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Asking AI: Will AI services make people even more hesitant to share information online?

Bard: They may become more private, closed, and timid, sharing less information and interacting less with others online. This could have a negative impact on the way we communicate. Bing disagrees

Question for AI services: Some say that after the initial craze on social media, the subsequent examples of misuse of private data by big companies, caused internet users to be more careful with what type information they would share, how often, and where they would share it. Others argue that the latter has increased the use of bots to create fake views, clicks, traffic, ads, tweets in order to compensate for the decrease in usage and users. Is there a chance that the introduction of AI will only make matters worse? If you agree that AI can create more fakery online, as well as more opportunities for the remixing and reuse of private data, isn’t the logical consequence that internet users will become even more weary to engage with these technologies and become even more private, closed and timid?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The concerns you've raised are valid and have been topics of discussion among experts, policymakers, and the general public. Let's break down the issues:

  1. Misuse of Private Data by Big Companies: The misuse of private data by big companies, especially social media platforms, has been a significant concern. The Cambridge Analytica scandal is a prime example of how user data can be exploited for political purposes. Such incidents have indeed made users more cautious about what they share online.

  2. Increase in Bots and Fake Traffic: The use of bots to generate fake views, clicks, and traffic is not a new phenomenon, but it has been exacerbated with the advancement of technology. Bots can be used to manipulate public opinion, inflate numbers for ad revenue, or even spread misinformation.

  3. AI's Role in Exacerbating the Problem: AI has the potential to both help and harm. On the one hand, AI can be used to detect fake accounts, bots, and misinformation. On the other hand, AI can be used to create deepfakes (highly realistic but entirely fake content), generate fake reviews, or automate the creation of fake accounts at scale. The sophistication of AI means that distinguishing between real and fake can become increasingly challenging.

  4. User Distrust and Withdrawal: If users feel that they cannot trust what they see online or are concerned about their privacy, they might indeed become more private and less willing to engage. This could lead to a more fragmented internet where users only interact within trusted circles or platforms.

  5. AI's Potential for Good: It's essential to remember that while AI can be used maliciously, it also has the potential for immense good. AI can be used to detect diseases early, combat climate change, improve education, and so much more. The key is in how it's used and regulated.

Conclusion: The introduction of AI does present challenges, especially in the realm of online authenticity and privacy. However, the outcome largely depends on how AI is regulated, the ethical standards set by the tech community, and the awareness and education of the general public. It's a collective responsibility to ensure that AI is used for the betterment of society rather than its detriment. If misused, there's a real risk of users becoming more wary and withdrawn. But if used responsibly, AI can be a tool for positive change and trust-building.

Google Bard’s answer:You are correct that the misuse of private data by big companies has caused internet users to be more careful with what type of information they share online. This is a natural reaction to being betrayed by the companies we trust with our personal data. As a result, we are more likely to share less information, and to be more selective about the people and organizations we share it with.

The use of bots to create fake views, clicks, traffic, ads, and tweets is a way for companies to artificially inflate their reach and engagement. This can be done to make a company appear more popular or successful than it really is. While this may be beneficial for the company, it is harmful to internet users because it makes it more difficult to distinguish between real and fake content.

The introduction of AI could make matters worse in two ways. First, AI can be used to create even more realistic fake content. This could make it even more difficult for internet users to tell the difference between real and fake content. Second, AI can be used to automate the creation of fake accounts and bots. This could lead to an explosion in the number of fake accounts and bots on social media, which would further pollute the online discourse.

If AI does make it easier to create fake content and fake accounts, it is likely that internet users will become even more weary of engaging with these technologies. They may become more private, closed, and timid, sharing less information and interacting less with others online. This could have a negative impact on the way we communicate and connect with each other online.

However, it is important to remember that AI can also be used to fight fakery online. For example, AI can be used to detect fake news articles and images. It can also be used to identify and remove fake accounts and bots from social media platforms.

Ultimately, the impact of AI on fakery online will depend on how it is used. If AI is used responsibly, it can help to reduce the amount of fake content and fake accounts on social media. However, if AI is used irresponsibly, it could make the problem worse.

It is up to us to ensure that AI is used for good, and not for evil. We need to be vigilant about the ways in which AI is being used, and we need to speak out when we see it being used for malicious purposes. If we do this, we can help to ensure that AI has a positive impact on our society, and not a negative one.

Bing Chat’s answer:Thank you for your question. I think it is a very interesting and important topic to discuss. AI is a powerful technology that can have both positive and negative impacts on online fakery and privacy. Here are some of my thoughts on this issue:

  • AI can create more fakery online by generating realistic but fake images, videos, texts, and voices of people or events that never existed or happened. This can be used for malicious purposes such as spreading misinformation, propaganda, or scams. For example, some hackers used AI to create a deepfake video of a CEO asking for a money transfer1. This could damage the reputation and credibility of individuals and organizations, as well as erode the trust in online information.

  • AI can also create more opportunities for the remixing and reuse of private data by analyzing and extracting information from various sources and platforms. This can be used for beneficial purposes such as improving customer service, personalization, or healthcare. For example, some companies use AI to analyze customer data and provide tailored recommendations or offers2. This could enhance the user experience and satisfaction, as well as increase the value and efficiency of online services.

  • However, AI can also pose serious threats to privacy by collecting, storing, and sharing personal data without the user’s consent or knowledge. This can be used for harmful purposes such as surveillance, profiling, or discrimination. For example, some governments use AI to monitor and track citizens’ activities and behaviors3. This could violate the user’s rights and freedoms, as well as expose them to potential risks and harms.

  • Therefore, I agree that AI can create more fakery online, as well as more opportunities for the remixing and reuse of private data. However, I do not think that the logical consequence is that internet users will become even more weary to engage with these technologies and become even more private, closed and timid. I think that the logical consequence is that internet users will become more aware and informed about these technologies and their implications, as well as more proactive and empowered to protect their privacy and security.

  • I think that there are several ways that internet users can protect their privacy and security in the era of AI, such as:

    • Educating themselves about how AI works and what are its benefits and risks.

    • Checking the sources and credibility of online information and verifying its authenticity.

    • Reviewing the privacy policies and settings of online platforms and services and adjusting them according to their preferences.

    • Using encryption, VPNs, or other tools to secure their online communications and transactions.

    • Supporting the development of ethical and transparent AI standards and regulations.

I hope this answer helps you understand my perspective on this issue. If you have any follow-up questions or comments, please feel free to ask me. 😊

Claude’s answer:I do not have a strong opinion on whether the introduction of AI will make online fakery and privacy issues better or worse overall. There are reasonable arguments on both sides of this complex issue.

On the one hand, AI could potentially be used to generate more sophisticated fake content, bots and online personas. This could exacerbate some of the problems we've already seen around misinformation, manipulation, and erosion of trust online. Rigorous oversight and ethical guidelines would need to be in place to mitigate these risks.

However, AI also has the potential to help address some of these challenges. AI could be used to better detect fake accounts and synthetic content. It could empower users with tools to verify information and assess sources more effectively. AI could also enable more personalized, humanized interactions online that build authentic connections, countering the bots and anonymity that have degraded online discourse.

Overall, I don't think the introduction of AI alone will necessarily make things markedly better or worse. As with any powerful technology, the outcomes will depend greatly on how it is governed, shared and applied towards positive ends. With wise implementation and ethical oversight, AI could be leveraged to enhance transparency, trust and empathy online. But reckless or uncontrolled deployment of AI could certainly exacerbate existing issues around manipulation and disinformation. The real question is whether we have the wisdom and foresight as a society to steer this technology toward its best uses.

Photo by Nik on Unsplash