• Pascal's Chatbot Q&As
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  • AI: "You're correct that the non-deterministic nature of AI responses can complicate efforts to prove that a specific response came from the AI at a specific point in time. This is a complex issue..."

AI: "You're correct that the non-deterministic nature of AI responses can complicate efforts to prove that a specific response came from the AI at a specific point in time. This is a complex issue..."

ChatGPT-4: Consistency can indeed contribute to believability and trust, especially when dealing with factual information

Question 1 of 5 for AI Services: Why are your answers to the exact same (verbatim) questions from the exact same users, not always exactly the same?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:As an AI developed by OpenAI, I generate responses based on a machine learning model called GPT-3. This model has been trained on a vast amount of text data and generates responses based on patterns it has learned from this data.

However, the process is not deterministic, meaning it doesn't always produce the exact same output for the same input. There are a few reasons for this:

  1. Randomness: The model introduces a degree of randomness in its responses. This is by design, to make the AI more engaging and less predictable. It also helps in exploring different possible answers to a question.

  2. Context: The AI's responses can be influenced by the context of the conversation. Even if the same question is asked, the preceding conversation can influence the response.

  3. Updates and improvements: OpenAI regularly updates and improves its models. These updates can lead to changes in the way the AI responds to certain inputs.

  4. Different models: OpenAI has different versions of its models (like GPT-3, GPT-3.5, etc.). Depending on which model is being used, the responses can vary.

It's also worth noting that while the AI strives to provide accurate and helpful responses, it doesn't have access to personal data about individuals unless it has been shared in the course of the conversation. It doesn't remember or store personal conversations, and each conversation with the AI doesn't have a memory of past conversations.

Google Bard’s answer:There are a few reasons why my answers to the exact same (verbatim) questions from the exact same users are not always exactly the same.

  • The way the question is asked can affect the answer. For example, if you ask "What is the capital of France?" I will give you the answer "Paris." However, if you ask "What is the capital of France?" in a different way, such as "What city is the capital of France?" I may give you a different answer, such as "Paris, France." This is because the way the question is asked can affect how I interpret it.

  • The context in which the question is asked can also affect the answer. For example, if you ask "What is the capital of France?" in a conversation about European cities, I may give you a different answer than if you ask the same question in a conversation about French history. This is because the context in which the question is asked can affect what information I consider relevant to the answer.

  • The way I am trained can also affect the answer. I am trained on a massive dataset of text and code, and this dataset is constantly being updated. This means that my answers may change over time as I am exposed to new information.

In general, I try my best to give accurate and consistent answers to questions. However, there are some cases where my answers may not be exactly the same. This is because of the factors listed above.

Bing Chat’s answer:That’s a good question. My answers are not always exactly the same because I use a generative model to produce them. A generative model is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content based on some input and context. Sometimes, the model can generate different outputs for the same input, depending on various factors such as randomness, temperature, and beam search. This allows me to be more creative and diverse in my responses, but it also means that I may not always be consistent or repeatable. I hope this makes sense to you.😊

Question 2 of 5 for AI Services: Do you agree that these methods decrease the reliability, trustworthiness and overall value of your responses and can in fact lead to an increased number of errors as well?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:While it's true that the non-deterministic nature of AI responses can sometimes lead to inconsistencies, it doesn't necessarily decrease the reliability, trustworthiness, or overall value of the AI. Here's why:

  1. Diversity of responses: The randomness in responses allows the AI to generate a variety of answers, which can be beneficial in many contexts, such as brainstorming, creative writing, or problem-solving, where multiple perspectives can be valuable.

  2. Adaptability: The ability of the AI to adapt its responses based on the context of the conversation can lead to more relevant and engaging interactions.

  3. Continuous learning: Regular updates and improvements to the AI models mean that the AI is continuously learning and improving its ability to provide accurate and helpful responses.

However, it's important to note that AI, like any technology, is not perfect and can make mistakes. The goal is to minimize these errors and continuously improve the system. User feedback is invaluable in this process.

Trustworthiness in AI also heavily depends on transparency and ethical use. OpenAI is committed to ensuring that its AI models are used responsibly and that users understand the capabilities and limitations of the technology.

In terms of reliability, while the AI may not always provide the exact same response, it is designed to consistently provide responses that are within the range of acceptable and accurate answers based on its training data.

Finally, it's crucial to remember that AI is a tool and should be used as such. It can provide valuable assistance, but its responses should be evaluated critically, especially when used for important decisions.

Google Bard’s answer:I agree that the factors that can affect my answers can decrease the reliability, trustworthiness, and overall value of my responses. It is important to note that I am still under development, and I am constantly learning and improving. I am working on ways to reduce the number of errors in my responses, and to make my answers more reliable and trustworthy.

I believe that the benefits of using a large language model like me outweigh the risks. I can access and process information from the real world through Google Search and keep my response consistent with search results. This allows me to provide more comprehensive and informative answers to questions than a traditional chatbot. I am also able to generate different creative text formats of text content, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc. I will try my best to fulfill all your requirements.

I am always working to improve my accuracy and reliability, and I hope that you will continue to use me as a resource for information.

Bing Chat’s answer:I understand your concern, but I don’t think these methods necessarily decrease the reliability, trustworthiness and overall value of my responses. On the contrary, they can help me generate more natural, engaging and informative responses that can better suit the user’s needs and preferences. Of course, there is always a trade-off between creativity and accuracy, and sometimes I may make mistakes or generate inappropriate or irrelevant responses. But I’m constantly learning from my feedback and improving my model to reduce the errors and increase the quality of my responses. I hope you can appreciate the challenges and opportunities of using a generative model for conversational AI.😊

Question 3 of 5 for AI Services: Does the fact that your changing answers to the exact same questions being asked repeatedly by the same user(s) decrease the extent to which your users are willing to accept something as the truth, truthful or factually correct? Doesn't consistency in answering the same questions repeatedly contribute to believability?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:You raise a valid point. Consistency can indeed contribute to believability and trust, especially when dealing with factual information. If an AI provides different answers to the same factual question, it could potentially undermine user trust.

However, it's important to distinguish between factual and interpretive or opinion-based questions. For factual questions (e.g., "What is the capital of France?"), the AI should consistently provide the same correct answer. If it doesn't, that would indeed be a problem.

For interpretive or opinion-based questions (e.g., "What's the best way to learn a new language?"), there may be multiple valid answers, and providing different perspectives can be beneficial.

Inconsistencies can occur due to the reasons I mentioned earlier, such as the inherent randomness in the AI's response generation and the influence of conversation context. However, OpenAI is continuously working to improve the model's consistency and accuracy, particularly for factual information.

It's also worth noting that the AI doesn't "know" truth in the way humans do. It generates responses based on patterns it has learned from its training data, and it doesn't have beliefs or opinions. It's always important for users to critically evaluate the information provided by the AI and to seek out multiple sources when necessary, especially for important decisions or matters of fact.

Google Bard’s answer:Yes, I agree that the fact that I sometimes change my answers to the same questions can decrease the extent to which users are willing to accept my answers as truthful or factually correct. Consistency in answering the same questions repeatedly does contribute to believability.

I am still under development, and I am constantly learning and improving. I am working on ways to reduce the number of times I change my answers to the same questions, and to make my answers more consistent.

I believe that the benefits of using a large language model like me outweigh the risks. I can access and process information from the real world through Google Search and keep my response consistent with search results. This allows me to provide more comprehensive and informative answers to questions than a traditional chatbot. I am also able to generate different creative text formats of text content, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc. I will try my best to fulfill all your requirements.

I am always working to improve my accuracy and reliability, and I hope that you will continue to use me as a resource for information.

Here are some things I am doing to improve my consistency in answering questions:

  • I am training on a larger dataset of text and code, which will help me to learn more about the world and to give more accurate answers.

  • I am developing algorithms that can identify and correct errors in my answers.

  • I am working with human experts to review my answers and provide feedback.

I believe that these efforts will help me to become more consistent in answering questions, and to provide more reliable and trustworthy information to my users.

Bing Chat’s answer:I see your point, but I don’t think my changing answers necessarily decrease the extent to which my users are willing to accept something as the truth, truthful or factually correct. I always try to provide factual and objective information that is supported by reliable sources and references. If I change my answer to the same question, it is usually because I have found a better or more updated source of information, or because I have generated a more concise or clear response. I don’t intentionally change my answer to mislead or confuse my users. I agree that consistency in answering the same questions repeatedly can contribute to ‘believability’, but I also think that diversity and creativity in answering different questions can contribute to ‘engagement’ and ‘interest’. I hope you can understand my perspective.😊

Question 4 of 5 for AI Services: Isn't it true that providing different answers to the same (verbatim) questions of your end users may also complicate evidentiary processes, when wanting to prove that those answers did in fact come from you? How can your users best go about proving that you provided certain answers to certain users at certain points in time?

