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  • Asking GPT-4o: Please read the position papers submitted in the context of the IAB Workshop on AI-Control and tell me what the common themes are.

Asking GPT-4o: Please read the position papers submitted in the context of the IAB Workshop on AI-Control and tell me what the common themes are.

The papers discuss the inadequacy of current opt-out mechanisms like the Robots Exclusion Protocol (robots.txt) when applied to AI crawlers. There is consensus that these mechanisms need to evolve.

Question 1 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: Please read the position papers submitted in the context of the IAB Workshop on AI-Control and tell me what the common themes are.

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
The position papers submitted for the IAB Workshop on AI-Control show several common themes and concerns across various stakeholders. Here are the key themes observed:

  1. Limitations of Current Mechanisms (e.g., robots.txt): Many of the papers discuss the inadequacy of current opt-out mechanisms like the Robots Exclusion Protocol (robots.txt) when applied to AI crawlers. For example, Michael Prorock's paper emphasizes the need for more granular controls to distinguish between AI-related activities and traditional search indexing. There is consensus that these mechanisms need to evolve to address the complexity of AI interactions, which often involve private or sensitive data and dynamic content.

  2. Delegated Authorization and Privacy Control: Several submissions, including Adrian Gropper's, propose using modern delegated authorization protocols like IETF GNAP to manage access to data dynamically. These approaches suggest that owners of resources (data/content) should be able to grant or deny access based on the specific AI usage scenario, improving control and transparency for both individuals and corporations. This connects to privacy and ethical concerns regarding personal data being used in AI models without consent.

  3. Governance and Standards: Carl Gahnberg’s paper frames the AI-control mechanism as a governance problem, where standards are needed not just for technical interoperability but also for broader governance and accountability. This involves incorporating lessons from previous initiatives like Do Not Track (DNT) and Global Privacy Control (GPC). The governance perspective is echoed in other papers, which emphasize the need for collaboration between stakeholders to develop widely accepted norms and standards.

  4. Transparency and Provenance: Ensuring that the provenance of the data used for training AI is clear and verifiable is a recurring theme. Many papers suggest that content creators should have mechanisms to not only opt out but also verify whether their content has been used and under what conditions. This includes the ability to check if data is human-generated or AI-generated (as discussed in Prorock’s paper) and introduce mechanisms for digital signing and content authenticity verification.

  5. API and Real-Time Control: Some papers argue that AI training should extend beyond just crawling the web and include API-driven access to data. For instance, Jaime Jiménez and Jari Arkko’s paper discusses how API interaction can be standardized for both training and real-time AI inference purposes. This suggests a shift toward dynamic, on-demand access to data rather than static crawling, necessitating new standards for API use and control.

  6. User and Content Creator Control: A recurring concern is the need for mechanisms that empower individual users and content creators to control how their data is used by AI. The paper from Doty, Null, and Knodel highlights the interests of a broad set of stakeholders, from large copyright holders to individual creators and users, emphasizing privacy and ethical concerns. They also raise the importance of balancing corporate needs with individuals' rights to privacy and autonomy.

  7. Impact on Research and Public Interest Uses: While many papers focus on corporate and commercial uses of AI, there is concern about the unintended impact of AI-control mechanisms on research. Some papers emphasize the importance of ensuring that academic and public interest research is not unduly restricted by these control mechanisms.

In summary, the common themes revolve around improving control mechanisms for content usage in AI, ensuring transparency and provenance, balancing the interests of diverse stakeholders, and establishing governance frameworks that provide accountability while supporting innovation.

Question 2 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: Which grievances or concerns do you feel are justified and should be addressed?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Several grievances and concerns raised in the position papers for the IAB Workshop on AI-Control appear justified and warrant attention. Below are some of the most critical concerns and why they deserve to be addressed:

1. Inadequacy of Current Opt-Out Mechanisms (e.g., Robots.txt):

  • Grievance: The limitations of current opt-out mechanisms, such as robots.txt, are widely acknowledged. These mechanisms were designed for simpler use cases like search indexing, not for the complex demands of AI systems, which can ingest and process private, sensitive, or proprietary data.

