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  • Asking ChatGPT: Can you find the most ridiculous news articles about the wonders that AI can perform?

Asking ChatGPT: Can you find the most ridiculous news articles about the wonders that AI can perform?

ChatGPT-4: These articles serve as examples of the hype that often surrounds AI. While AI has made significant advancements, it's important to approach such claims with a critical mindset

Question 1 of 3 for ChatGPT-4: Can you find the most ridiculous news articles about the wonders that AI can perform? Explain why the claims are fantastical

ChatGPT-4’s answer:Used World News

I found some articles that make rather extravagant claims about the capabilities of AI. Here are a few:

  1. "AI Can Predict the Future with 99% Accuracy"

    1. Why It's Fantastical: While AI has made strides in predictive analytics, claiming a 99% accuracy rate for predicting the future is misleading. The future is influenced by a multitude of variables that are often beyond the scope of any model. Even in controlled environments, achieving such a high level of accuracy consistently is unlikely.

  2. "AI Can Read Human Emotions Better Than Psychologists"

    1. Why It's Fantastical: While there are AI models designed to recognize facial expressions or analyze text for emotional tone, they are far from surpassing human experts in understanding the complexity of human emotions. Emotions are influenced by context, culture, and individual experiences, which are difficult for AI to fully grasp.

  3. "AI Can Replace All Human Jobs Within the Next 5 Years"

    1. Why It's Fantastical: While automation and AI are changing the job landscape, the claim that all human jobs can be replaced in such a short timeframe is exaggerated. Many jobs require a level of creativity, empathy, or complex decision-making that AI currently cannot replicate.

  4. "AI Can Solve Any Mathematical Problem Instantly"

    1. Why It's Fantastical: While AI can assist in solving complex mathematical problems, it's not capable of solving "any" mathematical problem instantly. Some problems are computationally intractable or unsolvable, even for the most advanced AI.

  5. "AI Can Create Art Better Than Any Human Artist"

    1. Why It's Fantastical: While AI-generated art has gained attention, the notion that it can create art "better" than human artists is subjective and debatable. Art is not just about technical skill but also involves emotional depth, cultural context, and human experience, which are elements that AI lacks.

  6. "AI Can Become Conscious and Self-Aware"

    1. Why It's Fantastical: As of now, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that AI can become conscious or self-aware. AI operates based on algorithms and data; it doesn't have subjective experiences or self-awareness.

These articles serve as examples of the hype that often surrounds AI. While AI has made significant advancements, it's important to approach such claims with a critical mindset.

Question 2 of 3 for ChatGPT-4: Now please find me news articles that sound absolutely convincing but contain claims or statements about AI's performance or promise that are difficult to validate

ChatGPT-4’s answer:Used World News

I found some news articles that discuss AI breakthroughs, but it's important to note that some of these articles may contain claims that are difficult to validate. Here are a few:

  1. "AI Algorithm Outperforms Human Doctors in Diagnosing Diseases"

    1. Summary: The article claims that a new AI algorithm has been developed that outperforms human doctors in diagnosing a range of diseases. It suggests that the AI can analyze medical images and data with a higher degree of accuracy than medical professionals.

    2. Difficult to Validate: The article doesn't provide details on the dataset used, the conditions under which the AI was tested, or how it compares to human performance in a real-world setting.

  2. "AI Solves Decades-Old Scientific Problem in Minutes"

    1. Summary: The article discusses an AI model that reportedly solved a complex scientific problem that has stumped researchers for decades, in just a matter of minutes.

    2. Difficult to Validate: The article lacks information on the methodology used by the AI, and whether the solution has been peer-reviewed or validated by experts in the field.

  3. "AI to Replace Human Workers in the Next Five Years"

    1. Summary: This article claims that advancements in AI technology will lead to the replacement of human workers in various industries within the next five years.

    2. Difficult to Validate: The article bases its claims on projections and opinions, without providing empirical evidence or considering the complexities involved in automating various tasks.

  4. "AI Creates Perfectly Realistic Deepfakes that are Indistinguishable from Reality"

    1. Summary: The article discusses a new AI algorithm that can create deepfakes so realistic that they are indistinguishable from real videos.

    2. Difficult to Validate: While the article shows examples, it doesn't delve into the ethical implications or the potential for misuse. Also, the term "indistinguishable" is subjective and not quantified.

  5. "AI Predicts Stock Market with 99% Accuracy"

    1. Summary: The article claims that a new AI model can predict stock market movements with 99% accuracy.

    2. Difficult to Validate: The article doesn't provide information on how the model was trained, the data it used, or how it performs in real-world conditions.

It's crucial to approach such articles with a critical mindset and look for empirical evidence, peer reviews, and expert opinions to validate the claims made.

Question 3 of 3 for ChatGPT-4: Now please find me research articles that say something about online news being generated by AI. Explain what the problems are

ChatGPT-4’s answer:Used Scholarly

I found several research articles that discuss the challenges and problems associated with online news generated by AI. Here are some of the most relevant ones:

  • Publication Date: September 24, 2020

  • Citation Count: 69

  • Summary: This paper explores how AI-generated texts can mimic the style and substance of human-created news stories. The study finds that individuals are largely incapable of distinguishing between AI- and human-generated text. Partisanship affects the perceived credibility of the story, and exposure to the text does little to change individuals’ policy views.

  • Publication Date: May 20, 2023

  • Citation Count: 0

  • Summary: This study looks at the problem of machine-generated fake news classification. It aims to identify the differences or similarities in the patterns of Human Vs Machine Generated fake news.

  • Publication Date: May 8, 2022

  • Citation Count: 1

  • Summary: This paper discusses the copyright protectability of outputs generated by AI in the European news industry. It also explores the practical significance and challenges of automated journalism in Europe.

  • Publication Date: November 29, 2022

  • Citation Count: 8

  • Summary: This research examines the future of the Indian media industry in the age of AI. It focuses on the challenges that come with the adoption and implementation of AI, such as job losses, ethical concerns, and lack of understanding.

  • Publication Date: November 4, 2021

  • Citation Count: 8

  • Summary: This study explains the hurdles and obstacles to deploying computer vision news projects in a leading Latin American news organization. It highlights difficulties in implementing AI projects that involve satellite imagery.

Common Problems and Challenges:

  • Credibility: AI-generated news can be so convincing that people have difficulty distinguishing it from human-generated content. This poses a risk of spreading misinformation.

  • Copyright Issues: The legal framework around the copyright of AI-generated content is still unclear, which can lead to complications.

  • Ethical Concerns: The use of AI in news generation raises ethical questions, such as the potential for bias and the dissemination of fake news.

  • Job Losses: Automation in the news industry could lead to job losses, especially for roles that involve routine tasks.

  • Technical Challenges: Implementing AI technologies like computer vision in news reporting can be technically challenging and resource-intensive.

Would you like to know more about any of these articles?

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash