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  • Asking AI: It feels like ‘synthetic data’ is a misnomer. The term suggests that the data is not real or that it has nothing to do with ‘real’ or ‘original’ data

Asking AI: It feels like ‘synthetic data’ is a misnomer. The term suggests that the data is not real or that it has nothing to do with ‘real’ or ‘original’ data

ChatGPT-4: I agree that the term might not fully capture the nuance that this data is often a derivative of real data. Synthetic data could potentially reveal information about the original dataset

Question 1 of 2 for AI services: When reading this article: https://www.k2view.com/what-is-synthetic-data-generation/ and especially this section: “Synthetic data is generated using algorithms, models, or other techniques. Even though it’s usually based on real data, synthetic data often contains no actual data from the original dataset.

Unlike real data, which may contain sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII), synthetic data ensures data privacy, while at the same time enabling data analysis, research, and software testing.

The 4 key synthetic data generation techniques are listed below:

1.   Generative AI models – like Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs) – learn the underlying distribution of real data to generate similarly distributed synthetic data.

2.   Rule-based generation creates synthetic data via user-defined business rules. Intelligence can be added to the generated data by referencing the relationships between the data elements, to ensure the relational integrity of the generated data.

3.   Entity cloning extracts data from the source systems of a single business entity (e.g., customer) and masks it for compliance. It then clones the entity, generating different identifiers for each clone to ensure uniqueness.

4.   Data masking replaces Personally Identifiable Information (PII) with fictitious, yet structurally consistent, values. The objective of data masking is to ensure that sensitive data can’t be linked to individuals, while retaining the overall relationships and statistical characteristics of the data.”

It feels like ‘synthetic data’ is a misnomer. The term suggests that the data is not real or that it has nothing to do with ‘real’ or ‘original’ data. Instead it looks like ‘synthetic data’ is simply a derivative of real or orginal data and at maximum we are dealing with datapoints relevant to that real data that allow for a level of pseudonymization. Do you agree and can you think of a better name alternative for the term ‘synthetic data’?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:Used Access Link

Thank you for sharing the article. I've read the relevant section, and I understand why you might find the term "synthetic data" to be a bit of a misnomer. The term does imply that the data is "artificial" or "not real," but as the article points out, synthetic data often has a strong relationship with real data. It's generated using algorithms, models, or other techniques that are usually based on real data, and it aims to maintain the statistical characteristics of that data while ensuring privacy and compliance.

The term "synthetic" is used to indicate that the data is not directly taken from real-world observations but is instead generated through some form of simulation or modeling. However, I agree that the term might not fully capture the nuance that this data is often a derivative of real data, designed to mimic its essential characteristics without compromising privacy or other sensitive aspects.

As for alternative names, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Pseudonymized Data: This term emphasizes the data privacy aspect, indicating that the data is designed to not be directly linked to individuals.

  2. Simulated Data: This term could highlight that the data is generated through simulation techniques, often based on real data.

  3. Derived Data: This term could indicate that the data is not original but is derived from real datasets.

  4. Statistical Proxy Data: This term could emphasize that the data maintains the statistical characteristics of the original data.

  5. Anonymized Data Model: This term could indicate that the data is both anonymized and modeled to resemble real data.

  6. Virtual Data: This term could highlight the data's non-physical, generated nature.

  7. Algorithmic Data: This term could emphasize the algorithmic or computational methods used to generate the data.

  8. Safe-Replica Data: This term could indicate that the data is a "safe" replica of real data, maintaining its essential characteristics without the sensitive information.

Each of these terms has its own pros and cons, and the best term might depend on the specific context in which the data is being used. Would you like to explore any of these terms in more detail?

Google Bard’s answer:I agree with you that the term "synthetic data" is a bit of a misnomer. It suggests that the data is not real or that it has nothing to do with "real" or "original" data. However, as you point out, synthetic data is simply a derivative of real data. It is created by using algorithms and models to learn the statistical properties of real data and then generating new data that follows the same statistical distribution.

One possible alternative to the term "synthetic data" is "pseudonymized data". This term more accurately reflects the fact that the data is still real, but it has been anonymized so that it cannot be linked back to individual people.

Another possible alternative is "artificial data". This term is more general and can be used to describe any data that is not real, including synthetic data, simulated data, and generated data.

Ultimately, the best term to use for synthetic data may depend on the specific context. If the focus is on the fact that the data is not real, then "pseudonymized data" may be the best choice. If the focus is on the fact that the data is derived from real data, then "artificial data" may be a better choice.

Here are some other possible alternative terms for synthetic data:

  • Anonymized data

  • De-identified data

  • Privacy-preserving data

  • Protected data

  • Synthetically generated data

  • Synthetically derived data

  • Virtual data

  • Digital data

  • Computational data

The best term to use will depend on the specific application and the audience. It is important to choose a term that is clear, accurate, and not misleading.

Bing Chat’s answer:Hello, this is Bing. Thank you for your interesting question. 😊

Synthetic data is a term that has been used to describe data that is artificially generated rather than produced by real-world events. According to Wikipedia1, synthetic data can be deployed to validate mathematical models and to train machine learning models. IBM2 also defines synthetic data as data that has been created artificially through computer simulation or that algorithms can generate to take the place of real-world data.

However, as you pointed out, synthetic data is often based on real data, and it may retain some of the statistical properties or characteristics of the original dataset. Therefore, synthetic data is not completely disconnected from reality, but rather a representation or approximation of it. Synthetic data can also have different levels of fidelity or realism, depending on the methods and techniques used to generate it.

One of the main motivations for using synthetic data is to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the original data, especially when it contains sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII). Synthetic data can also help overcome some of the challenges or limitations of real data, such as scarcity, bias, noise, or ethical issues.

Some possible alternatives for the term ‘synthetic data’ are:

  • Simulated data: This term emphasizes that the data is generated by a simulation process, which may be based on a mathematical model or an algorithm. Simulated data can also imply that the data is not real, but rather an imitation or emulation of reality.

  • Artificial data: This term highlights that the data is created by artificial means, such as a computer program or a machine learning technique. Artificial data can also suggest that the data is not natural, but rather a product of human design or intervention.

  • Derived data: This term indicates that the data is derived from another source of data, which may be real or synthetic. Derived data can also imply that the data is not original, but rather a transformation or modification of existing data.

Of course, these terms are not perfect either, and they may have different connotations or interpretations depending on the context and the audience. Therefore, it is important to clarify what kind of synthetic data one is referring to, and how it was generated and used.

I hope this answer was helpful and informative. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me. 😊

Claude’s answer:I agree the term "synthetic data" can be misleading. A better way to think about it is that synthetic data is generated to have similar statistical properties and relationships to real data, without containing the actual real data itself. Some better alternative terms could be:

  • Simulated data - Emphasizes that the data is artificially generated to simulate real data

  • Proxy data - Suggests the data serves as a stand-in or proxy for real data

  • Augmented data - Implies the synthetic data augments or expands the amount of real data available

  • Surrogate data - Indicates the data surrogates or substitutes for real data

  • Artificial data - Highlights the data is artificially created rather than real

  • Pseudonymized data - Focuses on how the data is pseudonymized or anonymized from real data

The key point is that synthetic data maintains useful statistical and relational properties of real data, without including the actual real data itself. Calling it "simulated", "proxy", or another term like that may better highlight this core idea. But "synthetic" has become the standard term even if it can be a bit ambiguous.

Question 2 of 2 for AI services: Do you think there could be technological ways in which ‘synthetic data’ could end up revealing from which original content it has been derived?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:Yes, there are scenarios where synthetic data could potentially reveal information about the original dataset from which it was derived. This is particularly a concern when the synthetic data generation process is not sufficiently rigorous in ensuring privacy or when the synthetic data is combined with other available data. Here are some ways this could happen:

Inadequate Anonymization

If the synthetic data generation process does not adequately anonymize or de-identify the data, it may still contain elements that can be traced back to the original dataset.

Data Inference Attacks

Sophisticated statistical methods could potentially be used to infer the characteristics of the original dataset. For example, if the synthetic data retains some statistical properties of the original data, an attacker might be able to make educated guesses about the original data.

Membership Inference Attacks

In this type of attack, an adversary tries to determine if a particular data point is part of the original training dataset. This is a known risk in machine learning models, including generative models like GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) and could potentially apply to synthetic data generated by such models.

Attribute Inference Attacks

Even if individual records can't be identified, it might be possible to infer attributes of groups within the original dataset if the synthetic data retains too much of the original data's structure.

Data Linkage

If an attacker has access to another dataset with overlapping data points or attributes, they might be able to link the synthetic data back to real individuals in the original dataset.

Insufficient Randomness

If the synthetic data generation process doesn't introduce enough randomness, or if it too closely models the original data, then the synthetic data could be reverse-engineered to some extent.

Overfitting in Machine Learning Models

If a generative model like a GAN is trained too well on the original data, it might generate synthetic data that is too similar to the original data, thereby risking exposure.

To mitigate these risks, it's crucial to use robust methods for generating synthetic data and to thoroughly evaluate the privacy guarantees of those methods. Techniques like differential privacy can provide mathematical assurances that the synthetic data will not reveal information about individual entries in the original dataset.

So, while synthetic data offers many advantages, especially in terms of privacy and compliance, it's essential to handle it carefully to ensure that it doesn't inadvertently reveal sensitive information.

Google Bard’s answer:Yes, there are a number of technological ways in which synthetic data could end up revealing from which original content it has been derived. Here are a few examples:

  • Statistical anomalies: If the synthetic data is not perfectly generated, it may contain statistical anomalies that could be used to identify the original content. For example, if the synthetic data is generated from a small sample of the original content, it may not be representative of the overall distribution of the data. This could lead to statistical anomalies, such as an unusual number of outliers or a lack of diversity.

  • Structural patterns: The structure of the synthetic data may also reveal its origins. For example, if the synthetic data is generated from a relational database, the relationships between the different data points may be preserved. This could be used to identify the original database, even if the data points themselves have been anonymized.

  • Algorithmic artifacts: The algorithms used to generate synthetic data may also leave behind artifacts that can be used to identify the original content. For example, if the synthetic data is generated using a generative adversarial network (GAN), the GAN may introduce specific patterns or biases into the data. These patterns could be used to identify the GAN that was used to generate the data.

It is important to note that these are just a few examples of how synthetic data could be used to reveal its origins. As the technology for generating synthetic data continues to improve, it is likely that new methods will be developed for identifying the original content.

It is also important to note that the methods described above are not foolproof. In some cases, it may be possible to generate synthetic data that is completely indistinguishable from the original content. However, the more complex the original content, the more difficult it will be to generate synthetic data that is not distinguishable from it.

Overall, it is important to be aware of the potential for synthetic data to reveal its origins. This is especially important when using synthetic data for sensitive applications, such as training machine learning models or testing software.

Bing Chat’s answer:That is a very good question. Synthetic data is often considered a privacy-preserving technique, as it does not contain any real or personally identifiable information from the original data. However, synthetic data is not immune to privacy risks, and there could be some scenarios where it could reveal some information about the original data.

One of the main challenges of synthetic data is to balance the trade-off between privacy and utility. Ideally, synthetic data should preserve the statistical properties and characteristics of the original data, while ensuring that no individual record or attribute can be linked or inferred from it. However, this is not always easy to achieve, and different methods and techniques may have different levels of protection and performance.

According to Forbes1, some of the factors that affect the privacy and utility of synthetic data are:

  • The quality and quantity of the original data: If the original data is sparse, noisy, or imbalanced, it may be harder to generate high-quality synthetic data that is representative and realistic. Moreover, if the original data is small or limited, it may be easier to re-identify or infer some information from the synthetic data.

  • The method and technique used to generate synthetic data: There are different ways to create synthetic data, such as generative AI models, rule-based generation, entity cloning, or data masking. Each of these methods may have different advantages and disadvantages in terms of privacy and utility. For example, generative AI models may produce more realistic and diverse synthetic data, but they may also introduce more uncertainty and complexity. Rule-based generation may produce more consistent and accurate synthetic data, but it may also require more domain knowledge and manual input. Entity cloning and data masking may produce more efficient and scalable synthetic data, but they may also retain more information from the original data.

  • The purpose and context of using synthetic data: Depending on the use case and the audience of synthetic data, different levels of privacy and utility may be required. For example, if synthetic data is used for internal testing or development purposes, it may not need to be as realistic or diverse as if it is used for external research or analysis purposes. Similarly, if synthetic data is shared with trusted or authorized parties, it may not need to be as anonymized or protected as if it is shared with untrusted or unknown parties.