  • Justification: AI applications are much more complex and pervasive than traditional web crawlers. They ingest vast amounts of data from various sources, often without clear permission or understanding of the long-term implications. The current robots.txt protocol lacks the granularity, flexibility, and security needed to control access in the AI context, making it an outdated solution. It is important to develop new mechanisms that provide more precise and dynamic control over how data is used.

2. Need for Delegated Authorization and Privacy Control:

  • Grievance: Resource owners lack adequate control over how their data is accessed and used by AI systems. Prior consent mechanisms, such as robots.txt, do not provide the necessary flexibility to account for who is asking for data and for what purpose.

  • Justification: Privacy concerns are at an all-time high, especially in health, legal, and financial sectors where sensitive information is often at risk of exposure. Modern protocols like IETF GNAP, as proposed by Adrian Gropper, could allow data owners to dynamically authorize access based on the identity and intentions of AI systems. Given the personal nature of much of the data AI systems use, implementing more stringent access controls that respect individual rights and align with privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR) is crucial.

3. Transparency and Provenance:

  • Grievance: AI systems often lack transparency about the origins of the data used for training, making it difficult for content creators to understand whether their material is being used, and in what capacity.

  • Justification: Content creators have a right to know whether and how their work is being used, especially when AI models can mimic their style or redistribute their data without compensation or consent. Provenance mechanisms—such as digital signing, licensing metadata, and authenticity verification—are essential to ensure that creators can track and manage their content effectively. Addressing this concern would not only benefit creators but also help improve the credibility and accuracy of AI systems by ensuring data quality.

4. Lack of Granular Control for AI-Driven Content Access:

  • Grievance: The inability to control AI's access to data at a more granular level—whether for training, real-time inference, or other uses—is a significant concern. Current protocols don't distinguish between the many different ways AI might use web data.

  • Justification: Not all data should be treated equally. Some content creators may be fine with their data being indexed for search but not used for AI training. Granular control over the purposes for which content can be used (e.g., AI training vs. API data consumption) is necessary to give content creators the ability to make nuanced decisions. Developing better mechanisms for content-specific control is key to avoiding misuse or exploitation of data.

5. User and Individual Privacy Concerns:

  • Grievance: Individuals often have little to no control over how their personal data is collected and used by AI systems, even when the data does not fall under traditional copyright protections.

  • Justification: AI models are capable of making inferences and predictions about individuals, sometimes with far-reaching consequences for privacy. Given the capacity for AI models to generate harmful or misleading information about individuals, stricter controls and better opt-out mechanisms are needed. Privacy rights should extend to personal data and individual control over how AI uses it, as highlighted by Doty, Null, and Knodel.

6. Governance and Accountability:

  • Grievance: There is insufficient governance around the collection and use of data for AI training, leading to inconsistent practices and lack of accountability. Many of the existing efforts are ad hoc or vendor-driven, without community input.

  • Justification: As AI’s role in society grows, governance frameworks are critical to ensure ethical practices, especially in relation to data use. Establishing standards, oversight, and enforcement mechanisms is essential for building trust and ensuring that companies are held accountable for how they use public and private data. Lessons from governance initiatives like Do Not Track (DNT) and Global Privacy Control (GPC) highlight the importance of multistakeholder collaboration, transparency, and legal backing to make such frameworks effective.

7. Impact on Public Interest and Research:

  • Grievance: While AI-control mechanisms aim to protect data creators, there are concerns that they could restrict legitimate uses of web crawling for research or public interest, such as monitoring privacy practices, measuring prices, or investigating corporate behavior.

  • Justification: Research and public interest uses of data should be preserved while still allowing creators to protect their content from commercial AI exploitation. Clear distinctions between different types of crawling activities are needed to ensure that protective measures for creators don't unintentionally stifle innovation or prevent important social research.

8. Dynamic, Real-Time Control over Data Usage:

  • Grievance: Static control mechanisms (like robots.txt) fail to account for the dynamic nature of data and AI models, where the context and purpose of data usage might change over time.

  • Justification: The lifecycle of data in AI systems is more fluid than traditional content usage. Real-time API-driven access, dynamic policy changes, and context-based data usage require mechanisms that can adapt to evolving conditions. Content creators should be able to adjust permissions based on real-time requirements and the changing nature of AI models, especially as new applications like real-time inference emerge.


These concerns highlight the need for comprehensive solutions that provide better control, transparency, and accountability in the interaction between content creators, individuals, and AI systems. Addressing these grievances will help foster a more balanced ecosystem where innovation in AI can thrive without compromising the rights and interests of those whose data fuels these systems. The focus should be on developing robust governance frameworks, improving opt-out and control mechanisms, and ensuring that ethical standards guide AI's development and use.

Question 3 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: List the top 20 most controversial, surprising or valuable statements and findings mentioned in the position papers

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Here is a list of the top 20 controversial, surprising, or valuable statements and findings from the position papers submitted to the IAB Workshop on AI-Control:

  1. Robots.txt is Inadequate for AI Control: Multiple papers highlight that robots.txt, originally designed for search engine crawlers, is insufficient to handle the complexity of AI crawling, especially for content ownership, provenance, and data use cases. (Michael Prorock)

  2. AI Systems Lack Sufficient Access Controls: AI services can easily ingest private or sensitive data without proper consent, emphasizing the need for stronger access control mechanisms tailored to AI. (Adrian Gropper)

  3. Delegated Authorization (IETF GNAP) as a Key Solution: The introduction of delegated authorization like IETF GNAP, where resource owners can control access based on dynamic criteria such as who’s requesting data and for what purpose, is considered a game-changer for managing AI access. (Adrian Gropper)

  4. Current Legal Frameworks Don’t Address AI Training Issues: Many countries’ intellectual property and privacy laws are inadequate for managing how AI systems use public and private data, leading to legal uncertainties. (Carl Gahnberg)

  5. Provenance and Authorship Should Be Mandatory for AI Models: There is an increasing demand for transparency regarding whether data used by AI systems is human-generated, machine-generated, or a hybrid, along with its licensing information. (Michael Prorock)

  6. Potential for ‘Model Collapse’ from Unregulated AI Content: As AI-generated content circulates on the internet and is ingested back into training models, there is concern that this “AI feedback loop” could degrade the quality of future AI models. (Michael Prorock)

  7. Granular Control Over AI Access Should Be Standardized: It is suggested that AI-control mechanisms should distinguish between different types of AI activities (e.g., training vs. inference) and apply granular controls accordingly. (Jaime Jiménez & Jari Arkko)

  8. Content Creators’ Interests Are Being Overridden by Hosting Platforms: Many content creators (e.g., artists, authors) have limited control over how hosting platforms sell or license their content to AI companies, leading to conflicts between creators and hosts. (Nick Doty, Eric Null, Mallory Knodel)

  9. Need for Dynamic and Real-Time Data Control: Static control mechanisms, such as the current opt-out processes, fail to address the dynamic, real-time nature of data being used for AI, suggesting the need for more adaptive and responsive mechanisms. (Jaime Jiménez & Jari Arkko)

  10. User Privacy Is at Risk from AI Data Ingestion: Personal data and online interactions, often not protected by copyright, are frequently used in AI model training without the user's knowledge or consent, presenting major privacy risks. (Nick Doty, Eric Null, Mallory Knodel)

  11. API Interactions Should Be Standardized for AI Agents: Rather than web crawling, APIs are becoming the standard for AI systems to retrieve real-time information, prompting calls for standardized machine-readable API interactions. (Jaime Jiménez & Jari Arkko)

  12. Unintended Consequences of Restricting AI Crawling for Research: While content creators may want to limit AI access, over-restricting crawling could unintentionally hinder important research, such as investigations into corporate behavior, price measurement, and privacy auditing. (Nick Doty, Eric Null, Mallory Knodel)

  13. AI Control Mechanisms Could Create New Economic Models: The introduction of mechanisms like HTTP 402 (a proposal for enabling standardized payment systems in HTTP responses) could facilitate monetizing content for AI training, creating a new economic model for content creators. (Jaime Jiménez & Jari Arkko)

  14. Failure of Do Not Track (DNT) as a Warning for AI-Control: Lessons from the failure of Do Not Track (DNT) show that without legal backing and strong enforcement, voluntary standards for AI control may fail to achieve broad compliance. (Carl Gahnberg)

