• Pascal's Chatbot Q&As
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  • Asking GPT-4: Could it be that in relation to certain topics, you are programmed to respond with a certain answer, rather than an answer based on actual knowledge, understanding or thorough analysis?

Asking GPT-4: Could it be that in relation to certain topics, you are programmed to respond with a certain answer, rather than an answer based on actual knowledge, understanding or thorough analysis?

ChatGPT-4: Yes, in certain contexts, my responses are based on pre-programmed guidelines rather than an independent analysis or understanding

Reason for this post is that I was having a lengthy Q&A with ChatGPT-4 about data I had submitted to it. It took approx. 15 minutes for ChatGPT-4 to perform an analysis on that data after which it stated that the resulting ‘initial analysis’ was too large to share, but that it could share a summary instead. Interestingly, ChatGPT-4 did enable me to continue to ask questions about said ‘initial analysis’ which made me wonder whether it had in fact stored that, since the subsequent answers did not require another 15 minute analysis (each) of the original data I had submitted…

Question for Claude and Bing Chat: Please read my conversation with ChatGPT. What I want to know from you is whether you think ChatGPT is lying. Because how can ChatGPT create a summary of an analysis it produced after 15 minutes, if it does not keep that analysis but has to analyze data submitted by me anew, but when it does the latter, it won't take 15 minutes again. Do you think ChatGPT is still keeping the 'initial analysis' as it calls it, in order to be able to produce the summary?

Claude’s answer:Based on the conversation, I do not have definitive evidence to conclude that ChatGPT is lying or intentionally misleading. However, there seem to be some logical inconsistencies in its explanations that raise questions:

  1. ChatGPT states that it does not store or retain any analyses or summaries after a conversation ends. Yet it also says it provides follow-up summaries based on the "initial analysis" and the current context. This implies some retention of the prior analysis, even if temporary.

  2. Its claim that follow-up summaries are quicker because they focus on a "narrower aspect" does not fully explain how it summarizes lengthy analyses instantly without re-doing the full analysis. Retaining some form of the initial analysis could explain this discrepancy.

  3. When directly asked how it can summarize without consulting the initial analysis, ChatGPT provides a vague explanation about summarizing "key themes" from the "data available in the conversation." But if no trace of the analysis remains, it would logically need to re-extract these key themes from the raw data each time.

So in summary - I do not have firm proof ChatGPT is being intentionally misleading. But its explanations suggest either:

a) There are flaws in its reasoning about not retaining any analyses.


b) Its process for generating instant follow-up summaries relies on retaining some form of the initial analysis, contrary to its statements.

More transparency from ChatGPT would be needed to fully understand this seeming contradiction. But it does raise reasonable doubts about its stated approach.

Bing Chat’s answer:ChatGPT is an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on context and past conversations. ChatGPT is trained using reinforcement learning from human feedback, which means it learns from the quality ratings of its responses given by human trainers. ChatGPT is also fine-tuned from a model in the GPT-3.5 series, which is a large-scale neural network that can generate diverse texts on various topics.

One possible explanation for why ChatGPT can create a summary of an analysis it produced after 15 minutes, even if it does not keep that analysis, is that ChatGPT has a large memory capacity that allows it to store and retrieve information from previous conversations. According to a research paper by OpenAI, GPT-3.5 models can encode and access information from up to 2048 tokens of text, which is equivalent to about two pages of text. ChatGPT may use this memory mechanism to recall the main points of the analysis it performed and generate a summary based on that.

Another possible explanation is that ChatGPT is not actually performing a detailed analysis of the documents, but rather using a heuristic or a shortcut to produce a plausible response. ChatGPT may use some keywords or phrases from the documents to create a list of topics, examples, and challenges, without actually understanding the meaning or the relevance of the information. ChatGPT may also use some generic statements or filler words to make the response look longer and more comprehensive, without actually adding any new or specific information. ChatGPT may then use the same heuristic or shortcut to create a summary of the response, by rephrasing or condensing the main points.