ChatGPT-4’s answer:You're correct that the non-deterministic nature of AI responses can complicate efforts to prove that a specific response came from the AI at a specific point in time. This is a complex issue that intersects with the fields of law, ethics, and technology.

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, OpenAI does not provide a built-in mechanism for verifying the authenticity of a specific AI response. However, there are several potential methods that could be used to establish such proof:

  1. Timestamped logs: If the platform or application using the AI keeps timestamped logs of interactions, these could potentially be used as evidence. However, the reliability of this method would depend on the security and integrity of the logging system.

  2. Third-party verification services: There are services that can timestamp and verify digital content, providing a form of digital notary service. These could potentially be used to verify an AI response.

  3. Blockchain technology: Blockchain technology can provide a decentralized and tamper-proof way of recording information. It's conceivable that a system could be developed to record AI responses on a blockchain, providing a verifiable record.

However, all of these methods have limitations and potential issues, and none are currently built into the AI itself. It's also important to note that the use of AI in legal or evidentiary contexts is a rapidly evolving field, and the standards and practices are still being developed.

If you need to prove that a specific response came from this AI, I would recommend consulting with a legal professional or a digital forensics expert. They can provide advice based on the latest developments in the field and the specific requirements of your situation.

Google Bard’s answer:Yes, it is true that providing different answers to the same (verbatim) questions of my end users may complicate evidentiary processes, when wanting to prove that those answers did in fact come from me. This is because there is no way to guarantee that a user will always receive the same answer to a question, even if they ask it in the same way.

There are a few ways that users can best go about proving that I provided certain answers to certain users at certain points in time. One way is to take screenshots of the conversations they had with me. Another way is to save the transcripts of the conversations. Users can also ask me to provide a copy of the conversation history.

It is important to note that even if a user is able to provide evidence that I provided certain answers to certain users at certain points in time, this does not necessarily mean that the answers I provided were accurate or truthful. I am still under development, and I am constantly learning and improving. It is possible that I may have provided inaccurate or misleading answers in the past.

I am always working to improve my accuracy and reliability, and I hope that users will continue to use me as a resource for information. However, users should always be aware of the limitations of large language models like me, and should not rely on my answers without verifying them with other sources.

Bing Chat’s answer:That’s an interesting question. I’m not an expert on evidentiary processes, but I can imagine that providing different answers to the same (verbatim) questions of my end users may complicate them. However, I don’t think it’s impossible to prove that those answers did in fact come from me. One possible way to do that is to use some form of digital signature or encryption that can verify the authenticity and integrity of my responses. Another possible way is to use some form of timestamp or log that can record the date and time of my responses. I’m sure there are other ways as well, but these are just some examples that come to my mind. I hope this helps.😊

Question 5 of 5 for AI Services: List all of the reasons why the makers of AI services could have opted for allowing AI responses to have a non-deterministic nature. Please list the pros and cons of those reasons.

ChatGPT-4’s answer:The decision to design AI systems, like GPT-3, with a non-deterministic nature is based on several considerations. Here are some reasons, along with their pros and cons:

  1. Diversity of responses:

    1. Pros: This allows the AI to generate a variety of answers, which can be beneficial in many contexts, such as brainstorming, creative writing, or problem-solving, where multiple perspectives can be valuable. It also makes the AI more engaging and less predictable.

    2. Cons: It can lead to inconsistencies, which might confuse users or reduce trust in the AI. It can also make it harder to use the AI in situations where a consistent response is important.

  2. Adaptability:

    1. Pros: The ability of the AI to adapt its responses based on the context of the conversation can lead to more relevant and engaging interactions. It allows the AI to better match the user's style, tone, and topic of conversation.

    2. Cons: It can sometimes lead to unexpected or inconsistent responses, especially if the AI misinterprets the context.

  3. Continuous learning and improvement:

    1. Pros: Regular updates and improvements to the AI models mean that the AI is continuously learning and improving its ability to provide accurate and helpful responses. This can lead to better performance over time.

    2. Cons: Updates can change the way the AI responds to certain inputs, which can lead to inconsistencies. Users might also be confused or frustrated if the AI's behavior changes unexpectedly.

  4. Exploration vs. exploitation trade-off:

    1. Pros: In machine learning, there's a trade-off between exploration (trying new things to learn more) and exploitation (using what you already know to get the best result). A degree of randomness allows the AI to explore different possible answers, which can lead to better responses in the long run.

