparency in how they use creators' works to train AI models. This includes disclosing the datasets used for training and offering clear channels for creators to grant or withhold consent for their works to be included.

Fair Compensation Mechanisms

Developing and implementing mechanisms for fair compensation would acknowledge the value of creators' contributions to AI development. This could involve licensing agreements or revenue-sharing models that ensure creators are compensated when their works are used to train or generate AI outputs.

Collaboration with Creators and Rights Holders

Engaging in meaningful dialogue with creators, rights holders, and industry representatives can help AI developers understand the nuances of creative rights and develop AI technologies that respect these rights. Collaborative efforts can lead to innovative solutions that benefit both creators and the AI industry.

Supporting Legal and Regulatory Frameworks

AI makers should actively support the development of legal and regulatory frameworks that protect creators' rights in the age of AI. This includes adhering to existing copyright laws and contributing to discussions around new legislation that addresses the unique challenges posed by AI.

Investing in Ethical AI Development

Beyond legal compliance, there's a moral imperative to pursue ethical AI development practices. This includes considering the impact of AI on the creative industries and working to ensure that AI technologies enhance rather than diminish the creative landscape.

In summary, AI developers have a significant responsibility to engage with the concerns raised in the report constructively. By adopting practices that ensure transparency, fair compensation, and respect for intellectual property rights, AI makers can contribute to a future where AI and creativity coexist in a mutually beneficial relationship.

Question 3 of 3 for ChatGPT-4: What should the UK government be doing?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The UK government has a critical role in balancing innovation in artificial intelligence (AI) and digital technologies with the protection and fair treatment of creators within the creative industries. Based on the issues and recommendations outlined in the "House of Commons - Culture, Media and Sport Committee, Creator Remuneration - Fifth Report of Session 2023–24," here are actions the UK government could consider:

Establishing Clear Legal Frameworks

  • Update Copyright Laws: Modernize copyright laws to reflect digital consumption habits and the use of creative content in AI training, ensuring creators are fairly compensated.

  • Implement a Private Copying Remuneration Scheme: Introduce legislation for a private copying levy to compensate creators for the private copying, storage, and sharing of their works on digital devices.

  • AI Regulation: Develop specific regulations that address the use of AI in consuming and generating creative content, ensuring creators' rights are protected and they are fairly compensated for their work used in AI training datasets.

Supporting Creators and Freelancers

  • Appoint a Freelancers' Commissioner: Establish a role dedicated to advocating for the rights and interests of freelancers in the creative industries, addressing issues around contracts, working conditions, and access to benefits.

  • Promote Fair Contract Practices: Encourage or mandate the use of fair contract terms for creators and freelancers to ensure they are not exploited by more powerful industry players.

Fostering Dialogue and Collaboration

  • Facilitate Industry-Wide Conversations: Organize forums that bring together AI developers, creators, rights holders, and industry representatives to discuss and address mutual concerns around copyright, AI use, and fair remuneration.

  • Support Research and Development: Invest in research to explore innovative models for compensating creators in the digital age, including the implications of AI on creative work.

Enhancing Transparency and Accountability

  • Require Transparency from AI Developers: Mandate that AI developers disclose the sources of their training data, especially when it includes copyrighted material, and establish systems for creators to grant or deny permission for their work to be used.

  • Monitor AI Impact: Regularly assess the impact of AI on the creative industries, including how AI-generated content competes with human-created content and its effect on the livelihood of creators.

Investing in Education and Skills Development

  • Digital and AI Literacy: Invest in education programs for creators to understand their rights in the digital landscape and how to navigate AI-related challenges.

  • Support for Transitioning Industries: Provide resources and training for those in the creative industries to adapt to and capitalize on new technologies and digital platforms.

The UK government's actions in these areas can significantly influence the future of the creative industries, ensuring they continue to thrive and contribute to the cultural and economic wealth of the country while also embracing technological advancements in a fair and equitable manner.