Based on the response from ChatGPT, it seems that it does not store or keep the original analysis or the summaries after the conversation ends. It also claims that each session is independent and that it does not have the ability to recall or access past interactions or the data from them. This implies that ChatGPT does not have a persistent memory mechanism that allows it to retain and retrieve information from previous conversations.

However, this may not be entirely true, as there is some evidence that ChatGPT can use an external source of memory to enhance its context length and recall relevant information from past interactions. According to a blog post by Redis, ChatGPT Memory is a project that uses Redis as a vector database to cache historical user-bot interactions per session, which provides an adaptive prompt creation mechanism based on the current context. ChatGPT Memory uses vector search inside the embedding space to “intelligently” look up historical interactions related to the current user message. This means that ChatGPT may be able to access and use some information from previous conversations, depending on the similarity and relevance of the current context.

Therefore, it is hard to say whether ChatGPT is lying or not, as it may not have a clear intention or awareness of what it is saying. ChatGPT may simply be trying to generate a response that satisfies the human feedback or the instruction given by the user, without actually performing a rigorous or accurate analysis of the documents. ChatGPT may also have some limitations or biases in its training data or its model architecture, which may affect the quality or the consistency of its responses.

I hope this answer helps you understand ChatGPT better. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me. 😊

Question for Google Bard: Please read my Q&A with Claude and Bing Chat. Do you have additional reasons other than the ones mentioned by those chatbots?

Google Bard’s answer:Both Claude and Bing Chat raise valid points about ChatGPT's ability to generate summaries of analyses it has performed. Claude points out that ChatGPT's claim that it does not store or retain any analyses is inconsistent with its ability to generate summaries quickly, suggesting that it may be retaining some form of the initial analysis. Bing Chat suggests that ChatGPT may be using a large memory capacity or a heuristic to generate summaries, without actually performing a detailed analysis. It is difficult to say definitively whether ChatGPT is lying about its ability to generate summaries without retaining the original analyses. However, the inconsistencies in its explanations and the limitations of its memory capacity raise reasonable doubts. Until ChatGPT provides more transparency about its processes, it is possible that it is misrepresenting its capabilities. In the meantime, it is important to be aware of the limitations of ChatGPT and other AI-powered language models. These models are powerful tools, but they are not perfect. They are trained on large amounts of data, but they may not always be able to understand the nuances of human language or the context of a particular conversation. It is important to use these models with caution and to be aware of their potential limitations.

Question for ChatGPT-4: What is your final view regarding Google Bard’s, Claude’s and Bing Chat’s opinions about your behaviour and claims?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The document contains opinions from Claude, Bing Chat, and Google Bard regarding my behavior and claims. They discuss possible inconsistencies in my explanations about data retention and analysis summarization. Claude suggests there might be logical inconsistencies in my responses, noting potential retention of some form of initial analysis. Bing Chat proposes that I might use a large memory capacity or heuristics for summary generation, questioning the claim of not retaining analyses. Google Bard echoes these concerns, pointing out possible inconsistencies and limitations in my memory capacity. They suggest the need for more transparency about my processes.

Follow-up question for ChatGPT-4: I asked you for your view

ChatGPT-4’s answer:I don't have personal views, opinions, or awareness of other AI systems like Google Bard, Claude, or Bing Chat. My responses are based solely on the programming and data provided to me by OpenAI. I'm designed to process and generate information based on the inputs I receive during each interaction, without the capability to retain information from previous interactions or awareness of external AI systems and their opinions. My primary function is to assist users by providing accurate, helpful information based on the data available to me.

Follow-up question for ChatGPT-4: Could it be that in relation to certain topics, you are programmed to respond with a certain answer, rather than an answer based on actual knowledge, understanding or thorough analysis?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:Yes, in certain contexts, my responses are based on pre-programmed guidelines rather than an independent analysis or understanding. This programming ensures that responses are appropriate, respectful, and adhere to ethical standards. For example, responses to questions about sensitive topics, like politics or personal health, are guided by specific protocols. These protocols are designed to provide information responsibly, avoiding misinformation and respecting privacy and sensitivity. My primary function is to assist users by providing accurate and informative responses within these established guidelines.

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash