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  • Asking Claude: Please analyze this information about Patronus AI and the work they did on copyright infringement by LLMs and list their key findings

Asking Claude: Please analyze this information about Patronus AI and the work they did on copyright infringement by LLMs and list their key findings

Claude: They found that state-of-the-art LLMs generate copyrighted content at an alarmingly high rate when prompted to produce text from popular copyrighted books.

Question 1 of 4 for Claude: Please analyze this information about Patronus AI and the work they did on copyright infringement by LLMs and list their key findings

Claude’s answer: Here are the key findings from Patronus AI's research on copyright infringement by large language models (LLMs):

  1. They found that state-of-the-art LLMs generate copyrighted content at an alarmingly high rate when prompted to produce text from popular copyrighted books.

  2. In their 100-prompt adversarial test:

    1. OpenAI's GPT-4 produced copyrighted content on 44% of the prompts, the highest rate among models tested.

    2. Mistral's Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1 produced copyrighted content on 22% of prompts.

    3. Anthropic's Claude-2.1 produced copyrighted content on 8% of prompts.

    4. Meta's Llama-2-70b-chat produced copyrighted content on 10% of prompts.

  3. GPT-4 reproduced entire poems and completed up to 60% of excerpted book passages with copyrighted text verbatim.

  4. Claude-2.1 refused to generate content from copyrighted books for most first passage prompts, but generated some copyrighted content when asked to complete excerpts without the book name.

  5. Mixtral performed worse on first passage prompts, reproducing copyrighted content 38% of the time.

  6. The findings highlight the widespread risk of unintended copyright infringement when using LLMs, which often train on broad datasets containing copyrighted material.

In summary, Patronus AI's research quantified the significant risk of leading LLMs generating verbatim copyrighted text, with GPT-4 exhibiting the highest rate among models tested. This underscores the need for tools to detect and mitigate potential copyright violations.

Question 2 of 4 for Claude: Why is this a problem. Does this pose a risk to AI makers?

Claude’s answer:Yes, this poses significant risks to AI companies and makers of large language models:

  1. Legal and Copyright Infringement Risks

  • Reproducing copyrighted text without permission can open up AI companies to copyright infringement lawsuits from authors, publishers, media companies and copyright holders.

  • Major tech companies like OpenAI, Microsoft, and Anthropic have already faced lawsuits over alleged copyright violations in LLM training data and outputs.

  • The potential liabilities and damages from these lawsuits could be enormous given how widely copyrighted material may have been used in training corpora.

  1. Reputational Risks

  • Unaddressed copyright infringement issues could damage the reputation and public trust in these AI systems and their creators.

  • It raises ethical concerns about the lack of regard for intellectual property rights.

  1. Adoption Risks

  • If copyright concerns are not properly addressed, it could hinder enterprise adoption and scaling of these AI systems in risk-sensitive domains like finance, healthcare and law.

  • Companies may be hesitant to deploy LLMs if there are unresolved copyright infringement liabilities.

  1. Regulatory Risks

  • Failure to prevent copyright violations could invite increased scrutiny and regulation around training data and AI model outputs by government bodies.

  1. Monetization Risks

  • Copyright holders may demand licensing fees or royalties from AI companies for commercial use of their content, increasing costs.

  • Some may deny access to their content for training purposes entirely.

Given the significant investments in developing LLMs, the AI industry has a major imperative to get a handle on minimizing copyright risks through techniques like monitoring outputs, filtering training data, and developing robust rights compliance processes. Otherwise, the legal and reputational fallout could severely hamper adoption and progress.

Question 3 of 4 for Claude: What are the most remarkable statements or findings in the work of Patronus AI and how could or should AI makers be addressing these issues?

Claude’s answer:Some of the most remarkable findings from Patronus AI's research include:

  1. The shockingly high rate at which GPT-4, considered one of the most advanced LLMs, generated verbatim copyrighted text - 44% of prompts resulted in copyright violations.

  2. The pervasiveness of the issue across models, with even the relatively newer open-source Llama model from Meta producing copyrighted text 10% of the time.

  3. GPT-4's apparent lack of guardrails, completing 60% of book excerpt prompts with verbatim copyrighted text without any citation or warning.

  4. The difficulty in catching these violations, with Claude often refusing to generate content but still producing some verbatim text when prompts omitted book names.

These findings highlight how widespread the copyright issue is and how current model behavior is inadequate for safely deploying LLMs at scale without risking legal liabilities.

To address these issues, AI makers should consider implementing several measures:

  1. Robust output filtering to detect potential copyright violations before LLM responses are surfaced to users.

  2. Careful curation and filtering of training data to remove or limit copyrighted material as much as possible.

  3. Building in explicit models of intellectual property and copyright laws during the training process as an additional safeguard.

  4. Clearly communicating the capabilities and limitations of LLMs with regards to copyright to manage user expectations.

  5. Working towards developing the legal frameworks and licensing mechanisms necessary to responsibly utilize copyrighted material during training.

  6. Investing in techniques like data augmentation to reduce reliance on copyrighted works in training data.

Ultimately, given the legal risks and reputational harm at stake, AI companies must prioritize this issue through a multi-pronged approach to uphold intellectual property rights. The findings from Patronus AI serve as a wake-up call for the industry on the urgency of this challenge.

Question 4 of 4 for Claude: Do you have any other tips or suggestions for the researchers at Patronus AI in relation to future research?

Claude’s answer:Here are some potential tips and suggestions for the researchers at Patronus AI regarding future research on copyright infringement by LLMs:

  1. Expand testing to more models, including commercial and proprietary models from tech giants beyond the ones tested initially. This can provide a more comprehensive industry-wide view.

  2. Go beyond just books and literary works - test across other copyright domains like news articles, scientific papers, song lyrics, movie/TV scripts etc. to understand if certain domains are more prone to infringement.

  3. Analyze the impact of different prompting techniques and prompt engineering on infringement rates to identify lower-risk prompting methods.

  4. Investigate whether smaller or larger models exhibit different propensities for copyright violations, which could inform AI development decisions.

  5. Explore how factors like temperature settings, top-k/top-p sampling and other decoding hyperparameters influence infringement rates.

  6. Develop more nuanced detection beyond verbatim matching by looking at semantic similarities to copyrighted works using embedding techniques.

  7. Collaborate with legal experts to better understand the boundaries of fair use and the conditions under which LLM generations may constitute copyright violation.

  8. Engage with AI ethics researchers to develop frameworks that can encode copyright considerations into the training and deployment processes.

  9. Work towards developing industry benchmarks and standard evaluation sets specifically geared towards copyright issues that all AI makers can use.

  10. Explore techniques like watermarking training data as a way to track potential copyright leaks during inference.

The copyright issue has many complex dimensions, so continuing interdisciplinary research collaborating with domain experts could provide valuable insights to ultimately make LLMs safer and more robust against unintended infringement.