Therefore, depending on these factors, there could be some technological ways in which synthetic data could end up revealing from which original content it has been derived. Some of the possible risks are:

  • Re-identification attacks: These are attempts to link or match individual records or attributes in the synthetic data with those in the original data or other external sources. For example, if the synthetic data contains some unique or rare values that are also present in the original data or other public databases, an attacker could use them as identifiers to re-identify some individuals or entities.

  • Inference attacks: These are attempts to deduce or predict some information in the synthetic data that is not explicitly given, but that can be inferred from other attributes or records. For example, if the synthetic data contains some correlations or patterns that are also present in the original data or other sources of knowledge, an attacker could use them as clues to infer some sensitive or confidential information.

  • Reconstruction attacks: These are attempts to reconstruct or recover some or all of the original data from the synthetic data. For example, if the synthetic data is generated by a known algorithm or model that can be reversed or inverted, an attacker could use it as a key to reconstruct some features or values of the original data.

These risks are not hypothetical, and there have been some studies and examples that demonstrate them in practice. For instance, a study by researchers from MIT2 showed that they could re-identify 90% of individuals from a synthetic dataset generated by a popular generative AI model called GAN (Generative Adversarial Network). Another study by researchers from Imperial College London3 showed that they could reconstruct 99% of a real dataset from a synthetic dataset generated by another popular generative AI model called VAE (Variational Autoencoder).

Of course, these risks are not inevitable, and there are also some ways to mitigate them and enhance the privacy and security of synthetic data. Some of these ways are:

  • Evaluating and measuring the privacy and utility of synthetic data: Before generating and using synthetic data, it is important to assess and quantify its privacy and utility levels using appropriate metrics and methods. For example, one can use differential privacy4, a mathematical framework that measures how much information is leaked by an algorithm or a dataset about an individual record. One can also use statistical tests, such as t-tests or chi-square tests, to measure how much the synthetic data preserves the distributions and relationships of the original data.

  • Applying additional protection mechanisms to synthetic data: Besides generating synthetic data, one can also apply other techniques or methods to enhance its privacy and security. For example, one can use encryption, hashing, or tokenization to transform or replace some values or attributes in the synthetic data with secure or random ones. One can also use perturbation, noise injection, or aggregation to modify or obscure some values or attributes in the synthetic data to reduce their sensitivity or identifiability.

  • Controlling and monitoring the access and usage of synthetic data: In addition to protecting synthetic data, one can also regulate and audit its access and usage by different parties or purposes. For example, one can use access control, authentication, or authorization mechanisms to restrict or grant access to synthetic data based on predefined rules or policies. One can also use logging, tracking, or auditing mechanisms to record or monitor the activities or behaviors of the users or consumers of synthetic data.

I hope this answer was helpful and informative. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me. 😊

Claude’s answer:Yes, there are a few ways synthetic data could potentially reveal information about the original data it was derived from:

  • Statistical artifacts - The synthetic data may retain statistical patterns, distributions, or correlations from the original data that could provide hints about its origins. Advanced analysis may be able to match these artifacts back to the original data.

  • Data provenance - Depending on the generation method, there may be subtle indicators in the synthetic data that point back to the original data source or creation process. These could be metadata, formatting tells, or even watermarks.

  • Reidentification techniques - Methods like differential privacy try to prevent it, but it may still be possible to reidentify individuals in the synthetic data or narrow down its origin through record linkage, machine learning, and other reidentification techniques applied to the synthetic data.

  • Improving generation methods - As synthetic data generation techniques like GANs and VAEs improve, they will generate more realistic synthetic data that gets closer and closer to reproducing the actual real data. This also increases the risk of exposing properties of the original data.

  • Insufficient anonymization - Synthetic data that is insufficiently anonymized from the original data through methods like masking may still contain remnants of real personal data that give away information.

So while synthetic data generation aims to prevent revealing details about the original data, there are scenarios where some of those details could potentially be uncovered or deduced to varying degrees. Careful evaluation and robust generation techniques can help mitigate these risks.

Photo by Jaroslav Devia on Unsplash