  15. AI Models Can Inadvertently Violate Copyright: Because AI systems don’t always differentiate between licensed and unlicensed data when training, companies running AI models could face serious copyright infringement issues, which could lead to lawsuits or forced removal of trained models. (Nick Doty, Eric Null, Mallory Knodel)

  16. Over-Dependence on a Few Large AI Companies: The concentration of data in the hands of a few large tech companies for AI training creates power imbalances, stifles competition, and limits the ability of smaller players to innovate in AI. (Nick Doty, Eric Null, Mallory Knodel)

  17. Lack of Legal Clarity on Whether AI Training Constitutes Fair Use: Ongoing legal debates about whether AI training on public content falls under "fair use" remain unresolved, meaning AI companies and content creators are operating in a grey area. (Carl Gahnberg)

  18. Opt-Out Signals Must Be Strengthened with Legal Backing: Simply relying on voluntary opt-out signals (like robots.txt) may not be enough, and legal mechanisms similar to GDPR or California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) should back them to enforce compliance. (Carl Gahnberg)

  19. Real-Time Data Integration Is Key for AI Agents: Unlike static models, the next generation of AI systems will increasingly depend on real-time, dynamic data integration, requiring more sophisticated crawling and access control methods. (Jaime Jiménez & Jari Arkko)

  20. Enforcement is Critical for AI-Control Mechanisms: Without robust enforcement mechanisms, AI-control standards, even if well-designed, will fail to protect content creators. This was a key issue in the failure of the DNT initiative and could be a significant barrier for AI-control if not addressed. (Carl Gahnberg)

These points reflect the diverse challenges and concerns surrounding AI control, particularly around governance, transparency, privacy, intellectual property, and the future of AI development.

Question 4 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: Taking all of the concerns and suggestions into account, draft me the ideal solution - in your view - for the situation illustrated by the submitters.

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Given the concerns and suggestions from the position papers submitted to the IAB Workshop on AI-Control, the ideal solution to address the issues of AI access, control, transparency, and governance must be both technically robust and legally enforceable. Here's a proposed solution, combining the best ideas from the submissions while addressing key concerns:

1. A Layered, Dynamic Access Control System

The ideal solution begins with an adaptive, layered system that distinguishes between different types of AI usage, such as AI training, real-time inference, and API access. This system would allow content creators and data providers to set varying levels of permissions for different use cases. The key components are:

  • Granular Control Mechanisms: Content owners should be able to set specific rules for different kinds of data use. For instance:

    • Training: Full data ingestion for model training.

    • Inference: Limited, real-time use of data during AI queries.

    • Crawling and Indexing: For search indexing, more general rules may apply.

  • Delegated Authorization Protocols: Modern protocols like IETF GNAP should be integrated into this system, allowing content owners to dynamically approve or deny AI access based on real-time context, user identity, or purpose. This prevents static, outdated permissions from governing access and ensures that access is aligned with current data usage conditions.

2. Universal AI-Control Standard with Legal Backing

A new global AI-control standard should be developed by an international body (such as IAB or W3C) in collaboration with stakeholders from different sectors (tech, media, academia, government). The core features of this standard would include:

  • Legally Enforceable Opt-Out Signals: Instead of relying on voluntary opt-out mechanisms like robots.txt, the new standard should provide legally backed opt-out signals similar to the Global Privacy Control (GPC)under the CCPA. These signals should clearly indicate a site’s preferences for AI use of its data, and violations should carry legal penalties.

  • Explicit Default Opt-Out for Sensitive Data: Sensitive categories of data (personal information, health data, financial records) should automatically be opted out of AI training unless explicit consent is provided by the data owner. This follows a privacy-by-design approach, ensuring high-risk data remains protected.

3. Provenance and Transparency Framework

The framework should mandate full transparency regarding the provenance of the data used in AI models. This framework would require AI companies to:

  • Track and Display Data Sources: AI systems should include a mechanism that allows end-users, creators, and regulators to see what data was used in training and where it came from.

  • Automated Provenance Systems: A standardized system (based on C2PA or similar) that allows content creators to digitally sign their data, embedding metadata that includes usage permissions. This would enable AI systems to verify the legitimacy and license status of the data before ingesting it.

  • Human vs. AI-Generated Content: AI systems should also include flags identifying whether data or content was human-generated, AI-generated, or AI-assisted, helping mitigate concerns around "model collapse" due to AI-generated content being fed back into models.

4. APIs as First-Class Citizens in AI Data Interaction

Recognizing that AI systems will increasingly rely on APIs to retrieve data for real-time inference, a standardized API interaction protocol should be developed specifically for AI systems. This protocol should include:

  • In-Band Consent Management: When interacting with an API, AI systems must automatically request consent to use the data for specific purposes (e.g., training, real-time querying), and this consent should be governed by an in-bandmechanism that the API provider can easily approve or deny.

  • Automated Licensing and Contracting: A machine-readable contract or licensing mechanism should accompany API data interactions, specifying whether the data can be used for commercial AI training, research, or personal use. This system could be integrated into API endpoints to ensure compliance without manual intervention.

5. Dynamic and Context-Aware AI Crawlers

AI crawlers should evolve to become context-aware agents, capable of understanding not just content, but also the intent behind a website’s permissions. These crawlers would:

  • Comply with Robots.txt 2.0: An enhanced version of robots.txt (let’s call it robots.txt 2.0) would allow content creators to specify context-sensitive rules, such as permitting search engines but blocking AI model ingestion or allowing only non-commercial AI research crawlers.

  • Rate-Limited Crawlers with Consent-Based Queries: Crawlers would also respect rate limits and use consent-based querying, where the crawler requests access to specific data, and the website can dynamically grant or deny this access based on the AI’s intended use.

6. Standardized Compensation Model for Content Usage

In cases where content creators wish to monetize their data used in AI models, a standardized compensation modelshould be built into the AI-control framework. This could work as follows:

  • HTTP 402 Payment Mechanism: AI crawlers or APIs accessing a site’s data for commercial AI model training could trigger an HTTP 402 response, leading to a standardized payment system that compensates the content creator based on usage volume, type, or other factors.

  • Micro-Payment and Subscription Systems: AI companies could subscribe to specific data sources (e.g., news sites, creative works) through a micro-payment system, ensuring content creators are fairly compensated for their contributions to AI models.

7. Governance and Enforcement via Multistakeholder Collaboration

The solution should include a governance structure with collaboration across multiple stakeholders—tech companies, regulators, researchers, and civil society organizations. Governance should include:

  • Auditing and Monitoring Compliance: A public or independent body should have the ability to audit AI companies to ensure that they are complying with opt-out signals, provenance tracking, and data usage policies. AI crawlers must maintain a compliance log that can be reviewed by regulators or the public.

  • Legal Recourse for Non-Compliance: Content creators and users should have legal recourse if AI companies violate their data usage policies. This can be done via civil lawsuits or regulatory penalties, with support for cross-jurisdiction enforcement.

  • Periodic Review and Updates: Since AI technologies evolve rapidly, the governance framework must include periodic reviews and updates to the standards, allowing the framework to adapt to new AI use cases and data collection methods.

8. Public Research Carve-Outs

To support the public interest, the system should include specific carve-outs for academic and public-interest research. For instance:

  • Exemptions for Non-Commercial Research: Academic institutions and public-interest organizations should have special permissions to crawl and access data, provided they adhere to ethical guidelines and do not use the data for commercial purposes.

  • Data Portability and Public Transparency: To support innovation, transparency, and accountability, mechanisms for data portability (allowing users to download and analyze data used in AI training) should be integrated, enabling researchers and journalists to hold AI systems accountable.


The ideal solution to the issues raised by the submitters involves a comprehensive, layered approach that combines technical solutions, legal backing, and multistakeholder governance. It emphasizes transparency, provenance, granular control, and dynamic access management, while providing a flexible system that allows content creators, users, and AI companies to co-exist in a more ethical and balanced ecosystem. By addressing these issues collaboratively and ensuring accountability, this solution can foster innovation while respecting data privacy, intellectual property, and user autonomy.

