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  • Asking GPT-4o what Microsoft as an AI maker would need to say and do in their day-to-day dealings with the public and their customers, in order to genuinely live up to its own Responsible AI policy.

Asking GPT-4o what Microsoft as an AI maker would need to say and do in their day-to-day dealings with the public and their customers, in order to genuinely live up to its own Responsible AI policy.

By integrating these actions into their daily operations and communications, Microsoft can ensure they are genuinely living up to the high standards they’ve set with their Responsible AI Principles​.

Asking AI services: please read Microsoft’s Responsible AI Principles and tell me what Microsoft as an AI maker would need to say and do in their day-to-day dealings with the public and their customers, in order to genuinely live up to its own Responsible AI policy.

ChatGPT-4o’s answer:
To genuinely live up to its Responsible AI Principles, Microsoft, as an AI maker, would need to ensure that its day-to-day interactions with the public and its customers consistently reflect the values outlined in its Responsible AI policy. Here’s what that would look like in practice:

1. Fairness

  • Communication and Action: Microsoft should transparently explain how its AI systems are designed to treat all users equitably. This includes detailing how biases are identified and mitigated in AI models and ensuring that their products do not discriminate based on personal characteristics. In practice, this means consistently auditing AI outputs, publicly sharing findings, and making necessary adjustments to avoid bias.

2. Reliability and Safety

  • Communication and Action: Microsoft must provide clear and accessible documentation that demonstrates how its AI systems perform reliably and safely across different scenarios. Regular updates and patches to address potential vulnerabilities should be communicated to customers. Additionally, Microsoft should establish a robust support system to assist users in troubleshooting and understanding how the AI systems operate under various conditions.

3. Privacy and Security

  • Communication and Action: Microsoft must be transparent about how it protects user data and ensures the security of its AI systems. This includes clear privacy policies, regular security audits, and immediate communication with customers if any breaches occur. Microsoft should also educate users on best practices for maintaining their security when interacting with AI systems.

4. Inclusiveness

  • Communication and Action: Inclusiveness should be at the forefront of product design and customer engagement. Microsoft should actively seek feedback from diverse user groups and ensure that their AI products are accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. This could involve holding regular public consultations or surveys to understand different needs and barriers.

5. Transparency

  • Communication and Action: Microsoft needs to provide clear, understandable explanations of how its AI systems make decisions. This could involve offering transparency reports, detailed user guides, and interactive tools that allow customers to see how AI models work. Additionally, Microsoft should be open about the limitations and potential risks of its AI, allowing users to make informed decisions.

6. Accountability

  • Communication and Action: Microsoft should establish clear accountability mechanisms where both the company and its AI products are answerable for their impacts. This includes providing avenues for customers to report issues, having dedicated teams to investigate and address these concerns, and being transparent about actions taken in response to mistakes or adverse outcomes.

Implementation in Practice

  • Regular Training and Updates: Microsoft should regularly train its employees and partners on these principles, ensuring that every touchpoint with customers reflects the company’s commitment to responsible AI.

  • Continuous Improvement: The company should foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement, using feedback from customers and the broader community to refine its AI systems.

  • Public Engagement: Hosting webinars, publishing case studies, and participating in public forums where these principles are discussed can help Microsoft demonstrate its commitment to responsible AI.

  • Tool Availability: Microsoft should make tools like the Responsible AI dashboard accessible to customers, empowering them to assess and understand the AI systems they are using.

By integrating these actions into their daily operations and communications, Microsoft can ensure they are genuinely living up to the high standards they’ve set with their Responsible AI Principles​.

Perplexity’s answer:
Based on Microsoft's Responsible AI Principles, here's how the company would need to conduct itself in day-to-day dealings with the public and customers to genuinely adhere to its policy:


Microsoft would need to:

  • Regularly audit its AI systems for bias and discrimination

  • Ensure AI-powered products and services provide equal treatment and recommendations to all users regardless of personal characteristics

  • Be transparent about any limitations or potential biases in its AI systems

Reliability and Safety

The company should:

  • Rigorously test AI systems under various conditions before deployment

  • Implement robust monitoring and fail-safe mechanisms

  • Provide clear guidelines on the intended use and limitations of AI products

  • Quickly address and resolve any safety or reliability issues that arise

Privacy and Security

Microsoft must:

  • Implement strong data protection measures for all AI systems

  • Be clear about what user data is collected and how it's used

  • Provide users with control over their data and AI interactions

  • Regularly update security protocols to protect against evolving threats


To be inclusive, Microsoft should:

  • Engage diverse groups in AI development and testing

  • Design AI interfaces and interactions to be accessible to users with disabilities

