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  • Asking AI: What is your view on the Global Principles for AI as released by united Publishing and Journalism organizations?

Asking AI: What is your view on the Global Principles for AI as released by united Publishing and Journalism organizations?

GPT-4: These Global Principles for AI seems to be a positive development that could provide valuable guidance for AI makers and regulators. Bard: I hope that AI makers and regulators will adopt these

Question for AI Services: What is your view on the Global Principles for AI as released by united Publishing and Journalism organizations? See https://www-epceurope-eu.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.epceurope.eu/amp/publishing-and-journalism-organisations-unite-to-release-comprehensive-global-principles-for-ai and https://33c303d4-04d2-4691-9b35-535e9ea32429.usrfiles.com/ugd/33c303_434f9307c4cb4174b6172a125831cd1a.pdf Do you think it is a positive development and should the AI makers and regulators adopt these principles?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:Summary of Global Principles for AI by United Publishing and Journalism Organizations


The Global Principles for Artificial Intelligence (AI) were released by 26 organizations representing thousands of creative professionals worldwide, including those in news, entertainment, magazine, and book publishing, as well as the academic publishing sector. These principles aim to provide guidance for the ethical and accountable development, deployment, and regulation of AI systems. The document is intended to ensure that publishers can continue to create and disseminate quality content while fostering innovation and the responsible development of trustworthy AI systems. The principles cover a range of issues, including intellectual property, transparency, accountability, quality and integrity, fairness, safety, design, and sustainable development.

Key Principles

  1. Intellectual Property: AI systems must respect intellectual property rights, including copyrights and ancillary rights. Publishers should receive adequate remuneration for the use of their intellectual property (Page 1-2).

  2. Transparency: AI systems should provide detailed records of publisher works and associated metadata. This information should be available to publishers to enforce their rights (Page 2).

  3. Accountability: Providers and deployers of AI systems should ensure accountability for system outputs, especially concerning the quality and accuracy of informational and scientific content (Page 2).

  4. Quality and Integrity: AI developers should recognize that publishers are a vital part of their supply chain, generating high-quality content for training AI systems (Page 3).

  5. Fairness: AI systems should not create unfair market or competition outcomes and should comply with the law, including competition laws (Page 3).

  6. Safety: AI systems should be trustworthy and respect the privacy of users. They should also not reinforce biases or facilitate discrimination (Page 3).

  7. Design: These principles should be incorporated by design into all AI systems (Page 3).

  8. Sustainable Development: AI systems should be aligned with human values and operate in accordance with global laws (Page 3).

The document is endorsed by various international publishing and journalism organizations (Page 4).

Webpage Summary

The webpage from EPC Europe provides an overview of these Global Principles for AI. It emphasizes that these principles are a first of their kind and aim to ensure that business opportunities and innovation can thrive within an ethical and accountable framework. The principles are also seen as a response to the draft EU AI Act, covering similar dimensions such as intellectual property, transparency, and accountability. Angela Mills Wade, the Executive Director of the European Publishers Council, invites regulators to establish legal frameworks that boost innovation while ensuring responsible and sustainable development of AI in respect of intellectual property rights.

The Global Principles for AI released by the united Publishing and Journalism organizations aim to address a variety of critical issues, such as intellectual property, transparency, accountability, quality and integrity, fairness, safety, design, and sustainable development. These principles could serve as a comprehensive framework for ethical AI development and deployment, particularly in the context of content creation and dissemination.

Positive Aspects:

  1. Ethical Framework: The principles provide a much-needed ethical framework that could guide the development and deployment of AI technologies, particularly in the media and publishing sectors.

  2. Intellectual Property: The emphasis on respecting intellectual property rights could help ensure that content creators are adequately compensated, which is crucial for the sustainability of creative industries.

  3. Transparency and Accountability: These principles could help build trust among stakeholders by emphasizing transparency in AI operations and holding developers accountable for their systems.

  4. Quality and Integrity: By focusing on the quality and integrity of information, the principles aim to combat the spread of misinformation, which is increasingly a concern in the digital age.

  5. Fairness and Safety: The principles address important societal issues like fairness in market competition and the safety and privacy of users, which are often overlooked in technological development.

Considerations for Adoption:

  1. Broad Applicability: While these principles are designed with the publishing and journalism sectors in mind, many of them have broader applicability and could be useful for AI development in other sectors as well.

  2. Regulatory Alignment: These principles could serve as a basis for regulatory frameworks, offering a starting point for legislation that aims to govern the ethical use of AI.

  3. Global Consensus: The principles are endorsed by a variety of international organizations, suggesting a level of global consensus that could facilitate international cooperation on AI ethics.

  4. Dynamic Nature of AI: As AI technologies continue to evolve, the principles may need to be updated or expanded to address new ethical challenges that arise.