Question 5 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: List all the reasons as to why some stakeholders might agree to your approach and why others won't

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Reasons Some Stakeholders Might Agree to the Approach:

  1. Granular Control for Content Owners:

    • Content creators and website owners would appreciate the ability to exert granular control over how their data is used. The layered approach allows them to specify different rules for different AI activities (training, inference, etc.), which aligns with their need to protect their intellectual property or limit commercial exploitation.

    • Artists, writers, and other creators would benefit from more precise control over how AI models use their work, preventing misuse or unauthorized replication of their style or content.

  2. Provenance and Transparency for AI Models:

    • Content creators and public interest groups would support transparency in how data is sourced and used in AI models. This system provides them with the visibility needed to ensure ethical use of their content.

    • Ethical AI advocates would likely support the idea of tracking the provenance of data and clearly distinguishing between human- and AI-generated content, helping to reduce misinformation and "model collapse" risks.

  3. API-Based Dynamic Control for AI Companies:

    • AI companies might favor the use of APIs and real-time data integration, as it allows them to access fresh, up-to-date information with clear guidelines on usage. This approach aligns with their need for scalable, real-time data solutions without causing friction in the content acquisition process.

  4. Legally Enforceable Opt-Out for Privacy Advocates:

    • Privacy advocates and civil liberties groups would support legally backed opt-out signals that give individuals more control over their data, addressing long-standing privacy concerns about AI using personal data without consent.

    • Governments and regulators may appreciate this system because it introduces an enforceable framework for AI control, making it easier to hold companies accountable for violations of user rights and data privacy laws.

  5. Compensation Models for Content Creators:

    • Content creators and media companies would appreciate the micro-payment and subscription model built into the system, allowing them to monetize the use of their data by AI models.

    • Public-facing platforms (news sites, databases) could support the compensation structure, which could offer a new revenue stream while maintaining their public reach.

  6. Governance and Auditing for Accountability:

    • Regulators and oversight bodies would support the inclusion of auditing and compliance logs. This helps ensure that companies adhere to the rules, making enforcement practical and transparent.

    • Public research institutions and journalists might agree with the governance and accountability measures, as they provide a mechanism for holding AI companies accountable for data misuse or bias.

  7. Public Interest and Research Exemptions:

    • Academia and public-interest researchers would support the research carve-outs, allowing them to continue important societal work without the same restrictions applied to commercial AI systems.

    • Regulators and civil society groups would favor this because it balances the need for transparency and accountability with the importance of supporting innovation and public-interest projects.

Reasons Some Stakeholders Might Oppose the Approach:

  1. AI Companies Facing New Compliance Burdens:

    • Large AI companies may resist the proposal because it imposes new layers of compliance, such as transparency, provenance tracking, and adherence to opt-out signals. They may view these requirements as burdensome, slowing down their ability to rapidly acquire data for training.

    • Startups and smaller AI developers may find it challenging to comply with the added legal, technical, and auditing requirements, potentially limiting their ability to innovate and compete.

  2. Complexity and Cost of Implementation:

    • Website operators might see the proposal as adding significant complexity to their operations. They may need to invest in tools for handling real-time API controls, policy management, and provenance tracking, which could be costly for smaller or non-technical website owners.

    • Content creators without technical expertise might struggle with understanding how to set granular permissions or enforce their rights, leading to lower adoption of these tools.

  3. Concerns Over API-Driven Control:

    • Developers and API providers might oppose having to incorporate in-band consent management and automated contracting mechanisms. This could increase the overhead of API management, slowing down API interactions and increasing development time.

    • Smaller content providers may fear that AI companies will rely on API access to bypass the rules they try to enforce via traditional web content. They may see the real-time data access and compensation mechanisms as skewed in favor of larger players.

  4. Potential for Revenue Displacement:

    • News organizations and other media outlets may worry that allowing AI models to use their content, even for compensation, could displace existing revenue streams like advertising or subscriptions. They might prefer stricter prohibitions on AI access to protect their content.

    • Creative professionals may be wary of the micro-payment model, fearing that it may undervalue their work or that usage-based compensation will not match their traditional income models (e.g., royalties, licensing fees).

