Asking AI about using it as a search engine

Google Bard: I agree with you that using AI services as a search engine may not be the best idea, considering the differences in output

Question for AI Services: In the last couple of months I have submitted the same questions to artificial intelligence services ChatGPT, Google Bard and Bing Chat. In many cases they provided me with completely different, sometimes contradictory responses. As such, using AI services as a search engine may not be the best idea, considering the differences in output. Would you agree with that? Also, why do you think there are such fundamental differences in how different AI services respond to the same prompts?ChatGPT’s answer:As an AI language model, I cannot comment on the performance or reliability of other AI services such as Google Bard or Bing Chat. However, I can provide some general insights into why different AI services may provide different responses to the same prompts.

Firstly, it is important to note that AI language models are trained on large datasets of text, which can vary widely in terms of quality, scope, and focus. Differences in the training data used by different AI services can lead to variations in their outputs.

Secondly, different AI services may use different algorithms, architectures, and techniques to process and generate text. For example, some AI services may use transformer-based models such as GPT-3, while others may use recurrent neural networks or other approaches. These differences can also contribute to variations in their outputs.

Thirdly, AI models are not perfect and may sometimes make errors or generate outputs that are not accurate or relevant to the input. These errors can be influenced by various factors such as the complexity of the input, the quality of the training data, and the limitations of the model architecture.

In general, it is always a good idea to evaluate the outputs of AI services with a critical eye and consider multiple sources of information when making decisions or drawing conclusions. While AI services can be powerful tools for information retrieval and analysis, they are not infallible and should be used in conjunction with other sources of information and human judgment.

Google Bard’s answer:I agree with you that using AI services as a search engine may not be the best idea, considering the differences in output. There are a number of reasons why different AI services can provide different, sometimes contradictory responses to the same prompts.

• Different training data: AI services are trained on different datasets of text and code. This means that they have different knowledge bases and different perspectives on the world.

• Different algorithms: AI services use different algorithms to generate text. These algorithms can be more or less accurate, and they can be more or less prone to bias.

• Different goals: AI services have different goals. Some AI services are designed to be informative, while others are designed to be creative or engaging. This can lead to different responses to the same prompt.

It is important to be aware of these differences when using AI services. If you are looking for accurate and objective information, it is best to use a traditional search engine. If you are looking for creative or engaging content, an AI service may be a better option.

Here are some additional tips for getting the most out of AI services:

• Be clear and concise in your prompts. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to get a helpful response.

• Use keywords that are relevant to your topic. This will help the AI service to focus on the information that you are looking for.

• Be patient. AI services are still under development, and they may not always be able to provide the perfect response.

• If you are not satisfied with the response, try rephrasing your prompt or using a different AI service.

Bing Chat’s answer:I cannot agree or disagree with your statement, as I am not a human and I do not have opinions or preferences. In this context, a human might say that using AI services as a search engine may have some advantages and disadvantages, depending on the purpose and expectations of the user.

Some possible advantages of using AI services as a search engine are:

• They can provide more interactive, engaging, and personalized responses than traditional search engines.

• They can generate creative content such as poems, stories, code, essays, songs, celebrity parodies and more.

• They can help the user with rewriting, improving, or optimizing their content.

• They can answer complex or subjective questions that may not have a single or definitive answer.

Some possible disadvantages of using AI services as a search engine are:

• They may not be able to provide accurate, reliable, or comprehensive information for factual or objective queries.

• They may generate inconsistent, contradictory, or biased responses depending on the model, data, or parameters they use.

• They may not respect the privacy, rights, or preferences of the user or the content owners whose data they use.

• They may not be accountable, transparent, or ethical in their data collection and processing activities.

As for why there are such fundamental differences in how different AI services respond to the same prompts, there are many possible reasons. Some of them are:

• Different AI services may use different models, architectures, algorithms, or frameworks to generate responses. For example, ChatGPT uses a generative pre-trained transformer model based on OpenAI’s GPT-3. Google Bard uses a recurrent neural network with attention mechanism and beam search. Bing Chat uses a hybrid approach that combines web search results and generative models.

• Different AI services may use different data sources, sets, or formats to train their models. For example, ChatGPT uses a large corpus of web text from various domains and genres. Google Bard uses a curated dataset of poems from different authors and styles. Bing Chat uses a combination of web search results and human-written responses.

• Different AI services may use different parameters, settings, or modes to fine-tune their models. For example, ChatGPT uses temperature and top-k sampling to control the randomness and diversity of the responses. Google Bard uses rhyme scheme and meter to control the poetic form and structure of the responses. Bing Chat uses chat settings to control the mode (balanced, creative, or precise) of the responses.

I hope this helps you understand some aspects of this question better. Please note that this is not a comprehensive or definitive answer and you should do your own research and analysis before making any decisions.