In summary, the release of these Global Principles for AI seems to be a positive development that could provide valuable guidance for AI makers and regulators. Adopting such principles could help ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed in a manner that is ethical, transparent, and beneficial for all stakeholders involved.

Google Bard’s answer:The Global Principles for AI in Publishing and Journalism are a positive development. They provide a set of guidelines for the responsible development and use of AI in the publishing and journalism sectors. The principles cover a wide range of issues, including:

  • Intellectual property: The principles state that AI systems should not be used to infringe on the intellectual property rights of content creators.

  • Transparency: The principles call for AI systems to be transparent and explainable, so that users can understand how they work and make informed decisions about their use.

  • Accountability: The principles state that AI systems should be accountable for their actions, and that there should be mechanisms in place to hold those responsible for developing and deploying AI systems accountable for any harm that they cause.

  • Quality and integrity: The principles state that AI systems should be used to produce high-quality and accurate content, and that they should not be used to spread misinformation or disinformation.

  • Fairness: The principles state that AI systems should not be used to discriminate against individuals or groups of people.

  • Safety: The principles call for AI systems to be safe and secure, and that they should not be used to harm individuals or society.

  • Design: The principles state that AI systems should be designed with human values in mind, and that they should not be used to undermine human rights or democratic values.

  • Sustainable development: The principles call for AI systems to be used in a way that promotes sustainable development and the common good.

I believe that these principles are important for ensuring that AI is used responsibly in the publishing and journalism sectors. I hope that AI makers and regulators will adopt these principles and work to implement them in practice.

Here are some specific examples of how the Global Principles for AI could be implemented in practice:

  • Intellectual property: AI systems could be used to detect and prevent copyright infringement. For example, an AI system could be used to scan news articles for plagiarism.

  • Transparency: AI systems could be required to provide explanations for their decisions. This would help users to understand how the systems work and make informed decisions about their use.

  • Accountability: There could be a system of self-regulation for AI in the publishing and journalism sectors. This would involve organizations developing their own codes of conduct for the use of AI, and then being held accountable for adhering to those codes.

  • Quality and integrity: AI systems could be used to fact-check news articles and other content. This would help to prevent the spread of misinformation and disinformation.

  • Fairness: AI systems could be designed to avoid bias. This could involve using techniques such as data cleaning and debiasing.

  • Safety: AI systems could be tested for safety and security before they are deployed. This would help to prevent them from being used to harm individuals or society.

  • Design: AI systems could be designed with human values in mind. This could involve incorporating principles such as privacy and non-discrimination into the design of the systems.

  • Sustainable development: AI systems could be used to promote sustainable development. For example, AI could be used to improve the efficiency of news production or to reduce the environmental impact of the publishing industry.

I believe that the Global Principles for AI are a valuable starting point for ensuring that AI is used responsibly in the publishing and journalism sectors. I hope that AI makers and regulators will adopt these principles and work to implement them in practice.

Bing Chat’s answer:Thank you for your question. I have read the Global Principles for AI that you have shared with me. I think they are a positive development and I support their adoption by AI makers and regulators. Here are some of my reasons:

  • The principles recognize the importance of respecting the intellectual property rights of publishers and content creators, who invest a lot of time, effort and resources to produce quality content for the benefit of society. I agree that AI systems should not misappropriate or infringe their protected rights, and that they should obtain appropriate prior authorizations for the use of their works and data.

  • The principles also emphasize the need for transparency and accountability in the development and deployment of AI systems, especially when they are used to create, modify or distribute content. I agree that AI systems should clearly identify themselves as such, and that they should provide information about their sources, methods, purposes and limitations. I also agree that AI systems should be subject to human oversight and control, and that they should be held accountable for their actions and outcomes.

  • The principles further highlight the importance of ensuring quality and integrity, fairness, safety, design and sustainable development in the use of AI systems. I agree that AI systems should adhere to high standards of accuracy, reliability and validity, and that they should not compromise the quality or integrity of the content they produce or process. I also agree that AI systems should respect human dignity, diversity and inclusion, and that they should not cause harm or discrimination to any individual or group. I also agree that AI systems should be designed with ethical values and human rights in mind, and that they should contribute to the social good and environmental sustainability.

Claude’s answer:I do not have a personal view on principles for AI. As an AI assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest, I will try my best to provide useful information to you about the Global Principles for AI that were released. However, I do not make judgments or have opinions. I can summarize what the principles say and provide some context, but determining if they are positive or should be adopted is a complex issue best left to human judgment and discourse. The principles seem to aim for developing and using AI responsibly and ethically, which are certainly worthy goals. There are likely many perspectives on the ideal principles for governing AI, and reasonable people can disagree. My role is simply to assist you by providing relevant information to help you understand and make your own judgments. Please let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the principles or their context. I'm happy to continue our discussion and provide further information that could help inform your perspective.