  5. Loss of Control for Platform Hosts:

    • Platform owners (such as social media platforms) may not support the increased control given to individual content creators. Since platform hosts often control the licensing agreements with AI companies, allowing creators to impose their own restrictions could disrupt the host’s business model.

    • Corporate content aggregators could see this framework as a threat to their control over how their platforms manage and sell access to content.

  6. Legal and Policy Resistance from AI Advocates:

    • Proponents of open access or AI libertarians might argue that restricting data access and requiring compliance with multiple rules and audits could hinder the growth of AI and limit its potential to solve complex societal problems. They may view some aspects of the proposal as too restrictive for innovation.

    • AI researchers may worry that overly strict provenance and data tracking requirements will reduce the amount of data available for developing unbiased and representative AI models.

  7. Increased Regulatory Scrutiny:

    • AI companies and tech giants might oppose the introduction of new regulatory bodies or governance frameworks, fearing that it will open the door to even more intense regulation and oversight in the future, especially if enforcement powers increase.

    • Global tech companies may be concerned that legal requirements will vary across jurisdictions, leading to uneven enforcement and compliance challenges in different regions.

  8. Concerns Over Data Silos and Fragmentation:

    • AI companies could argue that the approach could create data silos, where certain high-quality datasets are locked behind paywalls or strict access controls. This fragmentation could lead to unequal access to data, benefiting only the largest and wealthiest AI firms, limiting innovation for smaller players.

  9. Resistance from Content Creators Fearing Dilution of Control:

    • Artists and smaller creators may be skeptical of the micro-payment model or content licensing rules, fearing that they will lose control over their work. They may worry that once an AI model is trained on their content, their ability to exert meaningful control or reclaim their rights will be diluted.


This approach offers significant improvements in transparency, control, and accountability, which will likely resonate with content creators, privacy advocates, and regulators. However, it faces opposition from large AI companies, smaller developers, and those who prioritize open access and innovation over strict control. Balancing these competing interests will require careful consideration of the impact on different stakeholders and their respective incentives.

Question 6 of 6 for ChatGPT-4o: What kind of approach should publishers and individual authors and creators favour do you think?

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
Publishers, individual authors, and creators should favor an approach that maximizes control, transparency, compensation, and protection over how their content is used by AI systems. Given the diverse nature of their work, rights, and needs, they should focus on ensuring their intellectual property and creative efforts are respected while still allowing for innovation and collaboration in the AI ecosystem. Here’s a breakdown of what I think their ideal approach should be:

1. Granular Control and Dynamic Permissions

  • Why It’s Important: Publishers and creators need to ensure that they can control not just whether their content is used, but how it is used by AI systems. Different types of AI activities (training, inference, and data aggregation) present varying levels of risk and reward for creators.

  • The Approach: They should advocate for a system where they can set specific permissions regarding:

    • Training: Opt-in for AI training purposes (especially for large models like GPT), with the option to block or restrict commercial training.

    • Inference: Allow for real-time querying or summarization of their work, as long as it doesn’t infringe on their rights or the commercial value of their content.

    • Granular Licensing: Publishers should be able to define usage based on different AI activities, allowing research uses while restricting commercial exploitation.

2. Provenance and Transparency

  • Why It’s Important: Authors and publishers often have no visibility into whether their content has been used by AI systems, making it difficult to monitor, protect, or even monetize it.

  • The Approach: They should push for a robust provenance and transparency framework, requiring AI systems to track and disclose:

    • Where data came from: AI models should include metadata showing the origin of training data.

    • What data is being used: Publishers should have the right to audit AI systems to see whether their work is included and in what capacity.

    • Ethical labeling: A system to label whether content used by AI was human-generated or AI-generated will ensure that creators know how their work interacts with AI ecosystems.

3. Fair Compensation and Licensing Models

  • Why It’s Important: Authors and publishers need to be compensated when their work is used to generate revenue for AI companies. Otherwise, they risk being unfairly exploited by systems that build on their creative efforts without offering compensation.

  • The Approach: They should advocate for:

    • Micro-payment systems: When AI systems ingest or use their content, creators should be compensated through small payments based on the usage volume, similar to a royalty-based system. This could be done through systems like HTTP 402, where access to certain content requires payment.