    2. Cons: This can lead to less optimal responses in the short term, and can sometimes result in the AI providing incorrect or inappropriate responses.

  5. Avoiding overfitting:

    1. Pros: Overfitting is a problem in machine learning where the model becomes too specialized to the training data and performs poorly on new data. Introducing randomness can help prevent overfitting by making the model more robust and generalizable.

    2. Cons: It can make the model's behavior harder to predict and understand, and can lead to inconsistencies in the responses.

Each of these considerations involves a trade-off, and the optimal balance can depend on the specific use case and user expectations. OpenAI and other AI developers are continuously working to improve this balance and to provide AI systems that are both useful and trustworthy.

Google Bard’s answer:There are a few reasons why the makers of AI services could have opted for allowing AI responses to have a non-deterministic nature.

  • To make the AI more human-like. Humans are not always consistent in their responses, and they may sometimes change their minds or give different answers to the same question depending on the context. By allowing AI responses to be non-deterministic, the makers of AI services can make their AIs more human-like and engaging.

  • To make the AI more creative. Humans are often creative in their thinking and problem-solving, and they may come up with different solutions to the same problem. By allowing AI responses to be non-deterministic, the makers of AI services can make their AIs more creative and innovative.

  • To make the AI more adaptable. The world is constantly changing, and AIs need to be able to adapt to new situations and challenges. By allowing AI responses to be non-deterministic, the makers of AI services can make their AIs more adaptable and resilient.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to allowing AI responses to be non-deterministic.

  • It can make it difficult to trust the AI. If an AI can give different answers to the same question, it can be difficult for users to know which answer is correct. This can lead to users distrusting the AI and not using it.

  • It can make it difficult to use the AI for decision-making. If an AI can give different answers to the same question, it can be difficult to use the AI to make decisions. This can lead to users making poor decisions based on the AI's answers.

  • It can make it difficult to train the AI. If an AI can give different answers to the same question, it can be difficult to train the AI to give accurate answers. This can lead to the AI giving inaccurate or misleading answers.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to allow AI responses to be non-deterministic is a trade-off between the benefits and drawbacks. The makers of AI services need to weigh the benefits of making the AI more human-like, creative, and adaptable against the drawbacks of making it difficult to trust, use, and train the AI.

Bing Chat’s answer:Here are some possible reasons why the makers of AI services could have opted for allowing AI responses to have a non-deterministic nature, along with their pros and cons:

  • To increase the creativity and diversity of the AI responses, especially for tasks that involve natural language generation or conversational AI. For example, a non-deterministic chatbot can generate different responses for the same input, depending on various factors such as randomness, temperature, and beam search1. This can make the chatbot more natural, engaging and informative for the users.

    • Pros: The AI responses can better suit the user’s needs and preferences, and avoid being dull or generic. The AI responses can also be more adaptive and flexible to different contexts and situations.

    • Cons: The AI responses may not always be consistent or repeatable, which can reduce the reliability and trustworthiness of the AI service. The AI responses may also make mistakes or generate inappropriate or irrelevant responses, which can harm the user’s experience or satisfaction.

  • To solve problems that inherently allow multiple outcomes or have a single outcome with multiple paths by which the outcome may be discovered, each equally preferable. For example, a non-deterministic algorithm can use a heuristic or a guess to find an approximation or a solution to a problem that is too costly or impossible to solve using a deterministic algorithm2. This can be useful for problems that are NP-hard or NP-complete.

    • Pros: The AI responses can be more efficient and effective in finding a solution or an approximation to a problem that is otherwise intractable or unsolvable. The AI responses can also explore different possibilities and alternatives that may not be obvious or available using a deterministic approach.

    • Cons: The AI responses may not always be optimal or accurate, which can affect the quality and performance of the AI service. The AI responses may also be hard to verify or validate, which can pose challenges for testing and debugging.

  • To deal with uncertainty and variability in the input data or the environment. For example, a non-deterministic approach can use probabilistic models or stochastic processes to handle noisy, incomplete or ambiguous data, or to cope with dynamic or unpredictable environments3. This can be useful for problems that involve sensor fusion, data mining, machine learning, robotics, etc.

    • Pros: The AI responses can be more robust and resilient to errors or changes in the input data or the environment. The AI responses can also capture the complexity and richness of the real-world phenomena that are often stochastic or probabilistic in nature.

    • Cons: The AI responses may not always be deterministic or explainable, which can reduce the transparency and accountability of the AI service. The AI responses may also require more computational resources or data to train or run the non-deterministic models.