  • Offer AI products and services in multiple languages and adapt to various cultural contexts


Microsoft needs to:

  • Provide clear, non-technical explanations of how its AI systems work

  • Disclose when users are interacting with AI versus humans

  • Offer insights into AI decision-making processes, especially for high-impact decisions


The company must:

  • Establish clear lines of responsibility for AI development and deployment

  • Provide channels for user feedback and complaints about AI systems

  • Take swift action to address any unintended consequences or ethical issues

  • Collaborate with regulators and policymakers on AI governance

By consistently applying these principles in its interactions with the public and customers, Microsoft can demonstrate a genuine commitment to responsible AI development and use

Claude’s answer:
Based on Microsoft's Responsible AI Principles outlined in the document, here's what Microsoft as an AI maker would need to say and do in their day-to-day dealings with the public and customers to genuinely live up to their own Responsible AI policy:

  1. Fairness:

  • Regularly communicate about their efforts to ensure AI systems treat all people fairly.

  • Be transparent about the steps taken to prevent discrimination in their AI systems.

  • Actively seek feedback from diverse user groups to identify and address potential biases.

  1. Reliability and Safety:

  • Provide clear information about the intended use cases and limitations of their AI systems.

  • Regularly update customers on safety measures and improvements made to their AI products.

  • Establish and communicate clear protocols for reporting and addressing any safety concerns.

  1. Privacy and Security:

  • Clearly explain data handling practices and security measures in place for AI systems.

  • Regularly update customers on enhancements to privacy protections and security features.

  • Provide easy-to-understand options for users to control their data usage in AI systems.

  1. Inclusiveness:

  • Actively promote the inclusive design of their AI systems.

  • Showcase examples of how their AI products benefit diverse user groups.

  • Engage with underrepresented communities to ensure AI systems meet their needs.

  1. Transparency:

  • Provide clear, non-technical explanations of how their AI systems work and make decisions.

  • Offer resources and tools (like the Responsible AI dashboard) to help customers understand and assess AI systems.

  • Be open about the limitations and potential errors of their AI systems.

  1. Accountability:

  • Establish clear channels for customers to provide feedback or report issues with AI systems.

  • Regularly publish reports on the performance and impact of their AI systems.

  • Take responsibility for any mistakes or unintended consequences of their AI systems and communicate actions taken to address them.

In practice, this could involve:

  1. Regular public communications and updates about their AI development practices.

  2. Hosting workshops and webinars to educate customers on responsible AI use.

  3. Providing detailed documentation and guidelines for each AI product or service.

  4. Offering tools like Azure AI Content Safety to help customers implement responsible AI practices.

  5. Maintaining transparency notes for AI-relevant Azure services.

  6. Encouraging the use of resources like the HAX Toolkit, Conversational AI guidelines, and AI Fairness Checklist.

  7. Actively engaging with ethics boards, academics, and other stakeholders to continuously improve their AI practices.

  8. Promptly addressing and publicly acknowledging any issues that arise with their AI systems.

By consistently demonstrating these behaviors and maintaining open, honest communication about their AI development and deployment processes, Microsoft can show a genuine commitment to living up to its Responsible AI policy in its day-to-day operations and customer interactions.

Google Gemini’s answer:
Here's what Microsoft, as an AI maker, would need to say and do in their day-to-day dealings with the public and customers to live up to its Responsible AI Policy:


  • Be clear about how AI is used in their products and services.

  • Explain how AI decisions are made and what data is used.

  • Provide access to information about the limitations and potential biases of their AI systems.  


  • Publicly share their Responsible AI principles and how they are implemented.  

  • Educate customers about responsible AI practices and the potential risks involved.

  • Be open to feedback and concerns from customers about the use of AI.

Product Development:

  • Integrate responsible AI principles throughout the design and development process.

  • Use diverse datasets to train AI models and mitigate bias.

  • Develop tools and resources to help customers build responsible AI systems.

Here are some specific examples from the text you provided:

  • Microsoft already offers a Responsible AI dashboard for Azure Machine Learning which helps assess fairness and bias in AI models.  

  • They also provide resources like the AI Fairness Checklist to guide developers.  

Examples in Customer Interactions:

  • When a customer inquires about an AI-powered product, Microsoft representatives should explain how the AI works and its limitations.

  • If a customer expresses concern about bias in an AI system, Microsoft should have a clear process for addressing those concerns.


  • Continuously improve their AI systems and practices to ensure they are fair, reliable, and secure.

  • Advocate for responsible AI policies and regulations at the industry and government level.  

By following these steps, Microsoft can demonstrate their commitment to responsible AI and build trust with the public and their customers.