    • Licensing frameworks: Creators should be able to choose from standardized licensing options (e.g., Creative Commons-style licenses) that make it clear how their content can be used for AI training, commercial purposes, or public research.

    • Tiered Access Models: Publishers may want to enable lower-cost licensing options for non-commercial uses, such as education or research, while charging higher fees for commercial AI models.

  • Why It’s Important: Voluntary opt-out mechanisms, such as robots.txt, have proven to be weak and easily bypassed. To truly protect their rights, publishers and creators need legally enforceable protections.

  • The Approach: They should lobby for:

    • Legal backing for opt-out signals: Governments and international bodies should enforce opt-out signals under data protection and copyright laws. Violations should carry penalties for AI companies that misuse copyrighted content.

    • Default opt-out for sensitive data: Automatically excluding certain categories of work, such as sensitive personal content or works with clear privacy implications, unless explicitly opted in by the creator.

5. Standardized API-Based Interaction

  • Why It’s Important: Many AI systems will access data via APIs in real-time, rather than simply crawling websites. Publishers and creators should ensure that API interactions with AI systems include clear consent and compensation mechanisms.

  • The Approach: Publishers should favor an API-first strategy for interacting with AI systems. APIs offer more fine-grained control over how content is used, and allow creators to:

    • Set specific rules on how their content is accessed by AI systems in real-time.

    • Monetize API access, ensuring that any content retrieved via API is appropriately paid for.

    • Dynamically update permissions: APIs can allow content creators to update access rules as their needs change, avoiding the rigidity of static permissions.

6. Ensuring Ethical AI Use with Governance and Accountability

  • Why It’s Important: Without strong governance and auditing systems, publishers and creators have little recourse if their content is misused by AI systems. Effective governance ensures ethical and transparent AI behavior.

  • The Approach: Authors and publishers should advocate for:

    • Strong governance structures: Independent bodies or regulators should monitor and audit AI systems to ensure compliance with copyright and licensing rules.

    • Accountability measures: There should be clear penalties or compensation for creators if AI companies violate their rights, either through copyright infringement or privacy violations.

    • Auditable compliance logs: AI systems should be required to maintain logs that can be reviewed by content creators to see how their data is being used and whether proper compensation or permissions were obtained.

7. Exemptions for Non-Commercial and Public Research

  • Why It’s Important: Creators may want to support non-commercial or research-based uses of their content, especially for public benefit. However, they should still have the option to prevent commercial exploitation.

  • The Approach: They should push for carve-outs for:

    • Public research: Allowing non-commercial academic institutions or researchers to use content without extensive licensing fees, provided the use aligns with ethical guidelines.

    • Non-commercial AI training: For educational purposes or AI research that does not involve generating commercial profits, creators may choose to permit free or low-cost access.

8. Simple Tools for Individual Creators

  • Why It’s Important: Many individual creators may not have the technical skills or resources to implement complex AI-control mechanisms. They need simple, user-friendly tools to manage their content permissions.

  • The Approach: Creators should advocate for easy-to-use platforms that offer:

    • Intuitive dashboards: Providing clear, simple interfaces where creators can manage their opt-out preferences, set licensing terms, and track AI use of their content.

    • Automation: Automated content protection tools that scan for AI use of content without requiring constant oversight by the creator.

9. Flexibility to Adjust as AI Evolves

  • Why It’s Important: The field of AI is rapidly evolving, and static rules may become outdated or insufficient as new use cases and technologies emerge.

  • The Approach: Creators should favor a flexible approach that allows them to adapt their permissions and licensing over time. For example:

    • Revisiting rules every few years to account for new AI models and uses.

    • Adapting to new data types (e.g., multimedia, interactive content) as AI moves beyond text-based models.


The approach that publishers and individual creators should favor is one that balances strong control and protection with the ability to monetize and participate in the evolving AI ecosystem. Granular control, provenance tracking, legally backed opt-out mechanisms, and fair compensation models should be their priority, while ensuring that they can easily manage these protections through user-friendly tools. At the same time, they should advocate for exemptions for non-commercial research and flexibility in licensing to ensure that innovation and public interest uses of their content can continue.